MOCAN Schools and Child Care Meeting Notes
January 19, 2017
Child Care
The Governor signed an executive order for a halt to any new regulations and a review of existing. This action makes the environment for seeking changes to child care regulationschallenging. In order to receive federal CCGB funds the state needs to pass a statute requiring fingerprinting for child care staff. Currently only background checks and child abuse/neglect checks are required.
Child Care Aware of Missouri
Given the regulation climate- the efforts to update cc licensing rules is on pause. CCA conducted pilot focus groups of St. Louis early education teachers. They want to keep the conversation going related to the original survey. They will continue to promote Eat Smart, Move Smart and Breastfeeding Friendly to encourage these voluntary certifications.
The St. Louis Business Health Coalition has identified child care as a priority and may be a good partner for our efforts. Denise will share the Coalition’s -Louise Probst’s contact information with Jessica.
CCA is currently seeking a new Executive Director.
The group discussed that the need for key talking points for framed messages to target current legislators. The Communication work group could be used to help frame our messages.
RWJ and AHA have conducted considerable research regarding message framing and could be a good resource.
The group discussed the local wellness policy resource. The group decided to provide MSBA with one resource list that is based on implementing the procedures vs resources that would assist in writing the policy. The list should include a resource for each category listed in the procedures. Work group members will be asked to contribute suggestions for resources.
One resource schools may be able to access is the DESE –School Food Services- Elearning modules: Serving Up Success. The modules are used to train food service staff. But the resources might also be used to train other school staff.
DESE recently hired a Community Eligibility Program Consultant to help enroll schools in the CPE. The funds for the position are provided by MFH. Currently 94 districts participate in CPE.
MOCAN Work Group Funding
A total of $10,000 is available for all work groups to support their activities. The application is due 2/15/17. Award notification will be sent out mid-March. Funds must be expended by 9/15/17.
Cindy will forward the notice from Jennifer to the work groups. The work groups will discuss proposals during their February conference calls.
The following priorities were identified:
- Framing messages for key decision makers for child care and school regarding group priorities.
- Package the new school wellness resources into user friendly format.
- Present at MSBA, MASA, MSNA conferences on LWP
- Funding for child care staff survey/ focus groups to serve as seed $ for larger requests from other funders.
Current members are asked to think about what partners they can bring into MOCAN and/or who could distribute our information and/or for whom we can distribute information. Please share suggestions with work group chairs.
Legislative visits
These visits could be conducted at the Capitol or when legislators are at home.
There are many new legislators that could be educated about MOCAN and our issues.
It was recommended to contact legislators using social media.