Infusing Human Trafficking into Your Curriculum

“Developing a Module for Your Classes”

Module should include the following components:

·  Name: Derek Ames Petrey, Professor of Spanish

·  Module title: Identifying and Assisting Spanish-speaking Human Trafficking victims.

·  Approximate length of the Module: 60 minutes

·  Brief Description of the Module:

Human Trafficking is often referred to as “modern-day slavery”. Up to 30% of unauthorized Spanish-speaking workers may be victims of international human trafficking. While many domestic workers are also victims of human trafficking, undocumented immigrants are often told that they can earn their way to citizenship only to be trapped in coercive illegal labor arrangements in sweatshops, agriculture, landscaping, construction, and sexual exploitation in brothels. “Generally, extreme poverty, lack of economic opportunities, low societal status of women and girls, lax border checks, and the collusion of law enforcement contribute to an environment that encourages human smuggling and trafficking in persons.” (Existe Ayuda) The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has created several resources to assist Law Enforcement Officers and Health Care Professionals in identifying possible human trafficking victims.

·  Learning Objectives of the module:

Students can assess the difference between international human trafficking and human smuggling.

Identify key indicators of a victim of human trafficking.

Learn terminology related to international human trafficking and the screening questions used to identify possible victims of human trafficking in English and Spanish.

·  Teaching/facilitation notes:

Use the Existe Ayuda materials to differentiate human trafficking versus smuggling. (10 mins)

Discuss the scope of international human trafficking. (10 mins)

Use the screening card to discuss potential indicators for human trafficking victims. Do a paired practice of the questions and predict possible victim answers in Spanish (20 mins).

Use the Existe Ayuda vocabulary sheet to provide additional vocabulary for labor and sexual exploitation situations. (10 mins)

Discuss the resources available at the Office of Refugee Resettlement and the Type T Visa accommodations that can be made for human trafficking victims. (10 mins)

·  Resource list/guide: List of materials needed to complete this module in a course (videos, for example) including required readings for students

o  Look beneath the surface video (English):

o  Look beneath the surface video (Spanish):

o  Human trafficking assessment questions (Spanish):

o  Human trafficking assessment questions (English):

o  Human trafficking materials (English and other languages):



o  Existe Ayuda (There Is Help) vocabulary resource (English to Spanish):

o  Existe Ayuda (There Is Help) fact sheets on human trafficking vs human smuggling:

·  Outline of lectures, activities, and/or outside class activities required

Lecture Outline:

What is human trafficking? How does it differ from smuggling?

Where do internationally trafficked people come from? What is internal migration?

What are questions you could use to identify a possible victim of human trafficking?

o  Paired activity: pass out the screening cards in English and Spanish. After modelling the pronunciation, have students practice the questions in Spanish and predict possible answers trafficking victims might give

What are additional terms in Spanish that might be used to describe situations of labor and/or sexual exploitation?

What resources and services are available to victims of human trafficking through the Office of Refugee Resettlement?

Information about assessment of the module

Students are monitored in their paired activity for proper pronunciation and comprehension.

Vocabulary from this module can be used in vocabulary quizzes.

·  Biography of sources used to create the module

All works referenced are cited in the Resource list/guide