1. Scope :

The Journal of the Coimbra Network of Physical Education and Sport Science (JPESS) is published on behalf of the Coimbra Network of Sport Sciences. JPESS welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of sport and exercise science, with strong theoretical or empirical emphasis. Authors may also submit articles on other innovative issues and approaches. The researchers from the Coimbra Network partners are the main target of the journal.

  1. Editorial Board

Laura Capranica- Università degli Studi di Roma “Foro Italico”, Italy

JaumeCruz-Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain

MarjeEfferink-Gemser- University of Gronningen, Netherlands

Kenneth Fox- University of Bristol, UK

Mary Gleeson- University of Newcastle, Australia

Amândio Graça- Faculdade de Desporto do Porto, Portugal

RobertMalina- Tarleton University, USA

Juarez Nascimento-Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Carlos Neto, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana de Lisboa, Portugal

NuriaPuig- INEF Catalunya, Spain

Daniel Courteix- UniversitéBlaise Pascal, France

3.Submission Guidelines

  • JPESS is peer-reviewed, being anonymously refereed by at least two reviewers
  • Article manuscripts should no longer than 4000 words for the text, excluding references. We will consider larger manuscripts, depending of the editor’s opinion. The format must include Introduction, Methods, Results, discussion and Conclusions.
  • Manuscripts must include an abstractup to 300 words and up to 5 keywords.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in English.
  • JCNSS does not publish manuscripts that have been published before elsewhere. The authors should include a letter to the editor ensuring the originality of the manuscript.
  • Each institution could not contribute more than 3 articles;
  • Authors are not permitted to submit more than one article;
  • The submission should follow the guidelines of the 5th edition of the American Psychology Association specially regarding tables, figures, headings and references;
  • Manuscripts are submitted by e-mail in double copy: one copy attached as a Microsoft Word document, and another copy attached as a PDF document, without the Cover Page or any other references that might lead to the identification of the author.
  • Manuscripts are submitted in Arial 12-type, double spaced, with a 4 cm margin to the left and without heathers or footnotes other than page numbers. Headings and subheadings can be used.
  • The Cover Page includes: full title, a running head up to 75 characters; the author(s) names and institutions, the first author’ contact (mailing addresses, phone, fax, and email address).
  • Tables and figures are sent in separate pages. The text must indicate precisely the place of the table or figure.
  • References are presented following APA 5th edition guidelines.
  • Acknowledgements must be presented at the end of the text, before references.
  • JPESS fully respects the code of ethics for scientific research. Authors must be aware that all researches must be approved by the proper Ethics Committee.

4.Reviewing Process

The peer review process may take up to two months. The process may be longer for authors who are asked to revise their manuscripts before publication. Once accepted, manuscripts may be published Online First based on the author(s)’ agreement.
