April 1998

************From: "Shaun Corrales" <>

Southern California , USA

I have never heard of a Jose Corrales who was sent to the Philippines by the Queen of Spain. My Grandfather's Father left Spain in the late 1800's for Mexico where they owned large ranching estates and the railroad system of Northern Mexico.

My Grandfather, Hector Corrales, traced the family lineage in the 1960's. He was able to get our family seal and I believe a family tree was constructed although I don't have one. My Grandmother might, my Grandfather has passed away. Tell me what you have already and what exactly you are looking for so that I am not wasting time duplicating efforts. I'd be happy to ask my Grandmother for whatever information she may have.

What country are you writing from Jocelyn. I am in Southern California, USA.

Good luck,

Shaun Luis Corrales

P.S. if you feel as though the information I can provide will not be helpful, I would appreciate it if you would keep me posted on your findings.

*********************Reply-To: <>

Victor III

It's nice to meet another Corrales and one so interested in

knowing our clan history. I wish I could help with more but I'll let you

know about my small family.

All of us are from Honduras where two generations ago my great-grandfather settled in a town named Amapala Honduras. There he married to my great-grandmother Dolores and he had a son named Victor Manuel Corrales, my grandfather.

He in turn had three sons, Victor, Javier & Gustavo Corrales.

I'm Victor III son of Victor II. I can't remember my great-grandfather's name but I'll ask my Dad and I'll write back to you with it if you're interested. All I remember my grandfather saying about him was that he was an orchestra conductor and he adored music which must run in our family since all of us have

a knack to mimic sounds and notes to music. None of us as far as I know have ever been tone deaf and we've always been very very musical. If I could help you with more please write back, I'm curious to know if I have a larger family then I thought.


Victor M. Corrales III



Dear Joy,

It's very warming to know that my family's musical passion was seeded many generations ago. I never really studied music save for my band years when I played trombone, baritone and tuba. It's funny that you mentioned you play the piano because when I was a little boy, I hounded my parents for a piano and piano lessons which never really materialized. But a personal promise I've made to myself is that someday I will take lessons when I have the time. To this day I have a pretty good keyboard through which I tinkle around with teaching myself songs I've wanted to play, ie. Rhapsody in Blue..... And it's also funny that you play the flute because my grandfather played the flute in a local band where he lived in Honduras. I haven't had the chance to speak with my father but as soon as I know more I'll share it with you. Thanks for writing back, it's good to know that my family isn't as small as I thought.


Victor III


From: "Rafael Corrales Pacheco" <>

Hi, Joy!

Well, if musical ability is a sign, then we must be relatives! I play piano,

keyboard and guitar (used to sing a bit), I also composed about a hundred

(pop) songs long, long time ago (in the sixties everybody was a musician!)

while living in the US (Miami), where I lived with my parents from 1962 to 1969; my father (also Rafael) played piano by ear and composed a few songs in his youth. He was always involved in things having to do with music, as he started his carrer as a radio sports announcer when very young and later had several shows in Cuban TV and radio, and ran an advertising agency. He was a talent scout for young singers and musicians for Cuban media, all this in the 40's and 50's. Later he went into other bussinesses in the US, having nothing to do with music, to my regret!

Right now I still play a lot for my own amusement, and absolutely love

music, especially western classical, but am very interested in every kind,

for example Indian classical music. I spent two years in India in the 80's.

I learned to play tabla a bit, and got to play some traditional North Indian

music on the harmonium with friends there, mostly bhajans. Also back in

Spain, I played the organ and organized a small choir in my parrish church

in the island of Ibiza, one of the Balearic Is. where I spent about 7 years.

I don't recognize Don Jose, but I wonder if you know WHERE in Spain he was from. I THINK (not really sure) my grandfather's line (his name was Eduardo Corrales Milian) comes from the Canary Islands, (they called him "el isleÒo" --the islander-- although he was born in Cuba) and in Cuba that

means "canario", in order to distinguish them from mainland Spaniards whom they called "gallegos" which actually means someone from Galicia.

Anyway, as I'm sure you know, all canarios came originally from the Spanish mainland, so tracing gets even more complicated. Anyway, whether his family was from from Canarias or not, they went to Cuba a long time ago, and apparently lost connections with any relatives who remained in Spain. So, since the 60's I lost touch with the Corrales side of my family.

Maybe your Honduras people have something to do with my Cuban folk?

For me, it would be great for to find any relatives from the Corrales clan.

Maybe we're somehow related??? I do hope you keep in touch.

Rafael Corrales Pacheco



From: Sebas Corrales <>

Subject: Sebas Corrales Gonz·lez

°Hello family!

My name is Sebastian Corrales and I live in Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

but all my family lives in

AndalucÌa, principally in Cadiz. My granddather, my father, brother,

sister and I have the surname

Corrales. I don't know what you want to know about we. Send me some

questions and I will answer all they.

PD:°One Hurra to your grandfather! Hip, Hip °Hurra! :)

PD2: Sorry, but my english is very poor.

PD3: If you want more information send me an E-mail.


I don't believe we are a part of your geneology with regards to the Corrales name. I don't know much information to this side of my family because my grandfather (Patrick Corrales) dies in World War II somewhere in the South Pacific. He was an American with Mexican descent. He had a child (Steven Ambrose corrales), my father, with my gradmother Mary. My father married Carmen Enriquez who had two boys, me (Jon) and my brother Jamie.

Good luck on your family Geneology pursuit.

Jon Corrales


From: Jocelyn Corrales Kintanar [SMTP:

Sent: Monday, April 06, 1998 9:58 AM

To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; scorrales; ; ; ; ; ; acorra@mailc!; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Subject: Corrales Genealogy

Hi! I'm trying to trace the origin of my ancestors who came from Spain

in the middle of the 18th century. My great great grandfather is Jose

Corrales who was sent by the Queen of Spain in the middle of the 18th

century to the Philippines. He was a judge of the Court of First


Please respond. My family is making a family tree of the Corrales clan.


In a message dated 6/2/02 8:56:16 PM, writes:

< Dear Cora,

Hi, my husband Arturo Corrales is working on his family tree, his father told

him that his family originated in Spain back in the 1800's and he is

releative to a Jose Corrales, does not know if the Jose Corrales that lives

in the Philippines is that of the same family. Would like to have your imput

to this family line! Please e-mail


Marylou Corrales

------Headers ------

From: "alvic" <>

To: <>

Subject: Corrales family tree

Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2002 20:21:41 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Cora, I am from the main land United States, I live in a small town in Texas (Pecos, Texas).I have just started working on this family tree about 1 month ago, so there is still allot of research to be done. This family tree only goes back as 7 generations, I am just amazed that this might be a missing link to this intire family. This family is of that 1 Corrales that settled in New Mexico, U.S., and then some moved to Mexico. This portion of this family is very big it starts with 1. Ignacio Corrales, so I have enclosed my portion of information that I have so far. Please look it over and see what simularities in the same names that is why I think it is from the same family. Once again Thanks for the information Marylou corrales Descendants of Ignacio Corrales 1 Ignacio Corrales .. +Catalina Sotelo ...... 2 Manuel Corrales 1872 - ...... +Canuta Chavez Corrales 1875 - ...... 3 Arcadio Chavez Corrales 1892 - 1974 ...... +Cruz Valencia Leyva 1900 - 1994 ...... 4 Edalia Leyva Corrales - 1980 ...... +Ascencion Acosta 1912 - 1989 ...... 5 Catalina (Cathy) Acosta 1949 - ...... +Esequiel Sanchez 1945 - ...... 6 Anastacio Cid Sanchez 1980 - ...... 6 Ruben Esequiel Sanchez 1983 - ...... 6 Beatrice Iris Sanchez 1989 - ...... 5 Herminia Acosta 1945 - ...... +Paul Cavazos 1945 - ...... 6 Elsa Cavazos 1969 - ...... +Andres Ochoa 1963 - ...... 7 Andres Cavazos Ochoa Jr. 1986 - 1986 ...... 7 Patricia Cavazos Ochoa 1987 - _000200000667000007D1661, ...... 7 Victoria Cavazos Ochoa 1989 - ...... 6 Paul Cavazos Jr. 1972 - ...... +Alexandra Trevino 1974 - ...... 7 Victoria Cavazos 1990 - ...... 7 Paul Jacob Cavazos 1992 - ...... 7 Gabriel Cavazos 1993 - ...... 5 Juan Acosta 1945 - ...... 5 Elia Acosta 1947 - ...... +Jose Cavazos ...... 6 Alma Acosta 1969 - ...... 7 Samantha Nicole Acosta Cahill March - ...... 7 Steven Joseph Cahill October - ...... 7 David Branden Cahill February - ...... 7 Christopher Daniel Ramirez 2000 - ...... 6 Joann Cavazos 1977 - ...... 7 Mariah Danielle Cavazos 2000 - ...... 6 Joe Acosta 1977 - ...... 6 Christina Acosta 1981 - ...... 7 Joshua Michael Shaw 1997 - ...... 7 Allyssa Destiny Shaw 2000 - _0002000006D700000E326D1, ...... 5 Alvaro Acosta ...... 5 Samuel Acosta 1962 - ...... +Yolanda Salgado ...... 5 Irma Acosta ...... +Efrain Torres ...... 6 Denise Torres ...... 6 Adriana Torres ...... 6 Isaac Lee Torres ...... 5 Augustine Acosta 1951 - ...... 4 Valentin Leyva Corrales 1923 - 1985 ...... +Irene Nevarrete ...... 5 Lidia Corrales - 1989 ...... 5 Beatriz(1) Corrales - 1949 ...... 5 Beatriz(2) Corrales 1951 - ...... +Ector Leija ...... 6 Alberto Corrales 1971 - ...... +Celia Saenz Ruiz ...... 7 Raul Alberto Corrales 1994 - ...... 7 Alejandro Corrales 1997 - ...... 5 Dominga Corrales ...... 5 Elva Corrales ...... 5 Iyda Corrales ...... 5 Valentina Corrales ...... 5 Miguel Corrales ...... 5 Maribel Corrales ...... 5 Cybthia Corrales ...... 4 Elisa Leyva Corrales _0002000007500000150374A, ...... 4 Francisco Leyva Corrales ...... +Natividad Navarrete ...... 4 Arcadio Leyva Corrales 1928 - ...... +Martina Brijalva 1926 - ...... 5 Alberto Corrales 1950 - ...... 5 Ismael Corrales 1955 - ...... 5 Annabelle Corrales 1959 - ...... +Arthur Rios ...... 6 Arthur E. Rios Jr. 1977 - ...... 6 Ryan M. Rios 1979 - ...... 6 Nolan A. Rios 1991 - ...... 4 Juan Leyva Corrales ...... +Micaela Zermenio - 2000 ...... 5 Edmundo Corrales ...... 5 Jane Corrales 1959 - ...... +Gerardo Avila Lopez ...... 6 Jasmine Corrales Lopez 1985 - ...... 6 Gerardo Corrales Lopez Jr. 1989 - ...... 5 Pearl Corrales ...... 5 Elizabeth Corrales ...... 5 Juan Corrales Jr...... *2nd Wife of Juan Leyva Corrales: ...... +Elidia Torres 1932 - ...... 5 Maria Elena Corrales 1953 - ...... +Francisco N. Rodriguez ...... 6 Patricia C. Rodriguez 1972 - ...... 6 April Marie Rodriguez 1976 - ...... 6 Frank Rodriguez III 1984 - _00020000078300001C4D77D, ...... 6 Christopher Patrick Rodriguez 1987 - ...... 6 Danny Paul Rodriguez 1988 - ...... 6 Tad Lucas Rodriguez 1993 - ...... 5 Gloria Corrales ...... 5 Delma Corrales ...... 4 Ricardo Leyva Corrales 1934 - ...... +Delia Hernandez ...... 5 Luis Corrales 1959 - ...... +Margarita Salgado ...... 6 Luis Arcadio Corrales 1981 - ...... 6 Angelica Maria Corrales 1986 - ...... 6 Amanda Maria Corrales 1988 - ...... 6 Felicha Corrales 1988 - 1988 ...... 6 Felicita Corrales 1988 - 1988 ...... *1st Wife of Ricardo Leyva Corrales: ...... +Flora Nunez ...... 5 Ricardo Corrales Jr. 1957 - ...... *2nd Wife of Ricardo Leyva Corrales: ...... +Maria Del Refugio Dominguez 1939 - ...... 5 Arturo Dominguez Corrales 1963 - ...... +Frances Rios ...... 6 Marcus Rios 1982 - ...... *Friend of Arturo Dominguez Corrales: ...... +Patricia Gil ...... 6 Christopher John Gil 1984 - ...... *1st Wife of Arturo Dominguez Corrales: ...... +Mary Lou Anaya Mendoza 1968 - _000200000646000023CA640, ...... 6 Alejandra Mendoza Corrales 1992 - ...... 6 Victoria Mendoza Corrales 1993 - ...... 4 Manuel Leyva Corrales ...... +Maria ...... 5 Yolanda Gutierrez Corrales ...... 5 Manuel Corrales ...... +Teri ...... 6 Kim Waneck Corrales ...... 5 Nancy Corrales ...... 5 Michelle Corrales ...... +George Zavala ...... 5 Norma Corrales ...... +Angel Munoz ...... 6 Nancy Angela Munoz ...... 4 Lilia(1) Leyva Corrales ...... 4 Lilia(2) Leyva Corrales ...... +Margarito Singh ...... 5 Lupe Singh ...... 5 Ted Singh ...... +Michelle ...... 5 Gilbert Singh ...... 5 Victor Singh ...... 5 Margarita Singh ...... 3 Jose Corrales ...... 3 Candelario Corrales ...... 3 Refugio Corrales ...... 3 Luciana Corrales 1918 - ...... +Damasio B. Gonzales _0002000006E400002A0A6DE, ...... 4 Maria Luisa Gonzales ...... 4 Clemente Gonzales ...... 4 Ninfa Gonzales ...... 4 Elvira Gonzales ...... 4 Adalberto Gonzales ...... 4 Osvaldo Gonzales ...... 4 Elsa Gonzales ...... 4 Blanca Gonzales 1964 - ...... +Marcelo DeLeon ...... 5 Andrew DeLeon 1986 - ...... 5 Monique DeLeon 1990 - ...... 5 Michael DeLeon 1996 - ...... 3 Marcela Corrales ...... 3 Andres Corrales ...... +Antonia ...... 4 Enedina Corrales ...... +Gregorio Leyva ...... 5 Carlos Leyva 1959 - ...... +Gloria C. Salazar ...... 6 Lisa M. Leyva 1978 - ...... 6 Carlos S. Leyva 1982 - ...... 6 Sara A. Leyva 1991 - ...... 3 Paula Corrales ...... 3 Manuel Corrales ...... 4 Toribio Corrales ...... 5 Jose Manuel II Corrales 1958 - ...... +Maribel Salazar ...... 6 Veronica Corrales 1982 - ...... 6 Jose Manuel III Corrales 1986 - ...... 6 Cynthia Corrales 1990 - ...... 4 Cecilia Corrales _000200000615000030E860F, ...... 4 Juan Corrales ...... 4 Maria Corrales ...... 3 Cresencia Corrales ...... +Pedro Corrales ...... 3 Benito Corrales - 1999 ...... 3 Ignacio Chavez Corrales ...... 4 Florentino Corrales ...... +Janie ...... 5 Oscar Corrales ...... +Elena ...... 5 Ruben Corrales ...... 5 Johnny Corrales ...... 5 Lupe Corrales ...... 5 Juan Patricio Corrales ...... *2nd Wife of Florentino Corrales: ...... +Janie ...... 5 Juan Patrick Corrales ...... 5 Oscar Corrales 1954 - ...... +Elena Chavarria ...... 6 Nathan Lee Corrales 1976 - ...... 7 Angelica Marie Corrales 1994 - ...... 6 Natalie Ann Corrales 1979 - ...... 7 Alexandra Marie Corrales 1996 - ...... 7 Andrew Rey Corrales Parra 1999 - ...... 7 Alayna Kenae Corrales Parra 2001 - _000200000640000036F763A, ...... 6 Benjamin Oscar Corrales 1982 - ...... 6 Tara Nichole Corrales 1984 - ...... 5 Antonio Corrales 1944 - ...... +Anita Diaz 1945 - ...... 6 Jesus Antonio Corrales 1964 - ...... 6 Evaristo Corrales 1965 - ...... 6 Ernesto Corrales 1966 - ...... 6 Salvador Corrales 1967 - ...... 6 Carlos Corrales 1970 - ...... 6 Anna Corrales 1973 - ...... 6 Marcos Corrales 1975 - ...... 3 Petra Corrales

wrote: marilou, are you from the philippines or from this country? when my husband and i (and daughter) visited santa fe for a vacation last year (or the other year, i forget!), i saw the town of corrales on the map SO WE PASSED BY THIS TOWN on the way back to the airport!!!!! i am attaching info on the 1st line of jose. the one providing me the info is also a corrales (montalvan) from another line. cora quisumbing-king >

Re: Corrales family tree π!Ü´ 8|) >From: (marylou corrales) To: MabuhayC…


My father in law Ricardo Corrales, just told me that there was 3 brothers that came from Spain, 1 settled in the Philippines, 1 in the U.S. - New Mexico and the other he believed in Cuba, but not sure. He is from the Corrales Family that settled in New Mexico, and some moved to Mexico. There is a town named after this family in New Mexico. This family line that my father belongs to is very big, some families have up to 14 children, etc. We woill be having a family reuinion June 14-16 to try and get to meet everyone that we have not met, this would be very exciting to know if this is one branch of this tree. There is also several Jose, Manuels, Alberto, Arcadio, Juan throu this line thats what have caught my attention to your family tree, I have been doing research throu the internet, and that is where I got your information. Your family coat of arms is the same as my father-in -laws, He had one and when his store burned down, it burn down with it, and we have not been able to get one just like it, there are some others out there, but are not the some.

I have research as far back as starting with Ignacio Corrales(wife-Catalina Sotelo)a son Manuel Corrales/ (wife to Manuel-Canuta Chavez)14 children1. Arcadio 2.Jose 3. Candelario 4. Refugio 5. Luciana 6. Marcela 7. Andres 8. Paula 9. Manuel 10. Crescencia 11. Benito 12. Ignacio 13. Luciana 14. Petra etc. and all this children had several kids. Could it be that this is the same family, because Pilita Corrales the singers is in this same family but not know throu who! It has been pretty intrusting


wrote: Marylou--this is exciting! As far as I know, all of the Corrales that come

000200000841000006A4 83B,from the Philippines are related. If you tell me how you got my name and the

parents amd grandparents of Arturo, I can check the three major lines of

which I have information:

Jose Corrales and his first wife (line of Pilita Corrales), Jose and his

second wife (my line), and a line that comes from Manuel Corrales (who may

have been a son of Jose but we are not sure).



Corrales family π 6�8eR7From: (alvic) To:

§FFFF000000060002000177AA000000000062000000002000110000001-7EFF6EB60¬480048022BA0¡-1Ç0¬2Ç2BA20FFFFFÅÅ1DE60Ç10ÇÇ2Ç88B000010000003A00000001088B40840ÅÇÅÇ2Ç2BA20F88B028E0002AF22BA200002000008910000000088B,Dear Cora,

Hi, my husband Arturo Corrales is working on his family tree, his father told him that his family originated in Spain back in the 1800's and he is releative to a Jose Corrales, does not know if the Jose Corrales that lives in the Philippines is that of the same family. Would like to have your imput to this family line! Please e-mail


Marylou Corrales

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<DIV>Dear Cora,</DIV>


<DIV>Hi, my husband Arturo Corrales is working on his family

tree,&nbsp;his father told him that his family originated in Spain back in the

1800's and he is releative to a Jose Corrales, does not know if the Jose

Corrales that lives in the Philippines is that of the same family.&nbsp; Would

like to have your imput to this family line!&nbsp; Please e-mail</DIV>



<DIV>Marylou Corrales</DIV>


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