Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC)
Industry Update: Sheep Identification in Wales
Current legislation on sheep identification in Wales requires that all sheep born from 1 February 2003 be identified with a UK (holding of birth) tag and a unique individual number before they leave the holding or within 12 months of birth. Subsequent movements of bought-in sheep e.g. to market must be carried out using either the individual numbers or by applying S Tags.
With EU legislation, that was adopted in December 2003, enforcing double identification, these systems may soon be altered, creating an additional financial burden on the Welsh sheep producer. The legislation requires that all breeding sheep born after 9 July 2005 will have to be identified with two forms of identification.[1] Double identification is the latest means of ensuring traceability, which it is hoped would also help control the spread of infectious diseases during any such outbreak.[2]
The Welsh Assembly Government along with DEFRA and SEERAD have applied for a derogation to this legislation, which requests that GB be exempt from double identification in 2005. It is considered that the existing national system of identification already provides comprehensive traceability nationwide. An inspection by the EU Commission is now expected to take place in the late autumn to evaluate the GB S Tag system.
Therefore, in order to avoid the financial burden of double identification in July next year, it is important that all sheep producers in Wales along with marts and abattoirs are aware of the requirements of the current system. For bought-in sheep born before 1 February 2003 which do not have an individual identification an S Tag should be applied to all sheep prior to a movement to market or another holding. Bought in sheep born from 1 February 2003 onwards can be moved either using their individual numbers (which must be recorded on the movement licence and in the record book) or using the S tag system. Sheep born on your holding that move off do not therefore require an S Tag. The maximum number of tags that can be applied to a sheep is three.
UK (holding of birth) tag S Tag
Additional information can be obtained from Hybu Cig Cymru (01970 625050, ), or from the Welsh Assembly Government Welfare and Animal ID bilingual helpline (01286 662027, ).
[1] Animals intended for slaughter before 12 months of age (and not intended for export) can be identified by a single tag containing the UK code and the identification code of the holding of birth.
[2] The reinforced system for the identification of sheep entering into force in July 2005 includes the following:
· Double identification before six months of age (however, it may be possible to obtain a derogation for animals farmed extensively, and if granted then animals would need to be tagged by 9 months of age) –
o Eartag, and
o Eartag, or tattoo, or electronic identifier.
· A movement document for each movement of groups of animals.
· Maintaining an up-to-date register on each holding.
· A central register of all holdings or computer database at national level.