DUE Welcome to Exploring the Solar System Partner Webquest and Presentation- April 2016

TURN IN BY EMAIL BEFORE Wed May 4th 2016 400 points!


Period ______(must be in same period) Starting date: ______/______/_____ COMPUTER NUMBER:______

WHAT IS THE FORMAT- digital presentation: powerpoint, google slides, Prezi, etc.

Explore the Solar System! Fasten your seat harness and ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY!

~You must copy and paste each research website addresses onto the last slide or page of your presentation, the Works Cited page.

If it is a slide show or power point, just keep inserting new pages in front of it.

~Write the answers in bullet points. Avoid using complete sentences!

~Use the links provided first, then use additional sites for pictures and information. This will save time.

~ Pictures must NOT be used as background. Power points will NOT be graded (no points) if pictures are used behind words as backgrounds.

WHY ? They will not be scientific from distortion,and the letters will be hard to read.

(The planets or sun become oval if you fit the picture to the background.)

~ Font Arial 26+ for text.(Titles are OK in fancy fonts.) Be sure to contrast the font (if dark) with the background (light).


DIRECTIONS:Follow directions! Read this aloud to your partner to begin.

Wednesday- Take notes answering these specific questions in this packet. (Go to Ms. Buck’s 8th grade section on her page and use the links on this document!!) If a link does not work, please copy/paste it in and try again.

Thursday-Continue to take notes. bring a flash drive or use google to start the power point. Both partners save the presentation. (Your names and class period must be on the title slide and the file title. p2-Alice W., Maya T)

1. First slide- OUR SUN-take notes!Write all the answers in bullet points.

A) How much of the mass in our solar system is in the sun? It’s in the first paragraph! Don’t click on the highlighted words/links, stay on this page or you will get lost and waste your time!______


B)How does the mass effect the sun’s gravity? (same site as #1 )______>next page

C)What is the unit to measure solar system distances?

(end of 2nd paragraph look at the data table)______

Second slideINNER PLANETS as a group

A)Whichplanets are inner planets? (Paste in Google)

(Look for red bold letters sub title) ______

B)Which inner planet is the least and greatest AU from the sun?

Inner planet the least distant from sun______How many AU? ____ AU stands for______

Inner planet most distant from sun______How many AU? ____

C)What is the inner planets’ composition? (rocky, gaseous, etc.)

D)How long do they take to go one revolution period?

Thursday –

However, you still must title your power point as shown below, and you still must save it immediately after you write on the first slide. Continue to save after each slide or even more often.

Make your Title slide:

1. Click on power point icon. Then click on File (at top of page) and ‘new presentation’ in drop down menu.

2. a) Type on your title page ‘Exploring our Solar System’ withyour names, period, and today’s date.

b) Immediately save power point in documents like this:

Go to File (at top of page) then Save As in drop down menu. The file title is your period then your names like this:

Per 1 Rosa Pedraza, Eliza Le (If names don’t fit you have permission to use just the initial for last name, Rosa P.)

From now on, you can hit apple S (also called command S) to save. The slide show you put in ‘documents’ will be updated if you have it open and you are clicked on it. SAVE often! This is a back up in case someone is absent or loses a flash drive.

At the end of the period, you must also save presentation on your flash drive (or in drop box or google docs.)

ThirdSlide-OUTER PLANETS as a group (If you wish you can make a slide 4a and 4)

List the outer planets.______What are they outside of?______

A) What are the outer planet’s sizes? ______ience

B) How many AU from the sun are they? Scroll to large chart! ______

B) What are they outer planets made of? (theircomposition? )______

C)How long do they take to do one orbit? (AKA revolution period) ______

Scroll down after the birthday section.

D)How many moons do they have? - MoonNames

Fifth Slide COMPARE /CONTRAST Inner and outer planets: use your previous slides information for B C D

What differences are there between the 4 inner planets and 4 outer planets in these features:

A) Size: The 4 inner planets ______but the 4 outer planets______Scroll through first 2 slides: (Info on size of solar system planets, and our sun’s size compared to other stars.)

B) Composition (The 4 inner planets ______but the 4 outer planets______

C) How long do they take to orbit the sun? The 4 inner planets take ______but the 4 outer planets take…

D) Moons (number of moons.) The 4 inner planets have more/less moons than the outer planets? ______


A)Where in the solar system do you find the asteroid belt?Online Asteroid Notes: )

B)How is the asteroid belt related to the way we use the terms ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ planets?

C)What is a cool or surprising fact about the asteroid belt? ______

D)What is the asteroid belt like? Describe after you watch Quicktime movie link below: ______

E)The movement of the asteroid belt is similar to the planets since______

The composition of the asteroid belt (what it’s made of) is similar towhich type of planets ?


CONGRATULATIONS ASTRONAUTS AND RESEARCHERS on your successful mission to explore the solar system!

Please email your completed presentation to Ms. Buck at

(Your names and class period must be on the first slide and the file title. p2-Alice W., Maya T

Be sure to check that you followed directions for the first slide or you will not get credit!