Edition 7 8 January 2018

Welcome to a new golfing year. I hope that you and your loved ones have had a very happy festive season and are rested up for the new year.


It is with much regret that we report thedeath of long time member Kevin Kirk. Kevin had been battling ill heath for quite a long time and had only recently tried to get back to playing golf. Quite apart from simply being a nice bloke, Kevin will be remembered for the time and effort he put into the Club, including a lengthy spell on the Committee as Treasurer. Our condolences go to Jan and all of Kevin’s family.

The funeral service for Kevin will take place at Norwood Park Cemetery at 1.30pm Friday 12 January.


At the last Club Committee meeting in December there was extensive and robust discussion regarding proposed changes to the course layout. This discussion carried over to club members and a number of members raised objections which the committee is bound to consider.

I have therefor asked the match committee, greens committee, ladies committee and others to document the proposed changes and to arrive at a Plan of Action. Once this plan has been considered by the full Club Committee it will be presented to members for comment/approval. This process may appear lengthy and overly complex but as it will affect the course and the way members play it, we must get it right.

I anticipate that the Action Plan will be complete by late January and the plan presented to members

early in February.


As you are aware we have now completed the move to the new clubhouse and the construction of the new beer garden. The next step is the removal of the old clubhouse which will be carried out by and paid for by Defence. Preliminary discussions have been held with Defence but no time table has been formulated. Watch this space.

I hope 2018 is a good golfing year for us all.

Jim Rule
