Ortra & Levy
L. Ortra1 andA. Levy2
11 Nirim St., P.O.Box 9352, Tel-Aviv61092
2Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev
P.O.Box 653, Beer-Sheva84105
The organizers of the International Conference on Industrial Logistics wish to publish a proceedings that includes all the papers that are presented in the conference. The proceedings will be distributed to all participants on registration.
The organizers of the International Conference on Industrial Logistics wish to publish a proceedings that includes all the papers that are presented in the conference. The proceedings will be distributed to all participants on registration.
Please use the layout as presented in this form. We shall not provide special layout sheets but you should keep in mind that we would use your manuscript for direct reproduction – “camera ready”. Please use A4 (21/29.7 cm) pages!
Please set the left margins to 2.5 cm and right to 2.5 cm, the upper margin to 3.5 cm and bottom margin to 2.5 cm. All papers are limited to 8 pages.
Please follow the instructions carefully.
2.1 Typing
Please use TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 points font. Use 1.5 spacing. Use left and right justifications. Each paragraph should be intended with 0.63 centimeters.
2.2 Headings
Title headings – center the title of your paper at upper margin of, using capital TIMES 14 bold characters. Skip one line and type the full name(s) of the author(s) centered using lower and upper case letters of 12 characters. Please put in bold the lecturer.
Manuscripts should be divided into numbered sections and subsections.
Major headings – print in capital, bold and underlined 12 points characters, and left justification.
Sub-headings – print in lower and upper case letters, bold, underlined and left justification.
The sections should follow the next order:
- …
- …
- …
Leave one line before and after each major heading and only one line before each subheading.
2.3 Abstract
Separate the abstract by two lines from the affilation and one line from the introduction.
2.4 Figures and Tables
Insert figures, diagrams and tables at the appropriate position and in the appropriate size in the text together with its caption, for example: “Fig. 5: …”, or “Table 3: …” using the same typing as in the text. The captions should appear at the bottom of the figures and at the top of the tables separated by one line. Separate the figures and tables together with their captions, as a unit, from the main text by one line and center. Figures, diagrams, tables and photos should be of high quality. Only high contrast photos should be used. Do not use colored photos or figures!
2.6 References
List and number all bibliographical references in the order in which they are cited at the end of the paper. The reference list should correspond in detail to the following examples:
- J.A.S. Cleaver, M. Ghadiri and N. Rolfe, Impact Attrition of Sodium Carbonate Monohydrate Crystals, Powder Technology76, pp. 15-22, 1993.
- M. Rhodes, Introduction to Particle Technology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998.
The references should be referred in the main text by using brackets, for example: Cohen [3], Levy and Cohen [9], Levy et al. [12].
Manuscripts should be sent by email as attached documents to by January 31, 2008 and in two formats: PDF and Microsoft WORD.
Paper length should be maximum of 8 pages!
Each author is requested to proofread his own manuscript. Contents and layout are the sole responsibility of the authors. Hand written corrections or typed additions, inconsistent with the general format will not be accepted.