Sample Assessment Outline


ATAR Year 12


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Sample assessment outline

Design – ATAR Year 12

Unit 3 and Unit 4

Assessment component / Assessment
type / Assessment
type weighting / Assessment
weighting / Weighting for combined
mark / When / Assessment task /
Practical / Production/
portfolio / 100% / 40% / 20% / Semester 1
Week 13 / Task 1: Unit 3 Commercial design solutions and design process. Presented in up to seven A3 single-sided portfolio pages. Students produce a series of design solutions for a new magazine inspired by the colour blue
40% / 20% / Semester 2
Week 10 / Task 2: Unit 4 Influential design solutions and comprehensive design process. Presented in up to seven A3 single-sided portfolio pages. Students produce a series of design solutions in response to a design brief related to influential design
20% / 10% / Semester 2
Week 13 / Task 3: Practical (portfolio) examination. Design Portfolio of Unit 3 and/or
Unit 4 design solutions, demonstrating a comprehensive design process. Showing refinement of Unit 3 and/or Unit 4 design solutions. Submission comprises up to 15 A3 single-sided sheets
100% / 50%
Written / Response / 40% / 10% / 5% / Semester 1
Week 7 / Task 4: In-class timed response analysing the works of a graphic designer or photographer notable for his/her quality magazine design e.g. David Carson, Irving Penn
10% / 5% / Semester 1
Week 10 / Task 5: In-class timed response on the design principle ‘form follows function’
10% / 5% / Semester 2
Week 6 / Task 6: In-class timed response to a work that uses visual codes to reinforce or challenge particular viewpoints
10% / 5% / Semester 2
Week 9 / Task 7: Research on possible future trends in production processes. Justify application to own design
examination / 60% / 30% / 15% / Examination
week / Task 8: Semester 1 written examination
30% / 15% / Examination
week / Task 9: Semester 2 written examination
100% / 50%

Sample assessment outline | Course name | ATAR Year 12