Choice Board Activity

The Landlady

Directions: Choose 1 activity to complete (use text, notes, handouts, etc.)

The Landlady
“But I’m always ready. Everything is always ready day and night in this house just on the off chance that an acceptable young gentleman will come along. And it is such a pleasure, my dear, such a very great pleasure when now and again I open the door and I see someone standing there who is just exactly right.”
Write a letter from Billy to his parents (before he drinks the tea) telling them about all of the strange behaviors of his landlady. It should be one page written in ink. (Blue/Black) / The Landlady
Create a comic strip that contains at least 10 frames and covers all of the main events of the story from the exposition to the resolution. Your comic strip should include drawings/images and captions/dialogue.
*Use template provided
Make a “Wanted” poster for the landlady. Include a drawing of the suspect (based on the description in the story) and a list of her ‘crimes’.
*Use template provided / Artistic Poster
Design an artistic, interpretive poster which creatively displays the themes, mood, and conflicts in Roald Dahl’s, “The Landlady”. Your poster must use a mixture of illustrations, symbols, words, phrases, and quotes written in an artistic fashion.
*Use large construction paper – whole page should be covered/colored for full credit

Tic-Tac-Toe Menu

Directions: Chose activities in a tic-tac-toe design. When you have completed the activities in a row---horizontally, vertically, or diagonally---or in 4 corners, you may decide to be finished. OR you may decide to keep going and complete more activities. Star the activities you plan to complete. Color in the box when you finish the activity.

Facts or ideas which are important to you.
(Knowledge) / Teach
A lesson about your topic to our class. Include at least one visual aid.
(Synthesis) / Draw
A diagram, map or picture of your topic.
(Application) / Judge
Two different viewpoints about an issue. Explain your decision.
Videotape, or film part of your presentation.
(Synthesis) / Demonstrate
Something to show what you have learned.
(Application) / Graph
Some part of your study to show how many or how few.
(Analysis) / Create
An original poem, dance, picture, song, or story.
Something to show what you have learned.
(Synthesis) / Survey
Others to learn their opinions about some fact, idea, or feature of your study.
(Analysis) / Forecast
How your topic will change in the next 10 years.
(Synthesis) / Build
A model or diorama to illustrate what you have learned.
An original game using facts you have learned.
(Synthesis) / Memorize
And recite a quote or a short list of facts about your topic.
(Knowledge) / Write
An editorial for the student newspaper or draw an editorial cartoon.
(Evaluation) / Compare
Two things from your study. Look for ways they are alike and different.