Neighbourhood Governance
Notes of Hobbayne Ward Forum, Sixth Form, Drayton Manor High School, Drayton bridge Road, Ealing, W7 1EU
Held on Thursday 25th October 2012, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Present:Councillor Colm Costello and Councillor Ray Wall
Apologies: Councillor Wendy Langan
Attendees:43 residents attended the meeting
Officers present:Tan Afzal (TA) Neighbourhood Governance Coordinator (London Borough of Ealing)
Jim Gregory - Manager at Brent Lodge Park Animal Centre
Caroline Jenkinson – Housing Strategic Involvement Team
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Actions from previous meeting
Cllr Wall opened up the meeting by welcoming all attendees, and introducing the officers and guests in attendance.TA responded to actions from the previous meeting:
Will there be more computers at Hanwell Library after the refurbishment is complete?
There will be three additional computers to the numbers we have already.
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Housing’ Strategic Involvement Team
Caroline Jenkinson reported on the remit of her team, which included the following:
- To establish structures which will enable residents to help shape the service
- As of January 2011 a Housing Forum and scrutiny panels have been set up to give residents a greater voice about the service they receive. The panel include areas such as anti-social behaviour, repairs and maintenance and cleaning. The Scrutiny Board reviews the level of service received, this information is fed up to the Housing Forum which is chaired by Hitesh Tailor, the housing portfolio holder.
- Work with residents associations which play a vital role in resolving issues locally. They are a powerful collective voice for local communities, this also extends to sheltered housing.
- The team manages 8 community centres, three are self-managed centres.
- Arrange resident inspection teams, which include mystery shoppers which assess the way telephone calls are handled, check cleaning and caretaking and a number of other services available for residents.
- Arrange training for residents to help empower them with the skills to build self-confidence and create opportunities for employment. Skills include computer training, CV writing, running a residents association and minute taking.
- The small estate scheme awards funding to projects which can help improve local estates. Residents are asked to bid for funds, projects can include but are not restricted to new benches, play areas and railings.
CJ: yes, we can also help residents to pull the bids together, by having a surveyor assess it. Recently a sheltered housing unit suffered from parking problems, we added new lines and a gate which helped to prevent problems from occurring.
3. / Brent Lodge Animal Centre – Jim Gregory
JG reported on the following:
- New building works with Belvue
- The rabbits are popular but their tendency to remain sheltered for most of the day means they don’t make for great viewing. Giant rabbits will be added, they tend to remain stationary which means visitors can see them for the most part of the day.
- An enclosure for new large rodents has been built in partnership with Broadway 65.
- Recently won external funding for an incubation programme with chickens in schools. This will help primary school children to express themselves and aid with anger management.
- Aiming to deliver adult education classes, with one individual learning to become a teacher/lecturer
- Soon will be working with external agencies to set up podcasts
- Zoo licence will be reviewed, we are working hard to provide a report on the last three years
- Art studio is flourishing
- The centre is being used as a pilot for park signage
JG: We have had a leak in the pond, each time we fill it up the alga growth grows.The pond needs to be relined.
RW: IS it becoming more popular
JG: Difficult to gauge without a counter system, we recently took numbers for the butterfly house and multiplied this by three. With schools we are ever expanding. / Res: There is no directional signage at the car park by St Mary’s church. People are confused about location of Bunny Park. Most people are unaware that it is officially known as Brent Lodge Park.
Res:Do you have plans for the small café to serve for longer hours. They It closes very early and often during winter it is left unmanned.
JG: It is leased out as a private venture, the terms of the lease does include hours of operation.
Res: Is the stable open, do you have any plans for it?
JG: They have made it weather proof.
Res: There is some fencing missing at Connelly Dell, please can you address this. (Action)
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Transport Updates
Ruislip Road East and Greenford AvenueMaps of the amended plans to Ruislip Road East roundabout were disseminated.
- Officers are modelling a single-lane approach to the roundabout from Ruslip Road East and Greenford Avenue. The intention is to aid safety, by improving visibility and reducing crossing distances for pedestrians.
- Zebra crossing will move further south on Greenford Avenue. Pupils of Brentside High are still crossing at the stretch of road closest to the school entrance. Implementation will involve re-siting the bus stop and the bus cage further south too. The refuge island will move south too, moving closer to the school to deter pupils from entering the carriageway at points where there is no crossing facility.
- Parking restrictions made up of double yellow lines and single yellow lines will be added to the area between the relocated bus shelter and the roundabout, to avoid parked cars becoming a danger to pedestrian and other motorists.
Cllr Costello reported on concept designs for Uxbridge Road, also known as Corridor 1c. The plans currently include a mini roundabout at the junction of Church Road to Uxbridge Road, reversing Cherington Road to one-way and creating more lanes for cyclists. The intention is to make the area safer for pedestrians. Please do not dismiss this straight away. There will be a multi-ward forum meeting in November at which transport planners will present the plans and respond to any questions or enquiries. / Res: What statistical proof do you have that warrants the need to reduce the number of lanes to one at the approach to the roundabout?
Action: TA to enquire with highways officers.
Res: The backlog to Greenford will create chaos, traffic going right will downgrade this roundabout.
Res: Since the road was amended there has been standing water at Ruislip Road East going west.
Res: This will create rat runs, with more motorists using Bordars Road.
Cllr Costello: I am not happy with the option, but it will be modelled by computer software which will provide transport planners with information on whether the change has a positive or negative impact on traffic and safety.
Cllr Wall asked everyone to indicate their views on the single-lane approach. All attendees raised hands when asked whether they objected.
Res: At the recent Hanwell Community Forum the general feeling was that pedestrian safety had been addressed within these plans. The main issue was the concern with having Cherrington Road one way which would cause rat running through Montague Road.
Res: Is there any chance of opening Half Acre Road?
Res: Work at the bottom of Studland Road and bridge Avenue to include an island, has not been completed.
Res: How do we implement the 20mph zone at Studland Road, can a Vehicle Activated Sign be installed.
Cllr Costello: Speed survey was carried out, which led to the inclusion of two speed humps at Mayfield Avenue. This issue needs to be addressed by London Buses.
Res: As a resident of Poets corner I would like to state that it is not possible to legislate over people who simply want to speed. For all the parents who speed in this area when picking and dropping of their children, can the school please liaise with parents by educating them on the importance of keeping within the speed limits.
5 / Ward Updates
Cllr Wall reported on the following:
- Crossways is the oldest house in Hanwell on The Green. The Council has been waiting for nearly a year for the High Court to hear the owners (Fowlers) appeal against the Planning Inspectorates decision from the last planning appeal in May 2011. The court heard the case on 10 October 2012.
- We intend to give the Fowlers ample opportunity to meet with us and agree the preservation to the building based on the repairs Schedule we sent them some weeks ago.
- The DCMS has been waiting for over a year to make public their decision regarding the Fowlers’ application to de-list the building, they are likely to issue that decision any day.
- Subject to the decision by DCMS, if the Fowlers’ refuse to repair the building themselves, we are primed to issue the Repairs Notice by the end of November.
- A committee report will be put to the December planning committee to fully update Councillors and , if necessary, require permission to take the process through to CPO and transfer of the building to the Spitafields Trust for repair and restoration.
Cllr Wall reported the council would meet with current management of HCC at a court hearing on 31st October.
Cllr Costello stated the judge will then decide what would be considered as reasonable terms for the lease.
Hanwell Library
Cllr Wall reported on the recent closure of Hanwell Library, which took place on 20th October. A ‘Putting Hanwell Library to Sleep’ event took place, this was arranged by the councils library services in partnership with community groups. Near to 550 people took part. He thanked Hanwell Community Forum.
MUGA at High Lane Estate
Cllr Wall reported this project was currently with the planning team and is awaiting an officers decision. Groundwork have submitted a new plan which includes fencing that will help buffer noise that could be emitted from children playing football. Oce approval has been granted the council expects to have the play area fully erected and functional before Christmas – weather permitting. / Res: Some of the sheeting is loose, if we have severe weather its possible the building will collapse beyond repair. The Fowlers’ are simply continuing to appeal the case until that time when the building collapses.
Res: Are the owners private?
Cllr Wall: Yes, they had intended to live there.
Res: The details to this case are very easy to follow, can you please add them to the ward forum pages?
Action: TA to add link to ward forum pages.
Res (John Sears): Currently the HCC is very active, we cater for a variety of events and interests, including a full time nursery, martial arts, thai boxing, singing and yoga. Drayton Manor are using the centre as a sports facility while they upgrade their own.
Res: Why did they replace the kitchen with a new but very small facility. The ancient vending machine which sells terrible food for young children should be removed.
Cllr Wall: I have seen money in the budget to improve the centre, however, untilt the current leaseholder and the council come to an agreement, it is difficult to resolve matters.
Res: You need to add a notice to the front of the library, to inform residents they can go to West Ealing Library.
Action: TA to advise libraries accordingly
Res: When the library re-opens, please spend greater focus on events for young children.
6 / Ward Forum Budget
A copy of the ward forum budget summary sheet was disseminated to all attendees.
TA reported on the play area at Pilgrim Estate. The first proposed site did not receive planning consent. An alternative site close to the rail tracks has been considered appropriate; a landscape architect has drawn up plans. The cost of the project has doubled with the need for some significant land forming works.
A bid to the small estates scheme has been submitted to help absorb the costs. / Res: Is it worth investing in the 20mph zone at grove Avenue?
Cllr Costello: It is purely signage, I am not convince the money would be well spent.
Res: Living at the end of Grove Avenue, I regularly witness motorists speeding by, using the road as a rat run or for their school run. Turning this are into an official 20mph zone would be a waste of money.
Cllr Wall: I attended the resident associations AGM at which time it was obvious that neighbours are becoming very upset about speeding and the lack of parking.
Res: As a parent of very young children I am concerned about the potential danger these cars are to my family. My neighbour and I have had our wing mirrors tapped off and damaged, a neighbour’s dog was run over recently. Cllr Wall sent me the various transport plans from 2005/06, which included one-ways and blocking access from one end. I agree a 20mph zone will not work, but we do need an alternative.
Res: At Greenford Avenue, to the end of Milton Avenue, doggie bags are being left by the trees. This is unsightly and terribly unhygienic.
JG: we would like a contribution from the ward forum for materials used in some of our projects.
Cllr Wall: Please provide us with more information as to what is needed and why.
Res: Can you please add bins at the two locations on Village Green which have benches but no bins.
Res: The tree on Church Road, right hand side past the golf club needs cutting back.
Res: The trees at Ruislip Road East by Cuckoo Avenue need to be cut back, so as the lights can be fully utilised.
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Any Other Business
Res: Is there any news on the housing built on Shakespeare Road, will it be built on the same footprint.Cllr Wall: Planning consent has been given, the build will be on existing footprint.
Res: Are there powers to improve shop frontages?
TA: Most businesses own a square meter at the front of their premises, for which they are than responsible for. In instances where the council are upgrading the footpath they will also replace the footpath owned by businesses. If the councils footpath is not being improved, the business will not benefit from an improvement either.
Res (Gillian Spragg): I help organise Ealing Autumn Festival, which first took place three years ago. This year was the 150th anniversary of Delius, to help mark this occasion we celebrated his music including his time in Hanwell which he spent in 1892. A heritage project made up of a guided historical walk and a booklet about the composer were part of the project The walk attracted 50 people, including Stephen Pound MP. Even though the home at which Delius stayed at is currently occupied, the owners were very gracious and allowed us to view the Victorian house.
A mock-up of the booklet has been created, we intend to display it at Ealing Town Hall, Hanwell Library, St Mellitus church and any other location at which locals could easily access it.
Res: Can you leave some at Ealing Central Library, the archive area is often very busy.
Res: Are the leaves in the gutters going to a landfill? Or are they recycled as fertiliser?
Action: TA to enquire with waste and recycling
Res: When skips are placed in front gardens the council does not charge them unlike when they are placed on public highway. The council should charge residents because the lorries used to place the skips often damage the footpath.
Res: Is the recycling back to normal?
Cllr Wall: Yes, the recycling is functioning, please separate your waste.
Res: As a resident of High Lane Estate I would like a bin for plastics
Res: One council has added stickers to lampposts asking residents to not flytip, can this council use the same approach.
Res: Can the footpath on Shakespeare Road close to Greenford Avenue be improved. The developers have damaged this end.
Res: Can you add a yellow box junction outside the Shell garage, to help buses enter the bus station?
Meeting Finished at 9:05pm
Date of next meeting is Tuesday 12th March 2012