Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8
Curriculum, Training and Development Services
Special Projects Office
4500 Sixth Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602
Office Number: (814) 940-0223 ext. 1388 Fax Number: (814) 949-0984 E-mail:
To:Interscholastic Reading Competition Coaches / Advisors and
any teachers interested in getting involved
From:Joan Conway, Chairperson
Date:August 29, 2013
Re:Fall 2013 Registration and Meet Information
The registration for the Fall 2013 Reading Competition will be completed online as it was in the spring. Competition information will be available on the IU 8 Student-Focused Program page at this link:
Here you will find competition information, the registration link, the food menu, map and directions and the 2013-2014 Book Lists. When you have your team information and are ready to register, the system is the same as last year. The registration link will not be active until October. At that time the link will be e-mailed to the coaches.
Log in using your IU 8 Registration account you used last year and may have used for other IU 8 events. For a password reminder, use the “Lost Password” feature:
Helpful Tips:
--Gather all your information before starting the registration process (Team Name, Level, Coach, School Contact, Volunteer and Student Information.)
Note about Volunteers:Do NOT list the same volunteer as a helper for more than one team on the same night. Unless you have more volunteers than teams, make sure you list only one volunteer for each team.
--Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required.
--Print your completed form if you wish. You will also receive a team confirmation email but it will not contain the team details. Confirmation letters will not be sent in the mail.
--To enter a new team, start the process again. If you are already in the system, navigate to Events, Search and start typing “Interscholastic Reading Competition.”
--Team registration will close at midnight on Wednesday, October 30.
Once your team(s)has been registered, the IU will invoice your district for the required fee. Cost is $80 per level (which includes participation in the Spring Competition.) If a district has more than 10 teams per level an additional $40 will be invoiced. Payment is not required prior to the competitions.Note: The fees for participating non-public schools that are part of the Altoona/Johnstown Diocese are paid by the Diocese and not by the individual schools.
The fall 2013 Interscholastic Reading Competitions will be held at the Bellwood Antis High School located at 400 Martin Street in Bellwood, PA 16617. The dates are as follows; The Mid. /Jr. High and High School Competition will be held on Tuesday, November 19and the Elementary School Competitions will be held on Thursday, November 21, 2013. The competition begins at 4:45 P.M. All team-members, coaches, parents, moderators and scorekeepers should be in their first round rooms by 4:25 P.M. Check-in begins at 3:10 P.M. Due to school dismissal please do not arrive prior to 3:00 P.M. The Bellwood PTOwill be selling food and beverages in the middle school cafeteria from 3:15 P.M. – 4:15 P.M. Therefore, teams eating at the school need to arrive early enough to finish before 4:25P.M. Bottled water will be sold throughout the evening.
Directions to the high school, a map of the school, the food menu, Cycle 4 Book List, Competition Guidelines, the Book Selection Guidelines and additional information about the competition are available at the IU8 website: then scroll down until you locate the Interscholastic Reading Competition Information.If you can’t printinformationfrom the Internet call my office. When the busses arrive at the school they can drop off the students at the main entrance. The moderators and scorekeepers should also enter via the main entrance and then check in at the school main office.
* At this time these are the changes to the Fall 2013-14 (Cycle 1) Book list.
Elementary Level:NONE
Middle Level:NONE
High School Level:NONE
* If you consolidate or scratch a team, please contact us A.S.A.P
* Procedures and Rules for the moderators and scorekeepers will be mailed to the designated people prior to the competition. Therefore, it is extremely important for each team to submit the name of at least a scorekeeper or moderator for the competition. All Moderators and Scorekeepers need to check in at the scoring area (main office) upon arrival at the competition.
* If possible, try to locate an additional adult to accompany the team to the competition and serve as a moderator or scorekeeper. Please note: it creates major problems when moderators or scorekeepers don't show up and don't notify us prior to the competition. We would like the coaches to be able to circulate with their team in order to ensure consistency in the competition process.
* It is imperative that all teamspre-register because the certificates will be preprinted with the coach's name on them. Packets containing programs, general information, and certificates will be given to each team at check-in.
* Registration will begin at 3:10 p.m. and the first match will begin at approximately 4:45 p.m. The coach for each team needs to come to the registration desk (located at the Main Entrancelobby) to check in and receive your team materials. All teams, coaches, scorekeepers, and moderators should be in their assigned first round room by 4:25 p.m. The rules and regulations will be reviewed over the intercom system so everyone will hear this information.
* Each team will be limited to two challenges during each round. Also, when a team challenges they must be able to state a valid reason for that challenge. If the moderator suspects that the team is challenging because they don’t know the answer or want to keep the other team from gaining the point, the moderator can reject the challenge as being invalid. The moderator’s decision is final and can’t be challenged.
* It is imperative that there is no interaction between the teams and the alternate team members, coaches, and parents during the rounds. Team members not participating in the round should be out of the line of vision of the team. The moderator and scorekeeper have the final say in regards to point deduction for interference during rounds.
* Team members, coaches, and spectators are not permitted to have, in their possession, any books that are included on the competitionbook list. All booksmust be brought to the office prior to the first round and picked up after the last round. Failure to turn in books can result in a disqualification for the team affiliated with the book.
* The awards ceremony will be held in the auditorium immediately following the tabulation of all the team scores. We will announce the cut off scores for receiving ribbons over the intercom. Then the teams will be dismissed by school district. This way the teams from the same district can meet in the Main Lobby and decide if they are going to go to the awards ceremony or board their bus (if they didn’t place for a ribbon.) This is why it is important that all teams and spectators remain in their final round rooms until their school has been dismissed.
* First, Second, and Third place ribbons will be awarded to teams whose total points fall into perimeters that will be determined during the competition. All teams winning ribbons will receive a ribbon for the trophy case at their school. The highest scoring team in each division will receive a trophy instead of a ribbon. Approximately 50% of the competing teams will receive ribbons.
* In the fall of 2000 the Interscholastic Reading Competition and Appalachia IU 8 implemented Book Selection Guidelines that addressed the selection of books and the challenge procedures regarding these books. All reading team coaches and a school official are required to read over these guidelines and sign the registration form to indicate that they understand and agree to abide by these guidelines. The Book Selection Guidelines are available at the IU8 website listed previously. Copies of these guidelines should be made available to all interested parties.
To save on costs I have e-mailed this information to you. I would appreciate it if you would read this letter and pass this information on to others in your school who might be interested. Please call if you have any concerns or questions. My phone number is: (814) 940-0223 ext. 1388 or e-mail: