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Welcome to the Social Security Administration (SSA). The San Francisco Region New Employee Guide is designed to serve as an introduction to SSA and to provide resources that will help you make a smooth transition into your new role. The guide contains both orientation and onboarding topics. Onboarding is the process of integrating you into your new work environment, and orientation is just an introduction piece of the process.

This guide will assist you in managing your own development and optimizing your career with SSA. Members of management and your mentor will be actively involved throughout the process and will be available to answer your questions.

Please note that not all items and timeframes in the guide will apply to you. If in doubt, check with your supervisor.

Your managers and supervisors will review this information with you.

As soon as you can, take a look at the San Francisco Region Employee Website. This site will provide you with an introduction to many topics of importance to new and seasoned employees, and it will serve as a resource throughout your SSA career. Many of the links below are also available on the website to help you get onboard!

Mandatory Forms required within 5 days of employment

·  Appointment Affidavit (Oath of Office) - Your Manager will administer the Oath of Office to you.

Week One through Week Two

Getting to Know You and the Staff

During your first week, you will become familiar with your role in your office and will:

·  Meet with your mentor and members of management.

·  Be introduced to staff members in the office.

·  Receive an office tour.

·  Receive a building pass, HSPD12 credential (badge), or door codes.

·  Review Use of office equipment, including telephone, voicemail, facsimile, and copier.

·  Review sign-in/sign-out procedures with your supervisor.

·  Organize your desk: make sure you have the necessary supplies.

·  Receive and review your Position Description.

·  Receive and review Performance Assessment Communication System (PACS) plan and your Career Ladder Promotion (CLP) plan with your supervisor.

Computer Training and Access

Your manager will review the information listed below and the links provided under this category to provide you with information and instructions on how to use your computer, how to access the required programs for your specific job type, and how to log-on and log-off of your computer.

·  Learn how to transact SSA business that requires systems access.

·  Review sanctions for Unauthorized Systems Access Violations. (Sign sanction

document and give it to your supervisor.)

·  Discuss SSA Policy on Limited Personal Use of Government Office Equipment Including Information Technology.

·  Receive Personal Identification Number (PIN).

·  Review your workstation, log-on, and log-off procedures.

·  Become familiar with the San Francisco Region’s SFNet website.

Agency Background

The Social Security Administration is the largest social agency in the nation. This section will provide you with information on SSA’s history, values, and mission, as well as provide a closer look into the organization and strategic plan that will drive the work you are learning to perform.

·  Working for SSA

·  SSA’s Core Values

·  SSA’s History

·  Agency Strategic Plan

·  Region 9 Organization Chart

·  SSA Organization Chart

·  San Francisco Region Area Websites

Important Employee Information

The links and information provided in this section are very important and critical for you to know as a new employee. Click on each item below to obtain more information on each topic.

·  Privacy Act

·  Conduct When Working for SSA

·  Probationary Period

·  Annual Personnel Reminders

·  Alignment Statement (Management will review and discuss with you.)

·  Service Level Indicators (Management will review and discuss with you.)

·  Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

·  Whistleblower Disclosures No Fear Act Information

·  Constitution Training VOD Constitution Training Online Lesson

·  Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

·  Think Twice First Campaign

Payroll and Attendance

The policy information listed below deals with the types and usage of leave, the hours of work, and the correct procedures to follow concerning time and attendance. You will also find payroll information.

·  Types of Leave and Absence and Management of Leave

·  Attendance Sheet (Your supervisor will review it with you.)

·  Leave Roster (Your supervisor will explain this to you.)

·  Annual and Sick Leave Accrual

·  Core and Flexible Hours/Flexible Work Schedule

·  Pay Periods/Hours of Work

·  Tour of Duty/Sign-In, Sign-Out Procedures

·  Payroll Charts


The links below will provide you with information and resources concerning employee benefits and programs.

·  San Francisco Region Employee Services Team

·  Federal Benefits Fast Facts

·  Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Work/Life Resources

*Did you miss the open enrollment season to apply for health benefits? If you have a qualifying life-changing event, you may be eligible to enroll in health benefits. (Deadline: 60 days from the qualifying event.)

Week 3 through 4 Months

Within the first four months, new employees typically begin technical training. This training will give you the background and foundation you will need to perform your job duties. Below are some links that will be useful during this time.

·  SF Region Technical Training Resources (Employee Development and Training)

·  CORE Training

·  Mentoring

Four Months and Beyond

As you move towards completion of technical training, your manager and supervisor will provide you with valuable information about ongoing training and career development. You will also receive additional resource information about personnel issues such as payroll, leave, and your employee records. Listed below are links to some of the information that your manager or supervisor will cover with you.

Training and Career Development

SF Region Employee Training and Development Team


Interactive Video Training (IVT)

Video on Demand (VOD) Index

SF Region Resource Library

Writing Center (Commissioner's Writing Tips)

Leadership Programs (National, Regional, and Local)

Advisory Councils & Committees

Career Development, Office of Personnel Site

SSA Critical Competencies

Job Announcements

Additional Resources

Employee Data (View, print, and update your Human Resources records online.)


Employee Express

Travel Card

For You & About You, the New Employee

Employee Benefits Information System

eServices for Employees

And remember, there’s much more information waiting for you on the San Francisco Region Employee Website.

Good luck and …
