Te Hono o te Kahurangi: Qualification details

Title / New Zealand Diploma in Kaupapa Māori Public Health (Level 6)
Version / 1 / Qualification type / Diploma
Level / 6 / Credits / 120
NZSCED / 061304 / Health > Public Health > Hauora (Māori Health)
DAS classification / 349 / Māori > Hauora
Qualification developer / NZQA Māori Qualifications Services
Next review / December 2019
Approval date / Dd Mmmm YYYY
Strategic purpose statement / This qualification is intended for those who have advanced knowledge of Te Ao Māori and extensive experience working with Māori communities who are seeking a specialised qualification to work independently/without supervision in Kaupapa Māori Public Health.
The purpose of this qualification is to provide whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, and Māori communities including sector services with competent practitioners who can apply skills and knowledge to demonstrate self-management within a Kaupapa Māori Public Health context.
Whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, and Māori communities will benefit from having graduates who are able to lead and advance the principles of Kaupapa Māori Public Health to strengthen whānau decision making, management and empower them to take control of their social, economic, cultural, and collective wellbeing.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to use their knowledge and skills based on te Ao Māori concepts to lead, promote, and enhance the principles of Kaupapa Māori Public Health.
Guiding Principles / Explanatory Note: Kaupapa Māori Public Health
Kaupapa Māori Public Health simply blends two well established theoretical frameworks together, (Kaupapa Māori and Public Health), to enable Māori health to be analysed and addressed within the wider NZ population. It also provides a framework that focusses on the determinants of health , which realistically aligns with the health needs and realities of whānau, hapū, iwi, and Māori communities . The fundamental principles of Public Health also align with the Māori principles of Te Oranaga, Mauriora, Whānau Ora, Toiora, Waiora, Ngā Manukura and Te Mana Whakahaere.
Whānau Ora
This kaupapa places whānau at the centre of decision making and sector service delivery that is distinctly built on Māori cultural foundations. It recognises whānau as a collective entity, and endorses whānau capacity for self-determination. Kaupapa Māori Public Health (KMPH) also highlights the cohesive and interdependent relationships of whānau, hapū and iwi, and asserts that whānau aspirations are reflective in the delivery of KMPH community initiatives. The organised efforts at hapū, iwi and community levels can be expected to provide significant benefits to whānau and to individual members.
Te Oranga (Participation in Society)
This kaupapa is dependent on the terms under which Māori participate in society and on the confidence with which they can, for example, access good health services, or the school of their choice, or sport and recreation. The aim of Kaupapa Māori Health is to broaden the boundaries of Māori participation in society so that they can participate in raising the economy, improving education, increading employment and extending the knowledge of society to include the strengths of Māori society. All social indicators of Māori wellbeing rests with full Māori participation in the economy, education, employment, justice and other areas where Māori health profile indicators note Māori health disparities.
Mauriora (Cultural Identity)
This kaupapa refers to feeling safe to explore the cultural identity and inner strength and vitality of an individual, whānau, hapū, iwi and/or Māori community. Māori interaction with the environment,their cultural expressions and endorsement within societys’institutions is therefore essential. Entry to and involvement in learning of tribal lore, te reo, tikanga and kawa strongly embraces Mauriora. Acknowledgement, recognition and understanding of legal obligations, systems, procedures, compliances and ethics is also an important responsibility.
Waiora (Physical Environment)
This kaupapa highlights the inseparable and enduring relationship between Māori and their natural environment. Waiora embraces both the physical and spiritual elements that connect Māori to their environments e.g. land, sea, air, rivers, lakes, mountains and forests, and facilitates access by Maori to the Maori world of knowledge, understanding, and cultural expressions and institutions. Promoting the protection and sustainability of the physical environment is essential, as is the importance of ensuring opportunities for Māori to interact with their natural environment is maximised.
Toi Ora (Healthy Lifestyles)
This kaupapa supports the development, strengthening and maintenance of Māori healthy lifestyles towards reducing the preventable consequences of unhealthy lifestyles e.g. eating habits, alcohol and drugs, unsafe roadway practices (seatbelts, helmets), tobacco, and sedentary habits. Protection from injury, self-harm, illness and influencing legislation and health policy changes are major challenges facing KMPH promoters, whose interventions and acitivities must be culturally responsive.
Ngā Manukura (Community Leadership)
This kaupapa is based on the principle of local leadership and is a critical success factor in any community initiative and cannot be replaced by the important role of health professionals regardless of technical or professional qualifications. Relational and collaborative approaches must be adopted as no single group has sufficient expertise to encompass the range of skills and necessary linkages necessary for transformative change. Self-determination is a key object in realtion to whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, and community populations, and supports the development of distinct and unique Māori world-view initiatives and interventions.
Te Mana Whakahaere (Autonomy – Leadership in Health)
This kaupapa assures whānau, hapū, iwi, marae and community are able to demonstrate a level of autonomy and self-determination in promoting their own health. Maintaining the balance of KMPH leadership so not to unwittingly compromise this autonomy is very important. Te Mana Whakahaere appropriately demonstrates the balance of the KMPH worker leadership role when working with the range of leaders and population groups in the community.
Graduate profile / Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
·  Lead the promotion and practice of Whānau Ora principles in a Kaupapa Māori Public Health context to enable positive health and well-being outcomes for whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, and Māori communities;
·  Demonstrate the principles of Te Oranga to lead the development and presentation of a strategy that will contribute to the participation, confidence, and optimal health and well-being of whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, and Māori communities;
·  Work collaboratively to implement, monitor and review a promotional plan that is likely to strengthen and enhance the concepts of Mauriora amongst whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, and Māori communities;
·  Demonstrate the principles of Waiora to incorporate kawa and tikanga concepts into professional practice in a Kaupapa Māori Public Health context.
·  Demonstrate the principles of Toiora in the design and implemention of Māori community research to promote and contribute to collaborative, positive health outcomes for whānau, hapū, iwi, marae and Māori communities;
·  Reinforce the principles of Ngā Manukura to adopt a collaborative approach with local Māori leaders to effect positive change to improve the health and well-being of whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, and Māori communities;
·  Provide leadership and ensure the principles of Te Manawhakahaere are maintained to develop an assessment tool that identifies and measures health priorities for whānau, hapū, iwi, marae and Māori communities.
Education pathway / Graduates of this qualification may undertake study towards degree level qualifications in Kaupapa Māori Health Care, Health Science and Health Care Promotion and Management.
Employment pathway / Graduates of this diploma will have the transferable skills and knowledge to potentially secure roles as:
·  Kaupapa Māori Public Health Manager
·  Kaupapa Māori Manager in Planning and Funding
·  Kaupapa Māori Public Health Environment Manager
·  Health Contracts Manager
·  Senior Health Adviser
·  Senior Health Researcher
·  Senior Health Analyst
·  Senior Health Manager.
The qualification provides a pathway for Graduates who want to specialise in the area of Kaupapa Māori Public health:
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
·  Lead the development of Kaupapa Māori Public Health based on kaupapa Māori principles and practices.
·  Lead and manage Kaupapa Māori Public Health initiatives that reaffirm the need to care for our whakapapa and the future aspirations of whānau, and hapori Māori.

Qualification specifications

Qualification award / This qualification will be awarded to people who have met the requirements of the graduate outcomes.
Awarding bodies for this qualification will be any education organisation accredited under section 38 of the Education Amendment Act 2011 to deliver an approved programme leading to the qualification.
The certificate will display the NZQF logo and the name and logo of the tertiary education organisation (TEO) offering the training leading to the award of the qualification, the full qualification title, NZQA reference number, and the date of award of the qualification.
If the TEO has been awarded the MMEQA Qual Mark for a programme of study leading to this qualification, the certificate will also display the Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance Mark.
Evidence requirements for assuring consistency / The process for ensuring consistency of Kaupapa Māori Public Health graduate profiles will be evidence-based, outcomes-focussed, and grounded in the MM EQA kaupapa Māori principles: Te Reo Māori, Tikanga, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Pūkengatanga, Kaitiakitanga, Rangatiratanga, Tūrangawaewae.
Evidence for consistency
Each education organisation is responsible for preparing a summary self-assessment report which uses evidence to demonstrate how well its graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes at the appropriate threshold.
Evidence of the following must be provided for Kaupapa Māori Public Health consistency events:
·  Effective internal and external moderation processes, including internal moderation results relating to graduate outcomes
·  Feedback and actions taken by the education organisation in response to feedback
­  must include feedback from graduates, current students, tutors/assessors, and graduate destinations (such as employers, next programme provider, the community/other stakeholders)
·  Samples of assessment materials
·  Samples of Learner assessments/work
·  Programme completion data and course results
·  Moderation outcomes which may include moderation/benchmarking across common programmes
·  Relevant MM EQA external evaluation and review data where applicable
Evidence of the following may be provided for the consistency event:
·  Kaupapa Māori Public Health programme evaluation reports
·  Portfolios of work
·  Benchmarking with other providers
·  Site visit reports
·  Other relevant and reliable evidence.
·  Employer surveys
·  Graduate surveys
·  Whānau, hapū, iwi, and/or hapori surveys.
Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning arrangements / To facilitate credit transfer, education organisations must clearly demonstrate the equivalency or comparability between each of the outcomes in the graduate profile, and the assessment components of their programmes.
Education organisations must have policies and procedures in place for managing credit transfer, and assessing recognition of prior learning and recognition of current competency. These policies and procedures, and associated fees must be available to candidates prior to enrolment.
Assessment standards already achieved by the candidate, which are specified in this qualification, may be credited to the qualification.
Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements / The minimum standard of achievement required for award of the qualification will be the achievement of all of the outcomes in the graduate profile through successful completion of an NZQA approved programme.
Entry requirements (including prerequisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements) / There are no mandatory prerequisites to meet regulatory body, or legislative requirements for this qualification.

Qualification conditions

Overarching conditions relating to the qualification

Conditions for programme structure / The context for the delivery of programmes leading to the award of the New Zealand Diploma in Kaupapa Māori Public Health (Level 6) actively supports Māori preferred ways of teaching, learning, learning support, and pastoral care.
Conditions for programme context / This qualification is distinctively Māori, and while the skills and knowledge will be transferable, this qualification is custom-designed specifically for application in Māori contexts. The term kaupapa Māori includes te reo me ngā tikanga ā-hapū, or ā-iwi.
The programme must have in place appropriate mechanisms/protocols, to ensure tangata whenua and/or mana whenua associated with a wāhi tapu or Māori heritage and sites of cultural significance are engaged, involved and consulted at all times.
Mechanisms/protocols may include, but are not limited to:
·  Memorandum of Partnership
·  Relationship strategy and supporting operational policies and requirements in place
·  Designated Māori relationship role/position.
·  Provisions for Kaumātua or whānau, hapū or iwi knowledge holders acting in an advisory capacity.
Ngā Mātāpono
The Mātāpono adopted for the Kaupapa Māori Public Health Suite of qualifications are taken from “Te Pae Māhutonga”, a Māori Model of Health developed by Mason Durie.
Te Pae Māhutonga
To bring together the elements of modern health promotion in a cohesive manner it is useful to examine the well-known celestial body, Te Pae Māhutonga. Te Pae Māhutonga is the name for the constellation of stars popularly referred to as the Southern Cross. It is visible low in the night sky and identifies the magnetic south pole. Te Pae Māhutonga has long been used as a navigational aid and is closely associated with the discovery of Aotearoa and then New Zealand.
The constellation has four central stars arranged in the form of a cross, and there are two stars arranged in a straight line which point towards the cross. They are known as the two pointers. Because it is an icon of New Zealand, and because To Pae Māhutonga has served as a guide for successive generations, it can also be used as a symbolic map for bringing together the significant components of health promotion, as they apply to Māori health, but as they
might also apply to other New Zealanders. The four central stars can be used to represent the four key tasks of health promotion and might be named according to reflect particular goats of health promotion: Mauriora, Waiora, Toiora, Te Oranga. The two pointers are Ngā Manukura and Te Mana Whakahaere.

Access to te ao Māori
Mauriora rests on a secure cultural identity. Good health depends on many factors, but among indigenous peoples the world over, cultural identity is considered to be a critical prerequisite. Deculturation has been associated with poor health whereas acculturation has been linked to good health. A goal of health promotion therefore is to promote security of identity. In turn that goal requires the facilitation of Māori entry into the Māori world. It is a sad commentary that perhaps more than one half of Māori people have very inadequate access to the Māori world. Land alienation is common enough so that fewer than one half of all Māori have any ongoing links with tribal land; nor is access to a marae secure; and fluency in Māori language is the