Sept. 5, 2017


I hope you had a great labor Day!

This Week: Language Arts:We are focusing on reading with one to one correspondence and making predictions. We’ll be using books about families to practice these skills; such as Julius, Baby of the Word, A Chair For My Mother, The Relatives Came, and Nana Upstairs, Nana Downstairs. We continue to learnmore about the Daily 5 and working on our language arts routines.

Word Wall :We are beginning to learn our word wall words. Each week we will learn 1 or 2 words. Please practice these at home in bedtime stories, games, etc. The word for this week are can.

Writing: We are focusing on our Star of the Day, and writing our names…using one capital letter and the rest lowercase. Please practice this skill at home. EX: Brenda NOT: BRENDA

Math: We are focusing on the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We are looking at combinations that equal 5, making equal sets, and practicing what good counting looks and sounds like.

Science: Next week we will begin with “What is a scientist? What tools do they use?” and we will open the Science center.

Social Studies: What is a family? What do families do together? How does a family help and take care of each other? Who is in your family? We’re a school family too! Also, students need to bring in a family photo to hang on our “Families Tree”.

Special Area: We attend Art, PE and Music on a 3 day rotation. This week:

Mon:n/a Tue: Music Wed:Art Th:PE Fri:Music

Please send a filled water bottle, and have children wear tennis shoes, every day.

Questions? please email me at or call 841-2734

Kinder Activity Fee: Coming home in folders today is the Kinder Activity Fee form. This fee covers all 4 field trips, a t-shirt, and misc. activities throughout the year. Please read over it carefully and return the form/$ by Oct. 2.

Class Birthdays: This week we will begin having student birthdays. If you wish to pass out a special snack for the class, please remember to plan on giving it out at lunch (about 11:30, so students will eat part of their lunch first).

Extra clothes: Please be sure your child has a change of clothes in a large ziplock in their backpack. Kindergarteners sometimes have accidents or spills and a change is needed.

Independence:This is one of the main focuses in Kindergarten. Each child is learning to be independent, which means to put on and tie their own shoes, load and unload their own backpack, go to the bathroom, change clothes (if needed), open things in their lunchbox, and follow directions the first time they are given. Please help your child practice the life-long skill of independence!

Absences/Tardies: Your child is tardy if they are not with the class at 7:45AM. Please email me by 7:30AM or call the classroom at 841-2734 and leave a message if your child will be absent from school.

Lunch Money: Please send lunch money (and any other money sent in) to school labeled with your child’s name, my name, and what the $ is for. Our Lunch Time: 11:15-11:425

Snacks at lunch: Kindergarteners are permitted to buy snacks in the cafeteria at lunch on Fridays only. They offer goldfish, popcorn, graham crackers, and sometimes popsicles.

Upcoming Events: Tues., Sept.19: Back to School, 6:00-7:00, adults only please.
