Algebra 1

Information Sheet

Successful math students are effective problem solvers, can accurately communicate mathematical ideas and concepts, and have a solid foundation in basic arithmetic skills. In addition to employing the skills of a successful math student you will use a variety of manipulative and problem solving strategies to establish good algebraic thinking skills. An assortment of teaching methods will be used to explore algebraic concepts such as small and large group activities, learning centers, technology, and classroom conversation. Regardless of the instructional method used, the focus is always on individual student accountability. Be prepared to engage in a challenging and rewarding academic experience this year.

PreAP courses are designed to challenge motivated students and prepare them for success in college level course work in high school and in college. These courses typically move at a faster pace, are more academically challenging, and require more independent learning and homework than other courses. The following is a profile of a Successful PreAP Student (as defined by Klein ISD):

-  Professes interest in the subject selected

-  Develops and maintains excellent study skills and habits

-  Carefully considers time commitments and balances academic load with family life or outside commitments

-  Asks questions and participates in class

-  Perseveres when faced with challenging material

-  Asks for assistance when needed

-  Plans and works ahead on long-term projects

*For more information on the PreAP program in Klein ISD please see section K on pages 3 and 4 of the Online Intermediate Student Handbook.

My expectation is that each student can learn and will do their best. The harder you work, the harder I will work to help you understand the material. I expect you to do all assignment to the best of your ability. I do not make assignments just to keep you busy. The assignments are necessary to help you learn the material.


-  Spiral (to be used daily and replaced as needed)

-  Pencils (Work done in pen will not be accepted)

-  Notebook Paper

-  Pens (any color but black for grading)

Homework/Daily Grades – 10% (minimum of 6)

-  Comprised of homework/class work, warm-ups, spiral checks, etc.

-  Each homework assignment will count 20 points toward a weekly homework grade. If you miss an assignment during the week, your homework grade is an 80. If you miss two, a 60, and so on.

-  One of the first things we will do each day is go over homework. When the bell rings, have your homework assignment out ready to be checked.

-  Work from absences will be accepted according to Klein ISD rules in your handbook (pg. 6, Section R). Make-up work not turned in on schedule will result in a zero. You will be given a make-up sheet showing missed work. USE IT!

-  You may access your textbook online at Username: student7971 Password: w7j2v So, if you are away or have lost a worksheet, you can print it yourself. If it is one of my homemade worksheets, it is usually on my web page. I will not be providing extra copies of anything.

-  If you are absent, it is suggested that you go online and at least read over the notes and attempt the assignment before returning to class.

Bollinger: or


Quizzes – 30% (minimum of 6)

-  Includes Quick Checks (done through eInstruction)

-  Quizzes may be given at any time

-  They count as part of your quiz average

-  You are responsible for setting up a make-up time if you are absent for a quiz

Tests/Major Grades – 60% (minimum of 3)

-  These will never be a surprise

-  Tests will be given on Tuesdays and Fridays

-  They count as part of your major grade average

-  You are responsible for setting up and make-up time if you are absent for a test

Final Exam – EOC/STAAR

-  Students taking high school courses for which there is a state-mandated End Of Course exam shall take the EOC exam and the score on the assessment shall count as 15 percent of the total course grade.

-  A student missing the EOC exam must re-take the EOC exam during the next available state assessment administration.

-  Each full-year course will receive one credit. No half credit or semester credit will be earned

-  In order to receive credit for this course, students must score a minimum of a satisfactory or “Level 2” score.

*For more information on high school courses and End of Course Exams in Klein ISD please see pages 7 and 8 of the Online Intermediate Student Handbook.

How to Find Your 6 Weeks Average:

-  Quiz Average

o  Add all your quiz grades together.

o  Divide by the number of quiz grades. Don’t round yet.

-  Homework Average

o  Add all your homework grades together.

o  Divide by the number of homework grades. Don’t round yet.

-  Test Average

o  Add all your test/major grades together.

o  Divide by the number of test/major grades. Don’t round yet.

-  Overall Average

o  Multiply your quiz average by 30%

o  Multiply your homework average by 10%

o  Multiply your test average by 60%

o  Add them together. NOW you can round to the nearest whole number

There will be no extra credit offered at Wunderlich Intermediate this year.

To The Parents: Our curriculum is full, challenging and fast paced. If your child keeps up with homework and understanding each topic, things should progress smoothly. Clear communication is key to solving problems. If you should see your child slipping and in need of extra help, please feel free to contact me. Each student’s success in Mathematics is in my best interest.

Conference Time: ______

Email: ______(best and quickest way to reach me)

School Phone: 832-249-5200

We change the lives of students through learning.