These rules and regulations are supplementary to the rules and regulations of Auto Cycle Union but are complimentary to them. They are to be used as a guide to assist you when attending an EASSC meeting.


Club members must book in by the weekend previous to the race meeting, after which you may not get preference over non-members.

Membership DOES NOT guarantee a place in any group, at any meeting! Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis

Please book in via wwwgoracemx.com.

Club telephone numbers are:

01621 741565

07709 253536


It is very important that you book out if you decide not to ride.

Don’t forget to visit our website and face book page for up to date information on the Club at www.eassc.co.uk

Rules and Supplementary Regulations 2017

EASSC runs under the rules of Auto Cycle Union, extracts of which are printed here for your assistance. We have also included certain Supplementary Regulations of EASSC, which describe the running of a meeting.

1. Membership is per family and runs from January to December. Membership forms will be sent out towards the end of every year. Riders going into the next riding group will have the first refusal of their previous group’s number if available.

2. Licences – These are issued by the ACU. The riders’ current licence must always be shown at signing on at all Auto Cycle Union events. Day Licences are available.

3. Booking In – Please book in on the Goracemx website by the weekend previous to the race meeting. This not only gives us an indication of numbers, but ensures that your details can be printed in the programme. We will always try to accommodate riders but we cannot guarantee preference over non-club members if entries are received late. Any rider that fails to attend and has not booked out without good reason will only be accepted at the next meeting on a reserve basis.

4. Marshal Duties – Riders are expected to supply a marshal or pay not to marshal at each race meeting. ALL MARSHALS MUST BE ON THEIR POSTS 15 MINUTES BEFORE PRACTICE STARTS. Any marshal who leaves their post or fails to carry out their duties will be reported to the stewards.

Auto riders will not need to supply a marshal.

5. Signing On – All riders must sign-on on the day of the meeting. Riders under 18 years cannot sign themselves – this must be done by a parent or legal guardian.

A current ACU licence must be presented at signing on at each race meeting otherwise a Day Licence will be required.

6. Any rider leaving the meeting before the end should inform the Secretary of the Meeting whom’s name will be in the programme on the official’s page.

7. No gopeds or paddock bikes are permitted under any circumstances.

8. Riding in the pit/paddock area is not permitted under any circumstances – Riding side saddle or pushing the machine with a rider on board is also not permitted. If a riding lane is provided to the start, riding is restricted to the riding lane only and must be at walking pace. No pillion passengers to be carried at any time.

9. Upgrades/Changing Group - As per ACU Rules.

10. Scrutineering will take place in the paddock prior to the start of the meeting. Every rider must present their machine and helmet for inspection. In the event of a rider having a second machine both machines must be scrutineered before the start of the meeting.

The scrutineer will advise any items that are considered needing attention. If the

machine is non-compliant the scrutineer may ask for the machine to be represented. This also applies to backgrounds and numbers.

The machine will only be ticked off the list when the scrutineer is satisfied.

Bikes will be scrutineered as per current ACU rule book.

Backgrounds and numbers:

Backgrounds must be correct for the respective group. Numbers must be clear and the correct size. The reasons being that lapscorers use the numbers to back up the timing system in the event of failure. We cannot score what we cannot read.

Transponders will be used at all race meetings. Please remember to make sure your transponders are fully charged at the beginning of each race meeting. If you have any queries regarding transponders, ie hiring, buying, charging etc. please use the mobile number 07709 253536 or EASSC’s facebook to contact a committee member.

A competitor’s vehicle must carry at least one fire extinguisher (min 1.52kg) not water. See ACU Rules.

11. The Start – Approach the ‘parc ferme’ in plenty of time for your race. Generally when the previous group has been called to the line or when called. Before you enter the ‘parc ferme’ you will be asked to pick a peg. This is done at random and will decide your position in the parc for the first race. In subsequent races gate positions are decided by the finishing order of the previous race in your group, the peg person will allocate your number.

Enter the ‘parc ferme’ when instructed and reverse on to your number as displayed. When the starter calls for the next race, you will be released from the parc in numerical order. You will then get your choice of start gate.

The Starter will display a green flag to every rider on the line to show that they are “under starter’s orders” you are requested to acknowledge this. At Club events the 15 second board will then be raised, which will then turn to display five seconds. The start gate will fall at ANY time within these five seconds.

In the event of a failure of the start gate a Union Flag will be used. The 15 and 5 second board will be shown and the Union Flag raised during the 5 second period. Start on the up stroke of the flag.

It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure they are in the ‘parc ferme’ in time. The race will not be delayed once the riders are on the line.

12. The Finish – A yellow flag with a black diagonal cross will be shown at the finish line to indicate that you are on the last lap. The first rider to complete that lap will be shown the chequered flag denoting the finish. No rider must race after the chequered flag. Red flags will be shown at the pull off, no rider must pass the red flags.

13. Medical Attention

If a rider needs medical attention it is important that they are assessed quickly and treated appropriately. In most cases the rider will get up and carry on without medical assistance after they have composed themselves.

The ACU rules clearly state that no one is allowed on the track unless they are signed on officials, however, we do appreciate that if a rider is hurt a member of the family will want to be present. Please wait until you are sure that the rider is not going to carry on and then speak to an official before entering the track. They will endeavor to keep you safe.

Please restrict this to one member of the family. It is difficult for the medical team to deal with an incident in a crowd and the more people trackside the more dangerous the situation becomes. The Clerk of the Course will manage the incident to avoid stopping the race but they will do so if they think the situation requires it.

14. Please do not leave litter and clean up the area around your vehicle. Someone has to!!

15. Club Championship – The rules for this will be published before the start of the season. Every effort is made not to change rules once published but are subject to change at the Club’s discretion. If, however, a change has to be made details will be published in the programme and on our website and Facebook page. Riders who have completed enough championship races to qualify will whatever position they come at the end of the season, be presented with a trophy at the Presentation.

16. Abandonment of a meeting - If a meeting is abandoned for any reason, points will be scored for any completed race. If the meeting is abandoned mid way through a block those races completed will count towards the Club Championship in that group but not to highest points scored at the end of the season.

We will not start a block if we consider that there is insufficient time to complete it. However, we reserve the right to reduce race times to achieve this.

No monies can be refunded to any rider that has taken part in any practice.

All points are recorded on the Mylaps system and are available on-line. Points will be awarded to all competing riders in the form 45, 43, 41, 39, 37, 35, 34 down to 1. To qualify for a finish a rider and machine must cross the finish line together and unaided, without having left the marked course or being deemed retired.

17. Protests must be made to the Clerk of the Course within 30 minutes of the end of the race or from the time the results are posted if the protest concerns the result. If the Clerk of the Courses decision is not accepted the protest may be put in writing together with a fee of £50 to the Secretary of the Meeting who will then put the protest to the Stewards whose decision will be final. If the protest is upheld the £50 fee will be returned. The Secretary of the Meeting may not decline any protest properly presented under any circumstances or offer an opinion as to the possible outcome of any protest tendered. See ACU Rule on protests.

18. Communication –The Club has a web site and face book page that is regularly updated with hyperlinks to other useful sites and an e-mail address for you to communicate with the Club. You can e-mail to this address and your message will be passed to the relevant person.

19. Directions to tracks

Postcodes and directions to all tracks are shown on the club website.

20. Team Event

If a team event is run, the team manager will be responsible for selecting and running the team. There is no laid down criteria for selection. Anyone is welcome to come and support the team and on the Saturday evening the Club has a barbeque which turns into a great social event which our Club could easily be the winner of!!!

21. Presentation

At the end of the season the Club holds a Presentation Evening where Club Championship and perpetual trophies are awarded. Club Championship points are posted on our website, these may not always be 100% correct but please inform Chief Timekeeper if you believe an error has been made. At the Presentation each rider in the Club Championship will receive an award for the position that they obtain. This is given out by a special guest and a photographer is present to record this event. The format of the evening changes but always consists of the presentation of awards, entertainment and various raffles.

These rules are only to be used as a guide and you should be familiar with the ACU rule book which is available to download from the ACU website and EASSC website.

EASSC Ltd is a limited company that administers all the affairs of East Anglia SSC


EASSC Ltd is a limited company affiliated to the ACU, it is administered by three directors, one of which serves as the company secretary. The company was formed to protect the interests of the club and its officials. All money is retained within the company and the directors take no payment, stipend or fee of any kind from the company.

The company is responsible for ensuring that it’s legal and regulatory requirement are complied with.

The company does not interfere with the running of events on a day to day basis but is responsible for ensuring that enough officials are in place to run efficiently. It will also be responsible for winding the company up if appropriate.

East Anglia SSC operates within EASSC Ltd. and will consist of a chairman, treasurer and secretary and as many officials as deemed necessary to run events efficiently, they are responsible for all matters concerning the running of events on a day to day basis.

An AGM will be held at the end of the season, at which the permanent officials will resign and will either stand for re-election or will be replaced by ballot. The Chairman will report on the previous season and the new Chairman on the plans for the following season.

From time to time a President is elected, whose term of office does not expire at the end of the year. The role of the president is to provide continuity from year to year and to officiate in electing a new Chairman at the AGM.

The president will remain in office until their resignation or until removed at the AGM.

We are always looking for enthusiastic people who feel that they could make worthwhile contributions.

If you are interested in helping on race days or behind the scenes please speak to the Secretary who will advise you of what is entailed.