1. Phonetics and phonology. Relationships with other disciplines.
  2. The anatomy and physiology of speech production. Articulatory phonetics.
  3. The acoustics of speech.
  4. Hearing and speech perception.
  5. The phonetic description and classification of speech sounds.
  6. The phonological organization of speech: phonemes, allophones and distinctive features. Phonetic and phonemic transcription.
  7. The phonological systems of English and Bulgarian: vowels and consonants.
  8. The generative approach to phonology.

10. Distinctive feature analysis of the English phonological system. Rules and ordering.

11. The syllable as a phonetic and phonological unit. Phonotactics.

12. Phonology of the word. Lexical stress: nature, degrees, rules.

13. The phonetics and phonology of English connected speech.

14. The prosody of connected speech. The rhythmic organization of English.

15. English intonation: forms and functions. Discourse intonation.

16. Accents of English: RP, GA, SSE, other standard varieties.

17. Recent trends in phonetic and phonological theory. Autosegmental and Metrical Phonology. Experimental phonology.

18. Teaching and learning English pronunciation.


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