ART Syllabus



Room 404

The primary objective of all art classes is simple: TO USE ART AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING TWO LIFE SKILLS – ORGANIZATION & THE ABILITY TO FOLLOW A SET OF INSTRUCTIONS. With these goals in mind, the class is intended to encourage students to explore their own abilities to “make art” using a variety of media while also examining some of the great artists of history and other cultures and learn more about how art fits into our daily lives.

Art expectations (All polices are followed in the student handbook)

v  Be respectful to yourself, others and our classroom.

v  Be creative; effort means everything in this class.

v  Be safe; absolutely no horseplay.

v  Be prepared to work and learn.

v  Be neat; clean up after yourself.


Students need to have a sketch book to keep in the art room, plus plenty of pencils and erasers. Students will be assigned a tray in the classroom in which to keep their materials. Students may only get out of seat with permission and must stay out of storage rooms and copy room (unless given permission)


Grades are based on completed projects (major 40%) and daily participation/work (daily 60%). This break down will be averaged together to generate student’s report card grade. Artwork is criteria graded, which means students are graded more on their ability to follow the directions and guidelines than on their innate artistic talent. The participation portion of their grade includes prompt attendance, maintenance of materials and supplies, and cleanup, as well as cooperation and effort on projects. Students will have a minimum of 4 project grades and 8 daily grades every nine weeks. Students will be given 3 days from due date of project to makeup or finish project. If a student does not turn in an assignment he/she will be assigned afterschool detention (Tuesday or Thursday) or Saturday school.


If you choose not to follow the classroom expectations, there will be consequences. Disruptive actions will be handled as follows:

1.  I will give you a verbal warning.

2.  Private Teacher/ Student conference.

3.  Continued disruption will result in a phone call or email to guardian.

4.  If misbehavior persists, a behavior referral will be written and sent to Principal.

Please Sign& Date acknowledging you understand all rules & Expectations above.
