AGM held on 12th May 2011 at Royal Victoria Yacht Club at 7.00 pm


Present: Cllr Johnson (Chairman), Cllr Reed, Cllr Warwick, Mrs Bulwer (Clerk)



1042Election of Chairman

Cllr Warwick proposed, seconded by Cllr Johnson that Cllr Reed should be elected to

serve as Chairman of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year.

1043Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Cllr Reed signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, witnessed by the Clerk.

In taking office the new Chairman thanked Cllr Johnson for the invaluable contribution

he has made to the Parish Council during his time as Chairman.

1044Election of Vice-Chairman

Cllr Cooper having indicated his willingness to continue as Vice-Chairman was re-

elected. Proposed Cllr Warwick, seconded Cllr Johnson

1045To review and adopt Standing Orders

Following a proposal from Cllr Warwick, seconded by Cllr Reed it was resolved that

the Standing Orders be readopted.

1046To review, approve and adopt amended Financial Regulations

Following a proposal from Cllr Warwick. seconded by Cllr Reed it was resolved that

amended Financial Regulations be adopted.

1047To appoint an Internal Auditor

Following a proposal by the Clerk, seconded by Cllr Johnson it was resolved that

Mr Gordon Tutton be appointed as Internal Auditor for the year 2010/11.

1048To appoint a Representative to the Executive Council of the Isle of Wight

Association of Local Councils

Cllr Cooper having indicated his willingness to continue as Representative was re-

appointed. Proposed Cllr Reed, seconded Cllr Warwick.

Questions from Members of the Public - Mr Young asked if the Passenger Information Sign

at the Wightlink terminal made any difference. The Chairman confirmed this would be

included in his report.


1049Apologies : Cllrs Ballard and Cooper, Mr R Carpenter, Mr P de Peyer

1050Members Declaration of Interest - None

1051Minutes of the Meetings held on 5th and 14th April had been circulated and were taken

as read. There being no amendments they were accepted as a true record and signed by

the Chairman. Proposed Cllr Warwick, seconded Cllr Johnson

1052The Financial Statements of Account had been circulated. The Chairman pointed out

that Note 1 should read ‘Includes gratuity of £650 to retiring Clerk …’ not £600.

After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Warwick, seconded by Cllr Johnson that the

accounts be approved. Copies of the Statements are attached and form Appendix A to

these minutes.

To receive Reports

1053The Chairman reported that the party held on 29th April on the Oak Tree Green had

been an enormous success. Thanks were given to the organisers which was a collabor-

ation of the RVYC, Cllr Cowell and Hubert Smythe. (Mr Young pointed out that some


1053items still needed to be cleared away and the Chairman agreed to speak to Hubert.)

Between 300 and 400 people attended (including about 100 children). The Commodore

of the RVYC, Mr Nigel Talbot commented on the close co-operation between the

Parish and the Club and willingness of individuals to work very hard to make the event

a success. Cllr Johnson confirmed that a report had been given to CountyPress. A sum

of £1,600 had been raised for the Hants & IW Air Ambulance Service. A full report

will be included in the next Newsletter.

Mr Young mentioned that the last grass cutting on part of the lower green had not been

carried out very well and it had been necessary for him to tidy up afterwards. The

situation will be monitored and if this happens again the Clerk will contact IWC

1054The Chairman reported that Wightlink were having problems getting the Passenger

Information Board working but they are determined to get it repaired.

1055Cllr Warwick reported that Mr David Bialas of Southern Water had inspected

Ashlake Farm Lane to see if work can be carried out economically to alleviate

problems in the area.He also visited residents who had experienced overflowing

drains which had been reported earlier this year. It is hoped that a drainage gully will

be created to take away the surface water from Kite Hill. Mr Bialas also reported on

work being done in Barge Lane.

Mr Young confirmed that Southern Water had acted promptly when there had been

problems with the pumping station by the lower green.

1056Mrs Talbot reported that there had been a burglary in Fishbourne Lane. The Clerk

will obtain information from PC Massey. An item will be included in the Newsletter.

1057The Clerk reported that

£744.60 to reimburse the cost of the website had been received from RCC.

Iain Thornton and Kevin Burton were not responding to the request for a meeting to

discuss traffic issues in the Parish despite two reminders.

Councillor training information had been received and circulated and the Clerk

encouraged members to take advantage of these courses

A response had been received concerning the drain covers at the Firestone Copse Rd

junction with Kite Hill and had been forwarded to the resident who had raised the query

She will keep a check on progress.

The Council had been contacted concerning discretionary concessionary transport to

Faith Schools on the Island. After discussion it was decided that the Council would not

support this request.

Victim Support have asked for a donation. After discussion it was agreed that the

Council would not make a donation.

The Community Payback team (Hampshire Probation Trust) are now charging for

this service.

Mark Dickson has asked for volunteers for the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Council has been asked to circulate details of the Travel/Parking Survey to/at

St Mary’s.

The IWC are undertaking a survey relating to rubbish collection. It was agreed that

anything that encourages recycling and discourages landfill should be supported.

Renewal notice for insurance has been received £204.40 to £276.50. Cllr Warwick

will check with Ashlake Farm Residents treasurer re their insurer and inform Clerk.

The Chairman suggested the Clerk let Suffolk Acre know we are considering changing.

1058After discussion is was agreed that the Clerk should contact the original suppliers to

see if they will refurbish the Notice Board in Fishbourne Inn car park. The notice board

at Quarr doesn’t lock - it was agreed that the Clerk should contact Footprint Trust.


1058The future of the Elenors Grove Notice Board is still uncertain.

1059After discussion it was agreed to renew our subscription to CPRE£34.00. Proposed

Cllr Johnson, seconded Cllr Warwick.

1060The Chairman informed the Council that following a complaint from a resident

concerning a bright flashing light which had been installed at the crossing in Kite

Hillhe had inspected the area and the light had been switched off. It is understood

that another resident in the area had complained to the IWC.

1061Correspondence received from

Fullers Brewery regarding Village of the Year competiton

Booklet relating to Fire Control Centre move to Surrey.

(it was suggested that reference be made to this move in the Newsletter)

Cllr Johnson’s letter of resignation with effect from 13th May 2011

1062Planning Applications - none.

1063Tree Preservation Order - none. It was agreed that the Clerk should thank the IWC

for the work recently undertaken to the Oak Tree.

1064Planned Payments - Councillors had been provided with copies of the Schedule of

Planned Payments. It was resolved that payments totalling £423.04 be approved.

Proposed Cllr Warwick, seconded Cllr Johnson. A copy of the Schedule is attached

and forms Appendix B to these minutes.

1065Agenda Items for the Next Meeting

Councillors to complete Register of Financial and Other Interests

Approval and adoption of Financial Risk Assessment and Asset Register

Audit Governance Statement

Training Programme

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.58 pm