What name do you come in?

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Research and Compilation


Markham-Grant: Daly

Hallelu-Yah Productions

c/o 7450 W. 52nd Ave M-206

Arvada, Colorado [80002]




(pronounced ya-oo-ă)[1]

“this is My Name to forever,

and this is my memorial to generation upon generation”

Exodus 3:15

“My people will know My Name”

Jeremiah 23:27


Perspective™isthe application of a Hebraic contextualperspective applied to theinterpretation and understanding of the entire Scriptures, as a whole,assupported by extra-Scriptural historical referencesprovided in the relevant time.ThisPerspective™isgiven in anattempt to provide continuity forand adeeper understanding of allthe scriptures as the cohesive entire thought of the Heavenly Father for the plan of salvation and redemption of His Family.At the same time,also fulfilling a need to eliminate anyapparent modern dayconflicts between the Torah, the Prophets,the Writings(the Tanakh) and the Apostolic Writings (Renewed Covenant or New Testament);all of which came as a result of contextual misunderstandings and misapplications, bolstered byagenda related mis-translations found in many modern Bible translationsthat have tended to leadto unfounded, unproven or erroneous doctrines.

One major premise to Perspective™ is that Scripture is replete of examples and the results of the error of worshiping the Heavenly Father “their way” versus “His way”.In an effort to avoid those same pitfalls, it is incumbent upon us as the “believers” of today that we walk (and worship the Heavenly Father) in the light (truth), as He (the Messiah) is the light (truth) then we will have fellowship one with another and the blood will cleanse us from all sin. Therefore,simply put,Perspective™, with the aid of context, supported by historical evidence,will in faith,leadus all to a fuller and more complete understanding and worship of our Heavenly Father.

The Perspective™Premise

Either the entire Scriptures, from beginning to end,are the true, harmonious, complete, unchanging andthe uniform thought of the Heavenly Father given to us for His worship and our redemption,


The Scriptures are wrought with many irreconcilable contradictions, inconsistenciesand therefore, lies and should not be trusted or followed. It must be one or the other but it can not be both!

Just one example of this apparent contradiction is the instructions to keep the Passover and His appointed Sabbaths as an everlasting commandment throughout all your generations[2] vs. the proposition that we are no longer under “the law”[3] and therefore, believers no longer have to keep such things;or, often times,the position is taken “it’s only for the Jews”.Perspective™ would advance the proposition that the Scriptures in their original form are all 100% true and represent the fact thatthe unchanging, omnipresent, Heavenly Father, did not change plans for the redemption and salvation of His Family mid-stream with the advent of the Messiah.

But, as many today believe,there was a big change in the plan for the redemption of His Family mid-stream in this present age.This change isin apparent contradiction to His “everlasting”commandments and covenants, including the commandments to keep the Passover and appointed Sabbaths as an everlasting commandment.Perhaps, there is a different Perspective™, in that His plan for the redemption and salvation and His Family has in fact been unchanged, like He is unchanged, the same yesterday, today and forever, and the plan is the same throughout time and has beencontinuously unfolding throughout all of this present age.This unfolding concept isdemonstrated in the seven everlastingcovenants as contained in the Scriptures.These seven covenants are: Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, Messianic and the Covenant of Peace. All seven covenants, collectively,are referred to as the Covenants of Salt.Each covenant was better than the last but each successive covenants building upon the previous covenants, while, not doing away with any one of the previous covenants.

So, most importantly, either the Heavenly Father meant it when He said his commandments were everlasting and his covenants were perpetual OR He did not quite have it figured out until the Messiah came to earth as a man and then gave us thispurported “new deal” or “new testament”. So, did Messiah really mean it when he said He came not to do away with the Torah (Law) and the Prophets and did he really mean it when He taught that those who teach against the Torah will be least in the kingdom?

So the challenge to you is what do you believe?Did the Heavenly Father really mean it when he said his commandments were everlasting and his covenants were perpetual?Did the Messiah really mean it when he said “if you love Me you will keep my commandments”? Did the Messiah really mean it when he said “Not everyone who says to me Master, Master shall enter in to the kingdom heaven…… And I shall declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from me, you who work iniquity (anomia in the Greek; “a” meaning without or outside and nomia meaning torah)

A main sub-premise and purpose for this particular treatise as it relates to the knowledge, use and import of HIS ONE TRUE SACRED NAME,are there any compelling reasons for all believers to know and use the one true sacred name YHWH?The answer is YES. It is important to note, in Vine’s Expository Dictionary under G-o-d, it says, “In the polytheism of the Greeks, denoted a god or deity…Hence the word was appropriated by Jews and retained by Christians to denote the one true God.”Also, bybelievers using the one true sacred name, it will destroy two millennia of doctrinal error advanced by the Pharisees and Scribes(Pharisees) starting in about 150 B.C.E commonly known today as the ineffable name doctrine. Simply put, in the ineffable name doctrinethe Pharisees believed the true sacred name of the Heavenly Father was just too holy to come across the lips of any person other than one of their holy temple priests. Therefore, the Phariseesover time engaged in a doctrinal mission of prohibiting the use of the sacred name, passed strict laws forbidding its use and modifying their translations of the text of the Scriptures in order to promote their doctrine and prevent the use of the sacred name.The Pharisees were doing this, all the while, violating the Scriptural command not to add to or take away from the “Word”. This doctrine was further perpetuated by the merging of pagans with the “Christians” over periods of time, whereby, numerous pagan traditions and elements of worship have been adopted into mainstream Christianity, contrary to the commandments of YHWH.

Misnomers and the True Name

If your curiosity is coming alive about the name, just look up BAAL in any good dictionary, wherein, you will find the word Lord is the transliterated name for Baal. With a little bit of additional research you will find the Hebrew name for the Messiah is Yahu + Shua which means “Yahu saves” and Hallelu + Yah means “Praise to Yah” and “Zechari+ Yah means “Yah remembers” and EliYah (Elijah) means “my mighty One is Yah”. Even in the Apostolic writings the name of one of the writers of the Gospels bears the the Fathers NAME Mattit – Yahu (Matthew)

Prior to and leading up to the reign of Constantine in Rome there was significant strife and contention between the Pagans, the Jews and the “Christians”. As any good ruler would state it became a politically expedient necessity to unify the empire and consolidate religious and political power in one central location. It was then by dictate that Constantine in 342 CE merged the Pagans and the “Christians” and continued to proselyte the Jewsall into one unified religion. As a result of this merger and a “go along to get along” mentality, there is sufficient evidence to indicate the tradition on the removal and use of the sacred NAME was quite simply shaped by people attempting to smooth over differences between these various groups who are now politically called to be in unity around this new political and religious doctrine. By implementing these traditions and avoiding the real true Name of the Heavenly Father and using devices and generic, or even pagan terms, no one would be offended.

Next, if we look at the name GOD (god) we find it is a “Common Teutonic word for personal object of worship, formerly applicable to super-human beings of heathen myth; on conversion of the Teutonic races to Chrisianity, term was applied to Supreme Being. These Teutonic Druids called the sun Gudh, Goth or Gott. Gott is still the word used today in Sweden for the sun and the word gott related to the pagan Visigoths and Ostragoths Encyclopedia Americana (1945)

The Believer’s Mission and the True Name

As foundation for this treatise on the use of the sacred name, the believer’s mission is one of the Messiah's call to"repent for the Kingdom of the YHWH is at hand" and to “Come out of her"[4] meaning Babylon (Mitzrayim or “confusion").To come out of this world of sin, false worship, bondage and confusion in which we live and to be set apart by YHWH, and unto YHWH and placedinto His family which will be called by His Name. Then since the Scripturesstates that we are called by His name, saved by His Name and sealed by His Name, the question that begs to be answered is how important is the name? Conversely, are their any false justifications being advanced for not using the sacred true name of YHWH?

Additionally, the Messiah's call is an invitation to only the “lost sheep of Yisrael".[5]Support of this fact is also found in the greater mission,completed notonly by Yahushua himself, but by His discipleswhen the Messiah sent out the 12 disciples. He commanded them “to go not the way of the Gentile's, but rather go to the lost sheep of Israel”[6]. This was a prophetic foreshadow and a physical example of what would be spiritually completed in the last days. This is also a physical example of spiritual Yisrael in the last days.This example was given in the foreshadows pattern,wherein, that which was physically completed in physical Yisrael,(including the many non-Hebrews ((mixed multitude))that joined themselves to physical Yisrael during the exodus and at Mt. Sinai and thensubsequently entered into the Promised Land as members of the family of Yisrael), will again be spiritually completedin spiritual Yisrael at the end of the age[7].

Thus, the call to spiritual Yisrael (which all believers are grafted into by faith),is a call to all people, of all nations, tribes, kindred and tongues(including the lost physical descendants of Yisrael)to: repent of sin, accept Yahushua ha Moshiach as Savior, Master and Sovereign; andthrough the conduit of Yahushua, let YHWH rule over all believers, let Yahushua be our sovereign, and let Yahushua graft us into the olive tree[8] as the true “spiritual" Yisrael. The true spiritual Yisraelbeing those that by faith, truly believe and truly obey YHWH and are then calledby and sealed by His Name[9],as well as, being saved by His name[10].

Translation and Transliteration

Under the principles of translation proper names are not translated from one language to another. When dealing with a person’s proper name, we do not translate “Pablo” to “Paul” or “Ricardo” to “Richard” therefore Pablo Cruz is still Pablo Cruz and Ricardo Monteban is still Ricardo Monteban in English or whatever language. More accurately, proper names are transliterated to reflect an accurate and uniform pronunciation from one language to another.The question becomes why did the translators of the Scriptures take it upon themselves to translate, change or remove the sacred name of the Heavenly Father instead of transliterating His sacred holy name? Further, does the mere fact, that the sacred name was changed or removed, violate the Scriptural command to not add or take away from His Word? And when He said ”I am YHWH; YHWH is my name and I will not give my glory to another, nor my praise to engraved images”,[11]does Hereally mean his name is YHWH… and does he really equate His name with His glory?

In fact, in various sources, confirmation is found that the sacred name YHWH is preserved to us nearly 7000 times in the Holy Writ,[12] or the sacred name has been changednearly 7000 times, as reflected in most modern Bible translations. The New American Standard Bible (N.A.S.B.) which is generally regarded as one of the better modern translations clearly states the translators' knowledge and subsequent refusal to use the sacred name wherein they state:

N. A. S. B. pg 10 - Principles of Translation –“The proper name of God in the Old Testament: In the Scriptures, the name of God is most significant and understandably so. It is inconceivable to think of spiritual matters without a proper designation for the Supreme Deity. Thus the most common name for Deity is God, a translation of the original Elohim. The normal word for Master is Lord, a rendering of Adonai. There is yet another name which is particularly assigned to God as His special or proper name, that is, the four letters YHWH (Exodus 3:14 and Isaiah 42:8). This name has not been pronounced by the Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Therefore, it was consistently pronounced and translated Lord. The only exception to this translation of YHWH is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the wordLord, that is, Adonai. In that case itis regularly translated God in order to avoid confusion”.

The question that begs to be asked is upon whose authority did they make such changes?

Are We to Use the Sacred Name

"These trust in the chariot, and these in horses, but we will mention the name of YHWH, our Eloahi".[13]

"And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemy's, my encirclers, and I will offer sacrifices of joy in His Tabernacle. I will sing, and I will sing praise to YHWH". [14]

"Ascribe to YHWH (you) sons of mighty ones; ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Give to YHWH the glory due His name”.[15]

"Magnify YHWH with me; and let us exalt His name together". [16]

"I will declare your name in all generations upon generations; therefore the peoples shall praise you to forever and perpetually".[17]

"YHWH is great in Zion; and he is high above all the peoples. I shall think you are great in respected name, it is sacred."[18]

The Fabrication of Jehovah

The origin of the corrupt name Jehovah has never been a secret. Indeed, despite the prevalent use of this word, the derivation, short history and use of Jehovah has been well published for years. The best way to demonstrate this point is to quote from a range of theological sources. The Jewish Encyclopedia makes these remarks: [19]

"The name of YHWH is commonly represented in modern translations by the form ‘Jehovah’ which, however, is a philological impossibility."

And in another place it states:[20]

" the reading Jehovah is comparatively a recent invention. Jehovah is generally held to have been the invention of Pope Leo the 10th’s confessor, Peter Galatin (de Arcanis Catholic Veritates 1518, Folio XLIII) who was followed in the use of this hybrid form by Fagius Drusius Van de Driesche. Van de Driesche lived between 1550 and 1616. He was the first to ascribe toPeter Galatin the use of Jehovah. The use of Jehovah has been accepted since his day."

In 1941 the universal Jewish Encyclopedia stated: [21]

"This name Jehovah, which still survives in Christian Bible translations and Christian prayer books, is actually a mis-transliteration, and the word itself meaningless."

This knowledge is also wide-spread among Christian scholars. In 1936 the New Standard Bible Dictionary reveals that Presbyterian and other Christian scholars were aware of how the name Jehovah came into existence: [22]

"The form' Jehovah' is impossible, according to the strict principles of Hebrew vocalization. It is due to the arbitrary transference of the vowels of Adonay, 'lord', to the sacred name YHWH".

Also found in the Dictionary of the Bible: [23]

"The pronunciation Jehovah has no authority at all and appeared only in late medieval times; it is an attempted vocalization of the Tetragrammation using the dolls written under and above Adonay, which were never intended to be combined with the four consonants of this word (YHWH)."

Furthermore, the etymology and use of the letter “J” would indicate that the “J” is likely not any older than about 400 years old, and therefore, the word Jehovah containing the letter “J” not any older.


“the letter is a late modification of Roman -i-, originally a scribal creation in continental M.L. to distinguish small -i- in cursive writing from the strokes of other letters, especially in the final positions of words. But in Eng., -y- was used for this, and -j- was introduced c.1600-1640 to take up the consonantal sound that had evolved from -i- since L.L. times. This usage first was attested in Sp., where it was in place before 1600. Eng. dictionaries continued to lump together words beginning in -i- and -j- until 19c”.[24]