Annual General Meeting – Badbury Park Community Association


Monday 26 June 2017

Time: 8:00pm

Venue: Great Western Hospital Academy Room


Acting Chair: John Roe (JR)

Swindon Borough Councillor and Mayor: Eric Shaw

Swindon Borough Councillor: Fionuala Foley

Parish Councillor: Anthony Hawkins

BPCA Management Team Members

Residents of Badbury Park: Karen Jones

Andy Jones

Lisa and Graham

Nicola Burgess

James Burgess

Judy Wieland

Chris Wieland

James Bickerstaffe

Nicky Bickerstaffe

Ken Nicholls

Sue Nicholls

Nitu Kumar

Nick Hale

Chris Hale

Roy Allen

Barbara Allen

Ann-Marie Hawkins

Anthony Hawkins

John Rowe

Eric Shaw

Fionuala Foley

Henrietta Ball

Daniel Boden

David West

Jan Rogers

Gerald Rogers

Gail Grant

Stacey Farrell

William Horley

Sue Shail

Claire Shail

The minutes are not verbatim but do note the key points of the discussion held

JR: Welcomed all present to the AGM and this evening we are interested in:

Ø  Attendance at meeting this evening;

Ø  Further contact for the future;

Ø  Invitation to join / renew membership of BPCA

Some voting taking place this evening as the meeting is an AGM. All welcome, but only members of the Association will be entitled to vote.

JR: Introduction to BPCA, management team and agenda. A hoped-for fun and positive meeting for all residents of BPCA. JR welcomed special guests; Borough Councillors Eric Shaw (ES) and Fionuala Foley (FF), and Parish Councillor Anthony Hawkins (AH).


1.  JR is ‘acting chair’ but the meeting will be appointing a Chair this evening. All present agreed for JR to continue chairing meeting.

2.  Minutes of last AGM held on 20 June 2016

JR summarised:

Ø  26 in attendance;

Ø  Various appointments - Chair / Treasurer / Committee Team

Ø  Constitution – limited to 4 management team members at the time of this AGM. 5 were elected and subsequent BPCA meeting authorised change to Constitution to allow up to 8 Management Team members. Purpose of Management Team is to:

Ø  Help and enable activities of BPCA

Ø  Organise social events. It is hoped to form a separate social committee for this

Ø  Costs of running the Association were covered mostly through provision of grants totalling £3000. Moving forward, aim to move towards financial sustainability without need for grants

Ø  Account balance at 31 May 2016 was £1641.09

Ø  The Community Governance consultation, resulting in the setting up of new Swindon South Parish Council

Ø  Community events – very successful;

Ø  Communication – various ways of communicating with residents; website, email and Facebook;

Ø  Representative contact with other groups e.g. Redrow and Persimmon including traffic issues;

Ø  Appointments of the management team – aim to form a social committee;

3.  Matters Arising

Ø  Possible future provision of community facilities. To be covered in this agenda

4.  Appointment of Office Holders

Appointments of new management team 2017 – JR explained the roles to the AGM:

Secretary – Stacey Farrell has put her name forward and JR explained the role of Secretary. JR asked residents if anyone wanted to put their name forward. No response. JR asked the residents to vote for SF as Secretary – SF elected unanimously.

Chair – JR explained the role of Chair and asked residents if anyone wanted to put their name forward. No response. JR asked the residents to vote for JR as Chair - JR elected, with one vote against.

Treasurer - JR explained the role of Treasurer. Ann-Marie Meehan Hawkins has put her name forward. JR asked residents if anyone wanted to put their name forward. No response. JR asked the residents to vote for Ann-Marie Meehan Hawkins as Treasurer – AMMH elected unanimously.

Management team – Gerald Rogers, Andrew Jones, Chris Hale, Daniel Boden and Nichola Bickerstaffe have been nominated. All voted en bloc.

JR asked if anyone else wanted to join, to let him know after the meeting. BPCA can co-op members to the Management Team as required.

5.  Trustees Report

JR presented the Trustees Report.

See attached.

JR asked if anyone has questions or comments. No response.

6.  Finance Report

Henrietta Ball presented the financial report.

See attached statement.

Hard copies of the finance report available for residents

7.  Appointment of Independent Examiners

JR thanked Henrietta for her update, and thanked her for her time as treasurer of BPCA. Following on from the finance report, now looking to appoint independent examiners to examine accounts. Should anyone have any recommendations please advise the management team.

JR thanked residents for attending the AGM and if residents had any points or additional items to raise, please do so. No further points to discuss.

AGM closed: 8:36pm

Special guest, Mr Rod Hacker, Chairman, Swindon Branch of the Wilts and Berks Canal Trust gave a presentation of the future plans for the canal, which is planned to route through Badbury Park.

Eric Shaw and Fionuala Foley – Swindon Borough Councillors and Anthony Hawkins – Parish Councillor for Swindon South Parish spoke at end of meeting. They explained their respective roles regarding serving Badbury Park. They also explained the latest position regarding the possibility of future community facilities, including the new proposed school, which is scheduled for opening in September 2018.