AET Record Book
Go to:
Click on AET
Student Sign In
Chapter ID: TX0379
Student ID: firstinitiallastname (i.e. rmorgan)
Password: firstname
My Account, FFA, and Personal Information
-Complete all information
-Do NOT touch “Reset Password” or “FFA Member Number”
My Future Career
-Choose at least 1
My Educational Interests
-Choose at least 1
My Ag Classes
-Make sure your classes are listed here
-If they are not, do the following:
- Select the Class, teacher and starting date only (8/27/2009 or 1/7/2010)
My FFA Offices
- List any Greenhand, Chapter, District, Area, State or National FFA officer positions you have held all year long
My FFA Committees
-List any committees you were actively involved in during the school year
My Resume
-Make sure every section has an answer. If the question does not have an answer, put “none”
New Course-related Activity
-Change ONLY the following for each activity listed under the course you have taken (see the activity pages posted on the website under “home”, “record books”)
- Date: (of activity – make sure it falls in the semester you took the course (ie. Aug-Dec, or Jan-May)
- Type: (make sure it is set on the right class)
- Level: (select the proper letter designation as indicated on the activity sheet you are copying – A., B., …)
- Activity: (write the activity here – ie. “Obtained competencies in Intro to Ag”)
- In Class: (you will only use this box ONE time for “obtained competencies…)
- Outside Class: (you will use this box ALL OTHER times and put a “1” here)
New FFA Office-related Activity
-Use link to FFA Offices if you have held/are holding an officer position and enter it here (Chapter officer positions begin in May, Greenhand officer positions begin in October, District officer positions begin in April, Area officer positions begin in May, State officer positions begin in July)
-Add Awards, Committees, Conventions here that you attended as an Officer
New FFA Committee Activity
-List participation on the committees in your profile
New FFA-related Activity
-List your participation in:
- Conferences
- Camps
- Meetings
- Livestock shows
New FFA Competition Activity
-List your participation in:
- LDE Contests
- CDE Contests
- Talent Team
- Speaking Contests
New Personal (Non-Ag) Activity
-List your participation in:
- Personal Activities NOT related to FFA such as Personal Educational Activities
New School/Community-related Activity
-List your participation in:
- School or community service activities you are involved in NOT related to FFA (ie. Boy/Girl Scouts, Athletic groups, Church Groups, 4-H…etc.)
Setting Up Your Finances
Experience Manager
-If your Animal Project/SAEP is not listed, Click on: Add New
-Experience/Category: (should say “Livestock/Animals)
-Subcategory: (should list what species of animal you are raising)
-SAEP Type: (“Entrepreneurship/Ownership” should be selected)
-Name: (Name your animal by the Show, Species & Year of Show – ie. “CFLS Swine 2010)
-Category/Unit: (choose what your animal is raised for – for meat would be “market species” – ie. Market Swine; if it is a breeding animal (heifers) – it would be “Registered Breeding Cattle”; rabbits are listed under Subcategory of “Specialty Animal”
-Quantity: (Always “1”)
-Ownership: (Always “100”)
Income and Expense Transactions
Cash Expense
-Enter each receipt of expenses here including the purchase of your animal
-AFTER you enter all items on a receipt, click on Save/Enter Another
Date: / Vendor/Payee: / Total Amount:(Date of receipt/purchase) / (the feed store you bought it from – i.e. Cypress Ace Hardware) / (Don’t put anything here)
Split / Experience / Type / Amount / Memo/
1 / Choose what animal the product was for (CFLS Goat 2010) / What type of product was it? Use ONLY:
Feed (grain, hay, supplements...)
Veterinary (shots, office visits…)
Other (shampoo, shavings, consumables)
inventory purchased for resale (animal, brush, bat, halter, can be used next year)
Rent (barn fees)
Entry Fees/Commissions (for show) / (How much you paid for the item) / What it was:
50 lbs
1 bag
1 bucket
1 bottle
1 each
1 shot
1 bale
Cash Income
Date: / Vendor/Payee: / Total Amount:(Date of sale of animal – auction day 2/13/2010) / (“Your first & last name” because you are getting paid) / (Don’t put anything here)
Split / Experience / Type / Amount / Memo/
1 / Choose what animal you sold (CFLS Goat 2010) / Choose:
Stock Show/Premium Sale / (How much you sold your animal for including donations) / How many there were that you sold
1 hd
3 hd
Do NOT touch this section
You’re finished – yay!
Feel free to update as you go in the future…