An original short script by Steve Meredith.

EXT, DESERTED ROAD, DUSK: A truck is seen passing the camera, the camera follows the truck and stops to see a sign. It reads “Welcome to Oklahoma, Harper County Line.”

INT. CAR: In the drivers seat is GAVIN SPEAR (19), riding in the passenger seat next to him is SUMMER O’LEARY (19), in the first row of the back seat sit AUGUST KERNS (20) and NICK HUMMEL (21), and in the row behind them sit BEN JOHNSON (21) and JENNIFER BROWN (20). They are on their way to a Maroon 5 concert; we enter in the middle of things.

Summer: (grabbing six slips of paper from the visor)

Where exactly are we sitting?

Nick: (to SUMMER)

I think row D, I’m not sure. I paid a shit load of money for those tickets though, so they should be good.


Hey Gavin, how much longer until we get to the city?


We can’t get their tonight that’s for sure. I’m glad Ben suggested we leave today, we’re going to have to stop somewhere for the night.


You’re welcome.


Shit. Where in God’s name are we going to find a place to stop? There’s nothing here for miles.

Gavin: (squinting to see further down the road.)

I don’t know; just keep your eyes open for any motels.

EXT. SIDE OF THE ROAD: We see the truck pass. The screen goes black. In white numerals the screen reads JULY 7th 2003.

INT. TRUCK. NIGHT: The camera is zoomed in on the clock. It reads 8:45 p.m. The camera swoops around to the passengers.


Christ, isn’t there a motel anywhere around here? I’m starting to think Oklahoma is as deserted as Montana.

Gavin: (Noticing a sign up ahead)

Wait a minute, I think we’ve got something.

INT: The camera swoops to look out the windshield. A sign reads BLACK ROCK, OKLAHOMA 2 MILES. The camera swoops back to the passengers.


Oh, thank God, my butt’s been numb for two hours.


Thanks for the information.

AUGUST gives a big smile.

EXT. EXIT TO BLACK ROCK, OKLAHOMA: We see the truck take the exit ramp.

EXT. BLACK ROCK MOTEL: We see the truck enter the parking lot and park outside of the office.

INT. TRUCK: The six college kids are sitting in their seats motionless.

Nick: (sarcastically)

Is it just me, or does this place look really fucked up?

Gavin: (sighs)

Well it’s apparently the only place to stay in this entire county. (HE opens the door) C’mon…let’s go.

EXT: We see the license plate of the truck. The camera moves right to reveal the motel. It is dilapidated and run down. Ivy has grown on the front of the building. We see the six friends go up to door to the motel office. GAVIN starts knocking. There is no response.

Gavin: (knocking again)

Hello? Anyone home?

A light turns on from inside the office.


Thank God.

An OLD LADY answers the door. There is a noticeable look of fear on GAVIN’S face.

Old Lady:

Oh, I’m sorry. You folks lookin’ for a room?


We would need two rooms actually, one for the guys and one for the girls.

Old Lady:

C’mon in then.

INT. OFFICE OF MOTEL: We see the six characters come in, one by one, a look of astonishment crosses each of their faces. AUGUST and SUMMER wrinkle their noses as if something smells rank. The camera trucks around to see the characters point of view. The office is dusty and looks as if it hasn’t been used in years.

Old Lady:

I’m sorry about the state of things. I haven’t had any business for about two weeks now. We were just about to shut down this place, our funds for upkeep are quite low.

Jennifer: (apprehensively)

I’m sorry to hear that.

Old Lady:

Well we’ll be able to stay afloat now that you kids have come by.

Nick: (apprehensively)

I’m glad we could help.


Well, I’d really love to stay and chat but we have an early morning ahead of us, so if we could get down to the specifics—

Old Lady:

Oh, of course dear, I’m sorry I just go off on tangents sometimes. (going over to the register and typing some things in) You’re total will come to 44.19.

All six of the characters reach into their pockets to find money. When THEY do, the characters all give their money to GAVIN who hands the money to the OLD LADY.


Hey, would you happen to have a bathroom in here somewhere.

Old Lady:

Oh of course, it’s just around the corner, the second door on your left.



The camera follows behind AUGUST as she turns the corner and goes down a dimly lit corridor. SHE comes to the second door on the left and opens it. The camera swoops over AUGUST’S shoulder to reveal that a staircase is behind the opened door. It leads downward into a dark basement. AUGUST shuts the door.

INT. BASEMENT: Right before the door fully shuts a dark figure moves past the light. The door opens again and AUGUST peers through, finding nothing but darkness. AUGUST shuts the door again.

INT. CORRIDOR: AUGUST moves to the next door down and opens it. This time it is the bathroom. SHE walks in and shuts the door behind her.

INT. MOTEL OFFICE: The OLD LADY hands the keys to the two rooms to SUMMER and GAVIN.

Old Lady:

You’ll have rooms 11 and 12. Do you need help carrying your bags upstairs?


No, I think we got em’ but thanks for the offer.

Old Lady:

Alright then, you kids get a good night’s rest.


Thank you.

INT. BATHROOM, NIGHT: The sound of rain hitting the windowsill is heard. AUGUST pulls up her jeans and goes to wash HER hands in the sink. Before turning on the faucet, SHE notices that blood is stained on the handles of the faucet. SHE grabs a paper towel from the dispenser and covers the faucet knob as SHE turns on the faucet.

INT. MOTEL LOBBY: AUGUST comes rounding the bend and sees the OLD LADY at the desk.


Where are my friends?

Old Lady:

Oh, I assigned them rooms 11 and 12 upstairs.


Oh thank you.

Old Lady:

You’re welcome dear.

AUGUST heads upstairs. The camera follows the OLD LADY. The OLD LADY shuts off the office light and heads down the dimly lit corridor, SHE comes to the second door and opens it. It is the staircase to the basement. SHE enters and shuts the door behind her.

INT. GUY’S MOTEL ROOM: BEN, GAVIN, and NICK have all finished getting ready for bed and are about to turn in.


Alright, I want to be on the road by 8:00 a.m.


Alright see you guys in the morning then.



Gavin said be ready to go by 8 a.m.


Alright, cool.

EXT, MOTEL, NIGHT: We see that it is still raining.

INT. GIRL’S ROOM, NIGHT: The clock reads 3:20 p.m. AUGUST is awakened by the sound of rain and the low rumble of thunder. SHE gets up and goes to the bathroom.

INT. BATHROOM, NIGHT: AUGUST gets a drink of water and downs it quickly. SHE notices the sound of an annoying fly coming from inside the shower. SHE pulls the shower curtain back to reveal SUMMER, lying in a pool of HER own blood, with her throat slit. AUGUST screams, but HER screams are silenced by the sensation to vomit. AUGUST vomits into the toilet. JENNIFER comes running in.


What’s wro—(notices SUMMER) Oh, shit!

JENNIFER starts to cry.

August: (breathing heavily from vomiting)

Go get Gavin, or Nick, or SOMEBODY!!!

JENNIFER runs out of the room to the hallway. Rain is now pouring down. SHE knocks hard on the boy’s room door. Just then, an ominous dark figure comes up beside HER and puts a piece of barbed wire around HER neck, slitting it instantly. The MAN carries JENNIFER away, and disappears right as GAVIN turns on the light and answers the door. After seeing that no one is at the door, GAVIN shuts it and turns around. HE finds that BEN and NICK are both in their beds bleeding profusely. GAVIN screams and then runs out the door. GAVIN runs in to the MAN who then tries to put the barbed wire around GAVIN’S neck. GAVIN grabs the barbed wire, preventing it from choking HIMSELF. GAVIN knees the MAN, who then doubles over, GAVIN then starts to run.

INT. GIRL’S BATHROOM, NIGHT: AUGUST peers HER head around the corner, looking outside. SHE sees the MAN run after GAVIN.



SHE looks back and forth between the corridor and SUMMER. SHE is conflicted as to what to do in HER situation. AUGUST finally decides to run after GAVIN.

EXT, MOTEL: The camera is following GAVIN as he runs from the MAN. GAVIN trips and screams.

Gavin: (screams)


HE looks down at his leg to see that it has been cut by barbed wire.

Gavin: (screams)


The MAN comes at him from behind. GAVIN notices HIM and screams.


Shit! No, please no! PLEASE! SHIT!

The MAN wraps the barbed wire around GAVIN and rubs it back and forth, slashing GAVIN’S neck. GAVIN chokes and dies.

EXT. MOTEL: The camera follows AUGUST as she rounds the corner and sees GAVIN dead. SHE screams. The MAN looks up, picks GAVIN’S body up and throws it over the edge of the hallway, causing GAVIN’S body to land in the parking lot. The camera follows GAVIN’S body as it lands on the parking lot. The only thing we hear are AUGUST’S choking screams as she dies. The rain has stopped now, and blood is trickling out of GAVIN’S neck to a drain in the parking lot. All of a sudden, GAVIN’S body starts being dragged. We see that the person dragging the body has stockings on. The camera pans up to see that it is the OLD LADY dragging GAVIN’S body.

EXT. MOTEL: A bird’s eye shot as the sun comes up. The college kid’s truck is still in the parking lot. We see a police car drive past the Motel and stop about ten yards after it has past the entrance. The police cruiser backs up and turns into the Motel.

INT. POLICE CRUISER: CARL WALTER and GEORGE SMITH are the two officers in the car.


When was the last time you saw a car in this parking lot, George?


Over 15 years ago.


Exactly, let’s go check it out.

EXT. MOTEL, DAY: The two officers get out of the cruiser. GEORGE goes to the front door and pears HIS head in with out knocking. CARL goes over to the truck, but is stopped a few yards short by something that catches HIS eye. It is a line of fluid that has left a mark on the asphalt. It runs from the spot where CARL stands to the drain.


Hey George, come here.


Whatcha got?


It rained last night, did it not?


It did.


If this line of fluid were rain, would it not be evaporated by now?


It would.


Which means this has to be some other fluid.

CARL runs his fingers across the stain, when HE picks HIS hand up, HE notices that the stain is blood. The camera zooms back out to the bird’s eye view of the Motel. The two officers run back to their car, get it, and drive off. As they drive off, CARL radio’s to dispatch. The shot stays where it is.

Carl: (V.O.)

Dispatch this is unit 1024.

Dispatch: (over radio)

Go ahead 1024.

Carl: (V.O)

Connect me with Lieutenant Crawford.

Crawford (over the radio)

Crawford here, go ahead Carl.


Do you remember the case file from 12 years ago that had to do with a guy named Roger Mills? You know, the case that ended in a mistrial.




Well Lieutenant…he’s back.