Attorney for Petitioner __



In re the Marriage of:
Petitioner: ______
Respondent: ______
/ )
Assigned for all purposes to:
Honorable ______
Dept: ____

I, MICHAEL BONNEAU, declare as follows:

1. I am a Vocational Training Counselor. I am submitting this declaration in support of Petitioner’s request for Respondent to undergo a vocational examination. I know of the facts stated herein of my own personal knowledge and, if called upon to do so, I could and would competently testify thereto under oath.

2. My business address is 16152 Beach Blvd., Suite 270, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, (714) 848-4919.

3. My qualifications as a vocational training counselor are set forth in my attached curriculum vitae which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference.

4. I have been qualified as a vocational training counselor expert in more than 150 cases before the Orange County Superior Court. I have also been qualified as a vocational training counselor expert in cases before the Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego and San Bernardino Superior Courts.

5. I have been qualified as an expert in various types of proceedings, including, but not limited to dissolution actions, child custody actions, personal injury suits, medical malpractice suits, worker’s compensation and employment law cases. I have been conducting these examinations and offering expert testimony in this area since 1987.

6. I have met with more than 4,500 individuals in my 29 plus years performing these examinations. In these meetings, I have interviewed individuals and administered various tests to determine their ability to become employed. The tests I administered to individuals throughout the years include, but are not limited to the following: Oasis Aptitude Survey, Wide Range Achievement Test, Gates Maginitie Reading Test and the Raven.

7. I am also qualified to administer and interpret inventories for assessing career potential. Some of these inventories that I have administered throughout my practice include but are not limited to the Strong Interest Inventory, the Career Orientation Placement Survey and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.

8. I received specific training on administering and interpreting the Strong Interest Inventory and the Career Orientation Placement Survey during my Masters Degree program. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is an inventory that became available for administration during the early 1990’s. I have administered the Strong Interest Inventory and the Career Orientation Placement Survey tests since approximately 1978. I have studied the literature and manuals regarding the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and have administered the Myers Briggs Type Indicator in my practice for approximately twenty years plus.

9. In order to further my ability to administer these career assessment inventories, and to keep abreast in the latest developments regarding the application and interpretation of these tests, I have attended various seminars and conferences during my career that have covered how to apply these tests and interpret the results. In addition, I review and study on a continuous basis a litany of independent trade manuals, books, and journal articles that analyze and review how to administer and interpret these career assessment inventories.

10. After my completion of the interview process, I then assess the individual’s marketable skills by reviewing their test and inventory results as well as my notes from these interviews. I assess these marketable skills by taking into consideration the individual’s age, physical and metal health, previous education and experience, as well as time and geographic mobility constraints.

11. Throughout my 29 plus years of performing these examinations, I have taken various courses and attended various seminars and conferences to further my ability to perform these evaluations. Some of these courses/conferences include topics regarding Expert Testimony Behavior, Transferable Skill Analysis, and Interview Techniques. In fact, I have also been selected to speak at various times in regard to the area of vocational examinations. I have spoken at the CARRP Conference 2002 regarding advanced family law vocational examination, as well as at the 2000 Southern California Rehabilitation Exchange regarding advanced family law vocational examinations. In addition, I have been a guest speaker at numerous local bar association meetings, including for the Orange County Bar Association.

12. Educationally, I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Welfare that I obtained in 1974 from San Diego State University. I also have a Master of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling that I obtained in 1978 from San Diego State University. This Masters Degree is a degree in the behavioral sciences area. The degree blends psychology with career counseling as well as incorporating knowledge of disabilities for rehabilitation. As part of the master’s program I had courses in statistics, test administration and interpretation all of which are utilized in a vocational examination. I am also a Diplomate with the American Board of Vocational Experts and an Independent Vocational Evaluator. I am a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor.

13. I have current knowledge of the current employment conditions, job market and wages in the Orange County area. Approximately 95% of my practice is within the Orange County area. I am able to review current information regarding the Orange County job market by keeping up to date on publications from the Employment Development Dept. and U.S. Dept of Labor. I also regularly conduct labor market surveys in specific job areas with local employers. Information regarding wages and job availability are included in these surveys, as well as other published data that I review from these as well as other private sources in conducting my examinations.

14. I am also aware of the various education and training programs that are available within the Orange County area for an individual to become reemployed in various areas. I have in the past quite often recommended that individuals need additional training or education in order to become reemployed. In these instances, I am usually either aware or able to ascertain through research what type of training there is available in the Orange County area and what are the costs associated with this training. I written vocational rehabilitation plans within the worker’s compensation area, recommending and researching various re-education plans for employment. This includes receiving information from private schools, attending school fairs, and researching certified private training programs through the State Bureau for Private Post Secondary Vocational Education, all to become knowledgeable about the various education and training programs that exist.

15. As part of my practice, for the last 38 years I have been writing plans for reemployment training and self employment outlining cost parameters for training and job placement activities. All of this again is utilized in my vocational examinations.


16. The proposed scope of the examination is as follows: This examination generally takes four to six hours and consists of an in-depth personal interview, self-assessment exercises and vocational testing as outlined previously in this declaration on Page 2. Michael Bonneau, a vocational training counselor, will evaluate and document the referred spouse’s interests, skills, values, educational background, work history, unpaid work experience, volunteer experience and efforts to seek employment. Health, age and standard of living during the marriage, as well as education and training needs will be taken into consideration when determining current and future employability and earning capacity.

I submit to this Court that my qualifications as a vocational training counselor, as set forth in my curriculum vitae attached as Exhibit “A”, satisfy the requirements set forth in Family Code Sections 4331(d) and 4331(e) for serving as a vocational training counselor in this matter.

I declare under the penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this __th day of ______20__ in Orange County, California.
