HWN Board Meeting 21 July 2016 Agenda Item: 9
Update from Interim General Manager – Kate Holt
Office Move
The office move occurred on Monday 13 June.
The new address is:
Healthwatch Northamptonshire CIC
Lakeside House 3rd Floor
Bedford Road
Northampton NN4 7HD
New public phone number: 0300 002 0010
Staffing has recently been restructured within the reduced 2016/17 budget and some roles changed to support new business arrangements:
Healthwatch Northamptonshire CIC
· Kate Holt, Interim General Manager
· Jo Spenceley, Research Officer
· Nathan Street, Research Support
· Hannah Fairweather, Admin and team support
· Heather Cagney - maternity leave
Healthwatch Northamptonshire (contract)
· Sonia Bray, Adult Services Lead
· Ashley Poulton, Children, Young People and Families Lead. Starts in post Monday 25 July
· Mark Symmonds, Outreach and Signposting
· Naomi Vibrati, Communications and team support
Staff Structure diagram:
From 25 July we will be at the full time equivalent (fte) of 6.4 with one member of staff (18.5 hours per week 0.5 fte) on maternity leave, which to date has not yet been covered.
To support the work with reduced staff there will be service level agreements with University of Northamptonshire to provide financial management support and with Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire (VIN) to provide communications support. VIN also managed production of the HWN Annual Report to meet tight deadlines.
· STP Workshop 26 May was well attended by over 65 people. Nene CCG held a follow up meeting 23 June
· MYVC3 report for Nene CCG completed. Draft now back from the CCG with their comments and can now be published.
· SEND report – completed
· Eating Disorder report – over 2000 responses currently being analysed
· New Adult Services Strategic Planning Group – work priorities agreed. Sandra Bell is Chair and Peter Treadgold Vice Chair
HWN Outreach Activity Summary - April to June
Mark Symmonds (MS) has attended 11 events during this period and spoke to 121 people from around the county. 67 comment cards were completed and 2 people signed up for the HWN Newsletter.
MS secured the first two venues for the Pop Up Shops - Daventry Leisure Centre the first venue on the 29 June 2016 followed by Daventry Urgent Care Centre on 30 June 2016.
We are currently waiting for NGH to get back to us to confirm regular Pop Up Shops there.
MS also attended Armed Forces Day on Saturday 25 June 2016.
Staff Training and Development
Mark recently organised the delivery of training on Civi CRM – a customer relationship management system. The training was also attended by HW Bedford Borough and HW Central Bedfordshire. The feedback to us and to Healthwatch England was that the training was very good and people thought it was well organised and the hospitality excellent.
We put Civi CRM into practice for the first time when we used it for people to sign up to the STP workshop. Nene CCG were impressed with the booking system and we are in discussion with them about further engagement work around the STP.
Nathan attended an Essential First Aid training course on Monday 27 June run by NVCA.
Jo has started a PhD Supervisors course with the University of Northampton.
Business Development Opportunities
Mark has also recently completed two training sessions as a Business Enabler and has a further 2 sessions to complete and then will be able to advise and support disabled people to become self-employed. This is a great opportunity to facilitate the development of small businesses but also offers some opportunity for the CIC to contract with some of the businesses or with wider business groups to offer resources to assist with day to day running of a business. A full report with opportunities for the CIC will be produced once the course is completed.
NCC Contract Meeting
Kate met with Lindsey Cox, Service Manager Commissioning - Public Health and Wellbeing, People Directorate and Kay King, Monitoring Manager from NCC on 5 July to discuss HWN’s contract monitoring and actions taken to mitigate the reduction in the HWN budget.
Young Healthwatch
Alistair Bassett has stood down as Chair of Young Healthwatch because of other commitments. Maddie Warren has been appointed as the new Chair.
To agree that the new Chair of Young Healthwatch be invited to become a HWN Board member.
Kate Holt
Interim General Manger
July 2016
General Manager Report – Kate Holt 21072016 Page 3