Developmental Communications 35- Fundamental Reading 1 (Section 3125)

Fall 2016 Course Syllabus (3 Units)

Instructor: Stephanie Winnard


Phone: (818) 297-9697

Class Time: Wednesdays 6:45 PM to 9:55 PM in LARC 215

Office Hour: Wednesdays 6 PM to 6:30 PM, Location TBA

Student Learning Outcome: Students will expand vocabulary and improve reading comprehension.

In this class we will use literature to practice decoding, to improve pronunciation, to expand vocabulary and to improve reading comprehension. Students will learn general vocabulary but also vocabulary necessary to succeed specifically in academic settings. You will have time to practice silent reading as well as reading aloud with a partner. This class will focus on developing reading skills, but will also include elements of listening, writing, and speaking.

Genres Covered: fiction, science fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction, poetry, mythology, tall tales, fairy tales, children’s literature, young adult literature, persuasive writing, biographies, speeches and more

Mediums Used: books, newspapers, magazines, and more

Literary Devices Discussed: characters, plot, conflict, climax, symbolism, foreshadowing, alliteration, and more

Required Books: Step by Step, by Ron Mossler, Easy True Stories by Heyer, The One and Only Ivan by Applegate

Assignments: You must complete 4 Book Reviews due on Sept.28th, Oct.26th, Nov.30th, and Dec.14th. The first review is a written paper that must be typed, and the second and third reviews will be presentations, and the final review will be a Power Point presentation.

In Class Work: There will be discussions regarding the literature, individual assignments and group Book Club assignments given in class which you will be given points for.

Homework: Your homework is to read for at least 20 minutes every day, and to keep a Reading Log documenting the dates, what you read, how many pages, and for how long. I will be regularly checking these logs and you will receive points, so it is important you attend class to receive credit. Also, you must annotate the novel we are reading together as a class, approximately 3 to 5 annotations. (I will teach you how to annotate.) You will also have homework from our textbook as well as worksheets that I’ve created.

Decoding Tests- There will be periodic tests worth between 10 points each.

Supplies : Folder, binder for Reading Log, pen, pencils, highlighter, post-its, storage device for computer, dictionary (recommended)

Field Trip: There will a visit to the campus library and a tour by librarian Meghan Gaynor. Date TBA

Last Day of Instruction:Wednesday, Dec.7th

Final Presentation: Wednesday, Dec.14th from 7 PM to 9 PM

Evaluation: This class is a credit/no credit class worth 3 units. You either pass or you fail. You will receive points for the book reports and other assignments. You must attend class to receive points for your Reading Log and your individual assessments which I do in person, and you cannot make up these points if you are absent, so it is very important that you attend class.

Grading Criteria

4 Book Reviews at 50 points each = 200 points (You will be given a rubric for each report)

Weekly Reading Log at 20 points each = approximately 200 points (a few weeks I don’t check)

Weekly Individual Decoding Assessment at 10 points each =approximately 100 points

Book Club in Class Assignments = ? (these assignments range from 10 to 20 points each)

Homework Assignments = ? (these assignments range from 10 to 25 points each)

At the end of the semester your grade will be based on the amount of points you earned divided by the possible total points, converted into a percentage. You must obtain 80% of the total possible points to pass the class.

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating or plagiarizing is grounds for failing the course and referral to college administration for further disciplinary action. Please see the Schedule of Classes for more information.

Special Services: Please let me know if you have any disability that requires special services. Contact the SSD Office located in Student Services Annex, Room 175, or call them at (818) 947-2680, and fill out the proper paperwork. Thanks.

Reminder: Remember if you drop the class, please do so formally with the college; otherwise you risk receiving a Fail on your record.