SC4HSHA Meeting September 17, 2015

Call to Order 7:30

Pledge of Alliegance & 4H Pledge: Carla K.

Clubs in Attendance: BC Wranglers, Caballeros, Dusty Saddles, Elite Equestrians, EquusExcellence, Horse Sense, Junior Leaders, Knight Riders, Rough Riders, Royal Riders, Saddle Seekers, ShowmansCorner, Trailblazers II

Reading/Approval of Last Month’s Minutes: Sara J.- Dale F. motion to approve minutes. Bill J. second. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam O.-

Checking Account

Balance as of 8/16/15 / $29,511.33
8/20/15 / September Open Show / $1,012.75
8/20/15 / 4-in-1 Repairs / From Fairboard / $75.57
2426 / Void Check / $49.00
Previously Approved
2430 / Stauzenberger College / Amanda Walters Scholarship / ($1,000.00)
2431 / SCAS / July Utilities/Aug Show / ($236.76)
2432 / Totally Cooked Catering / Judge Food (Fair) / ($516.00)
2433 / Jeff Grell / Clean Stall Signs / ($130.00)
2434 / Cathy McWhirter / Difference/Receipts turned in / ($64.68)
2438 / Lacey Yeager / Sept OS Judge / ($175.00)
Executive Approved / 8/21/15
2435 / Danusia Casteel / Competitive Trail Permit / ($25.00)
2436 / Tracy Linton / Comp. Trail Cond. Judge / ($200.00)
2437 / Tina Russel / Comp. Trail Horse Judge / ($150.00)
To Be Approved:
2439 / University of Akron / Kitra Casteel Scholarship / ($1,000.00)
2440 / BC Wranglers / August Open Show / ($219.00)
2441 / Sara Justice / OS High Point Awards / ($657.88)
2442 / Sara Justice / Replace Check #2426 / ($49.00)
2443 / Sara Justice / Plaques for SH Building / ($15.50)
2444 / Cathy McWhirter / ($73.42)
2445 / Discount Stable / Belt Buckle Deposit / ($1,000.00)
2446 / Royal Riders / September Show Clean Up / ($150.00)
2447 / VOID
2448 / Paul Borton / ($49.80)
2449 / SCAS / September Show/Fuel / ($231.07)
Balance as of 9/17/15 / $24,705.41

Savings account accrued $0.66 in August, bringing the balance to $16,815.15

Mary Ellen L. for $26.64 for envelopes & postage for storage. Cathy H. asked about the fuel for the September show. Mike F. had been using Fairboard’s fuel throughout the year. This was used throughout the year and Mike F. stated the bill would be around $20-30. Joani H. asked if it was $100 per show. No, it is $200. Danette S. motion to pay the bills. Mike F. second. 1 abstain (Mike H.) Motion passed.

President’s Report: Carla K.- Thank you for allowing me to serve you this past year. Thanked the association for supporting the executive & committee chairs.

Fair Board: Angie H.-Fall Family Fest is October 10 from Noon-8. Please advise your clubs of this. If anyone is interested in becoming a junior fairboard member, please contact Angie H. Denny B. states Howard C. from fairboard was extremely happy with how much Saddle Horse did to help the fairgrounds.

Extension: Jackie K.- Ohio has still not lifted their poultry ban because Ohio is now the #1 egg producing state. This means there will be no “chick quest” in the schools this year. Wanted to let everyone know she sent an email about the Fall Festival at the fairgrounds. She sent this via the email in the system- please check your spam folder in case you didn’t get it.


Sunshine Club- Mary Ellen L.- Apologized to Dianne J. for not sending her a card after surgery. Nancy Crites is back home and doing better.

Rotating Trophies- Mary Ellen L.- Equestrian Challenge donated a Walk-Trot English rotating trophy. We now have 17 rotating trophies.

Competitive Trail- Dee C.- The Summit County ride had 7 kids participate, 1 from Medina county, and a few adults. Encouraged people to attend next year. Junior winner was Madison Garside, Senior winner Rachel Borton, Adult winner Carla Kline. The state ride had 4 Summit kids participate. 14 seniors & 22 juniors. Xavier Cabrera placed 5th in Conditioning. Melody Lozano placed 1st in Conditioning with a 100% and was overall Reserve Champion.

Open Show- Sam O.- 55 riders at the September show. The arena was solid even with all the rain. They were running decent times for barrels (19 seconds for the winning time). Lacey Yeager was a fantastic judge- very easy to get along with and flexible with the schedule. The last two classes were called because of the downpour. The show earned over $1000. There were a lot of volunteers which was very impressive.

Maintenance: Cathy M.- This weekend’s project is cancelled. Stall take down weekend will be the next project. The date will be announced later.

Fair- Angie H.- Handed out club pictures. The photographer gave a disk of photographs and said we are allowed to use them for promotional purposes:

Old Business- None

New Business-

Insurance: Sam O.- Received a call from our insurance about how much we made at our concession stand over the past year. The auditor asked why we have concessioners insurance. When talking to the agent, she said we need to look in to a new policy. This new insurance would be $1200. Jackie K. asked what it covered. It is liability insurance. Our current insurance is for concessioners. The new insurance would be for having anyone out at any time. Executive discussed about having this and having AIL insurance for invents. Sam O. will look in to more policies. Joani H. said the insurance policy was put in place because it was the best one. Joani H. stated we should tell them we made money in the kitchen, even though saddle horse doesn’t make money, the clubs do. Jackie K. states she will talk to the AIL agent to see what they offer. Sam O. states that if AIL is sufficient to cover what we need, then we should stay with the policy we have. Joani H. states that our policy may be cancelled if we say we make nothing. Jacki S. states that we are audited every year; Sam O. states she was never told. Debbie H. thanked Sam O. for keeping the association aware of what is going on. Jackie K. also said she would check about spectators being covered by AIL.

Elections: Carla K.- Jackie K. brought it to the attention of the Executive board that a portion of a paragraph in the old bylaws was not included in the current bylaws or constitution. The omitted part is: To be eligible for an officer, the member must have been a member in good standing for 6 months and have completed and passed the 4H application and training process for volunteer selection (see old bylaws). Jackie K. states that having advisors in office means they have a BCI check and go through advisor checks. Executive states there are several saddle horse members that do not have advisor status, including many of our sustaining members. If the motion fails, then it will be taken to Rules committee for discussion and inclusion. Joani H. motion to accept. Jacki S. second. Debbie H. asked why this wasn’t noticed earlier. Sara J. states we don’t know. Jacki S. stated she did not remember the rules committee ever discussing to take it out. Sara J. states she believes it was a complete mistake because the paragraph in the 2013 bylaws was split between the current Constitution and Bylaws. Mike F. asked if it affected anyone last year- No. Jackie K. states we may want to change the word “advisor” to “4H club volunteer”. Other counties allow no club affiliation but they still have to do the child protection training. Jackie K. wants to let them know there can be provisions for volunteers that are not full advisors. Carla K. asked if this has to be done tonight. Jackie K. states that Columbus has stated everyone has to be a 4H volunteer. Carla K. states that the bylaws are black & white and we have to go by them. Laura H. asked if the motion was changed to say “4H volunteer” it would be OK for her, who is not an advisor but went to training. Jackie K. stated that volunteers have to be checked to be OK. Carla K. then asked about episodic volunteers; Jackie K. states there are no episodic volunteers any longer. Carla K. stated that executive committee doesn’t do one-on-one volunteering with children. Michele W. stated that she thinks it would be no because it involves kids. Jackie K. states that even the Master Gardeners have to take the child protection. Sue S. asked if there would be a way to have child protection training before they take office next month. Jackie K. said it could be possible. Joani H. states it is based on the elections tonight. 21 in favor, 4 opposed, 2 abstain (Mike H., Sara J.) Motion carries. Michele W. motion to waive the second reading of the rule. Mike F. second. Motion passed.

Jacki S. states we do a disservice to the organization by not knowing our candidates a month in advance.

Nomination for President: Brian P. & Jacki S. Results- Brian P. wins the election. Jackie K. asked him to call her for a meeting.

Nomination for Vice President: Jon W. & Jeff G. Dee C. motion to close nomination, Dale F. second. Motion carries. Results- Jon W. wins the election.

Nomination for Secretary: Sara J. Mike F. motion to close the nomination for secretary, Dale F. second. Motion passes. Danette S. motion to unanimously accept Sara as secretary. Lynn S. second. Motion passes.

Nomination for Treasurer: Mandy G. & Jeff G. Mike F. motion to close the motion, Laura H. second. Results- Jeff G wins the election.

Nomination for Trustee: Mandy G., Danette S., & Jacki S. Sam O. motion to close nomination. Michele W. second. Results- Danette S. wins the election.


Dee C.- Caballeros is having a Fall Festival at Foggy Bottom Farm on October 10 & 11.

Jackie K.- Thanked everyone who was willing to run for an office and wants to commend everyone for wanting to make the best better. New officers will be meeting with the 4H review team at extension.

Carla K. congratulated all of the new officers

Mary Ellen L- Storage units in November 7 & 8. There were spaces available last year.

Meeting adjourned at 9:12