2013 Nike Cross National Qualifier
Cross Country Championship Meet
Saturday November 30, 2013
Bowdoin Park, Poughkeepsie, New York
Estimated Time Schedule
Thursday November 28: Girls Van Leaves McLaughlin House at 5:00 PM
8:00 PM Arrive at Hampton Inn, Johnson City/Binghamton 607-729-9125
Friday November 29:
7:00 AM Eat at Charlie’s if you want... or eat at home and meet at Charlie’s.
7:45 AM Load up at Charlie's and Leave EA.
*Lunch on the way...Wegman’s or bring a bag lunch to eat with something to drink.
10:45 AM Meet Girls Van in Johnson City at Wegman’s
2:00 PM Arrive at Bowdoin Park
Run Course/Workout: Have your Endurax and a snack to eat post-workout.
4:00 PM Go to Hotel and check in.
5:30 PM Eat Dinner at Olive Garden
8:30 PM Team Meeting: Directions / Numbers
9:30 PM Lights out. (Stay in your room for the night!)
Saturday November 30:
6:30 AM Wake up Eat Breakfast at Hotel
7:45 AM Leave hotel for race course.
Race Schedule:9:00 Boys Open
9:30 Girls Open
10:30 Open Race Awards Ceremony
11:00 NY Boys Championship Race top 7
11:35 NY Girls Championship Race top 7
2:10 Championship Races Awards Ceremony
What to bring:
$30 Hotel Thursday Night, $45 Friday Night, Breakfast included both days,
$15 Food: Dinner Friday 11/29 and Saturday 11/30) and misl. $ for a t-shirt or other NXN stuff.
We will plan on stopping at Wegman’s on the way home Saturday evening.
*The entry fee and transportation expenses will be paid for by our booster club.
*Uniform, sweats, spikes with 3/8 pins, and ½ pins, and running shoes.
*Dress for cool weather and rain and you will be prepared.
*A lunch for Friday with plenty of water to drink on the way. (I will bring a case of water)
*Something high in carbo’s (Endurax) to eat and drink after our workout on Friday.
*Something to snack on and drink late morning and after your race.
*You should be dressed in running attire to run the course on Friday since will be going directly there.
Friday Hotel Info: Hampton Inn and Suites, 2361 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 16201 845-463-7500