School use only: (Form updated December 2014)

Date proposed / Date approved by School TQEC (minor amendment) / Date reported/passed to College Programmes Committee (minor/major amendment)

Please refer to the attached Guidance Notes to help you complete this amendment.

This form should be completed for both MINOR and MAJOR amendments.

MINOR amendments must be submitted by 1 March preceding the session in which teaching would begin for approval by School Teaching and Quality Enhancement Committees (STQEC).

*MAJOR amendments must be submitted to the Head of Academic Standards and Quality (ASQ Registry Services) by 28th February i.e. 18 months in advance of commencement of the revalidated programme for consideration by the College Programmes Committee (CPC), (for further details see the ‘Programme Approval Guidance Notes’). The definition of “major” amendments applies only to those amendments constituting a substantially altered programme thus effectively requiring re-validation (see below).

Major amendments to existing programmes are deemed to be changes in excess of 50% of the programme as a whole which may include amendments to the assessment/curriculum/programme and award regulations. For example, this would include changing over 50% of the nature of assessment on the programme, or introducing a substantial number of alterations to the curriculum (defined in terms of the balance of modules at different levels or alterations to core courses), or changing the programme and award regulations including substantial changes to the programme aims and learning outcomes, entry requirements, intermediate awards, duration, level of the award etc. The above guidance is indicative only and not exhaustive and discretion will be exercised by the Academic Registrar and Head ofASQ in assessing whether an amendment falls within the above category.

The author of a major amendment* (or a nominated substitute) should be prepared to speak to this at the College Programmes Committee (CPC) or a meeting of a Programme Development Panel convened on behalf of CPC, or to provide information required by correspondence.

Complete sections 1 to 5

1 / Programme Code and Title
(See Guidance Note 1) / Code / Title
TMSGVETH / MSc Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
2 / Department/School with primary responsibility for the Programme (Indicate School held programme) / Management / School of Business, Economics and Informatics
3 / Date amendment will be effective / September 2016 / 4 / Amendment applies to / All students
5 / Please indicate in the table below which type of amendment(s) is/are proposed and give reasons for this change.
Complete the section(s) that follow as appropriate.
Title of award / Significant changes to teaching and learning methods
Addition of intermediate award(s) / Significant changes to curriculum / assessment / X
Mode of study / Programme and award regulations
Entry requirements / Other (please specify)
Aims/learning outcomes
Does this constitute a MAJOR amendment? NO
Rationale for change:
Since the last Programme Amendment was made:
  • It has been brought to our attention that we need to avoid situations where students are required to take 4 taught modules in any one term. At present, full time students are in a position where they are required to take “Corporate Governance”, “Theoretical Perspectives and Research in CSR”, Research Methods 1” and “Principles of Organisation and Management” (POM) during the Autumn term.
  • The module “Valuation Analysis and Risk Management” now requires a background in finance and accounting that most of the MSc students in Corporate Governance and Business Ethics do not have.
This Amendment Form takes these developments into account and makes the following amendments to the MSc programme:
  • Instead of being required to take “POM”, students will be given the choice of taking “POM” (offered during the Autumn term) and “Strategic Management (Postgraduate)” (offered during the Spring term). Thus, full time students who do not want to take 4 taught modules during the Autumn term can choose to take “Strategic Management” instead of “POM”.
  • The module “Valuation Analysis and Risk Management” is removed from the list of modules that students are required to choose two from.
Also, a new module has been added to the list of option modules: Environmental Economics. It has been added both on the main MSc Corporate Governance and Business Ethicsstrand and on the ‘With a concentration on Environmental Issues in Corporate Governance and Ethics’ strand.
6 / New Title of Award
7 / Addition ofExit Award(s)
(See Guidance Note7)
8 / Mode of Study
(See Guidance Note 8) / FT / PT
9 / Revised Entry Requirements
10 / Aims/Learning Outcomes(See Guidance Note 10)
Current Aims / Proposed new Aims
Current Learning Outcomes / Proposed new Learning Outcomes
11 / Teaching and Learning Methods
Current Teaching and Learning Methods / Proposed new Teaching and Learning Methods
12 / Curriculum/Assessment(See Guidance Note 12)
Current Curriculum
*STATUS: Core – must take, must pass; Compulsory – must take, sub-exam board can give a compensated fail within CAS rules; Optional –students can choose from a list
MSc Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
Part time
Year 1
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN028H7 / Corporate Governance / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN011H7 / Research Methods in Management I / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN010H7 / Principles of Organisation & Management / 15 / Compulsory
Optional module, One x 15 credit option from this range of approved modules:
7 / BUMN070H7 / Economics for Managers / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN008H7 / The Business Environment: International and Comparative Perspectives / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN002H7 / Sports Governance and Regulation / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN074H7 / Globalization: Forces, Players and Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN003H7 / Comparative Employment Relations / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN044H7 / Valuation Analysis and Risk Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN069H7 / Trust, Social Norms and Development / 15 / Optional
Year 2
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives & Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN032H7 / International Business Ethics / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN051D7 / MSc Dissertation / 60 / Core
Optional module, One x 15 credit option from this range of approved modules:
7 / BUMN070H7 / Economics for Managers / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN008H7 / The Business Environment: International and Comparative Perspectives / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN002H7 / Sports Governance and Regulation / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN074H7 / Globalization: Forces, Players and Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN003H7 / Comparative Employment Relations / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN044H7 / Valuation Analysis and Risk Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN069H7 / Trust, Social Norms and Development / 15 / Optional
Optional module, One x 15 credit option from all approved modules in the Department of Management
7 / Option Module / 15 / Optional
Full Time
Year 1
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN028H7 / Corporate Governance / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN011H7 / Research Methods in Management I / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN010H7 / Principles of Organisation & Management / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives & Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN032H7 / International Business Ethics / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN051D7 / MSc Dissertation / 60 / Core
Optional modules, Two x 15 credit option from this range of approved modules:
7 / BUMN070H7 / Economics for Managers / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN008H7 / The Business Environment: International and Comparative Perspectives / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN002H7 / Sports Governance and Regulation / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN074H7 / Globalization: Forces, Players and Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN003H7 / Comparative Employment Relations / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN044H7 / Valuation Analysis and Risk Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN069H7 / Trust, Social Norms and Development / 15 / Optional
Optional module, One x 15 credit option from all approved modules in the Department of Management
7 / Option Module / 15 / Optional
MSc Corporate Governance and Business EthicsWith a concentration on Environmental Issues in Corporate Governance and Ethics
Part Time
Year 1
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN028H7 / Corporate Governance / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN010H7
MOMN082H7 / Principles of Organisation & Management OR
Strategic Management (Postgraduate) / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN011H7 / Research Methods in Management 1 / 15 / Compulsory
Choose 1 from the following approved modules:
7 / GGPH033H7 / Sustainable Business Practice / 15 / Option
7 / SSGE014H7 / Energy and Climate Change / 15 / Option
Year 2
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN032H7 / International Business Ethics / 15 / Option
7 / BUMN061D7 / Dissertation / 60 / Core
Choose 2 from the following approved modules:
7 / SSGE011S7 / Environment and Policy (counts as 2 modules) / 30 / Option
7 / GGPH033H7 / Sustainable Business Practice / 15 / Option
7 / SSGE014H7 / Energy and Climate Change / 15 / Option
Optional module, One x 15 credit option from all approved modules in the Department of Management
7 / Option Module / 15 / Optional
Proposed Curriculum
MSc Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
Part Time
Year 1
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN028H7 / Corporate Governance / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN011H7 / Research Methods in Management I / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN010H7
MOMN082H7 / Principles of Organization & Management OR
Strategic Management (Postgraduate) / 15 / Compulsory
Optional module, One x 15 credit option from this range of approved modules:
7 / BUMN070H7 / Economics for Managers / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN008H7 / The Business Environment: International and Comparative Perspectives / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN002H7 / Sports Governance and Regulation / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN074H7 / Globalization: Forces, Players and Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN003H7 / Comparative Employment Relations / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN069H7 / Trust, Social Norms and Development / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN114H7 / Environmental Economics / 15 / Optional
Year 2
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives & Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN032H7 / International Business Ethics / 15 / Compulsory
7 / BUMN061D7 / MSc Dissertation / 60 / Core
Optional module, One x 15 credit option from this range of approved modules:
7 / BUMN070H7 / Economics for Managers / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN008H7 / The Business Environment: International and Comparative Perspectives / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN002H7 / Sports Governance and Regulation / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN074H7 / Globalization: Forces, Players and Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN003H7 / Comparative Employment Relations / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN069H7 / Trust, Social Norms and Development / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN114H7 / Environmental Economics / 15 / Optional
Optional module, One x 15 credit options from all approved modules in the Department of Management
7 / Option Module / 15 / Optional
Full Time
Year 1
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN028H7 / Corporate Governance / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN011H7 / Research Methods in Management I / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN010H7
MOMN082H7 / Principles of Organization & Management OR
Strategic Management / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives & Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN032H7 / International Business Ethics / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN051D7 / MSc Dissertation / 60 / Core
Optional modules, Two x 15 credit option from this range of approved modules:
7 / BUMN070H7 / Economics for Managers / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN008H7 / The Business Environment: International and Comparative Perspectives / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN002H7 / Sports Governance and Regulation / 15 / Optional
7 / MOMN074H7 / Globalization: Forces, Players and Management / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN003H7 / Comparative Employment Relations / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN069H7 / Trust, Social Norms and Development / 15 / Optional
7 / BUMN114H7 / Environmental Economics / 15 / Optional
Optional module, One x 15 credit options from all approved modules in the Department of Management
7 / Option Module / 15 / Optional
MSc Corporate Governance and Business EthicsWith a concentration on Environmental Issues in Corporate Governance and Ethics
Part Time
Year 1
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN028H7 / Corporate Governance / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN010H7
MOMN082H7 / Principles of Organisation & Management OR
Strategic Management (Postgraduate) / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN011H7 / Research Methods in Management 1 / 15 / Compulsory
Choose 1 from the following approved modules:
7 / BUMN114H7 / Environmental Economics / 15 / Option
7 / GGPH033H7 / Sustainable Business Practice / 15 / Option
7 / SSGE014H7 / Energy and Climate Change / 15 / Option
Year 2
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credits / *Status
7 / MOMN039H7
BUMN075H7 / Corporate Responsibility OR
Theoretical Perspectives and Research in Corporate Responsibility / 15 / Compulsory
7 / MOMN032H7 / International Business Ethics / 15 / Option
7 / BUMN061D7 / Dissertation / 60 / Core
Choose 2 from the following approved modules:
7 / SSGE011S7 / Environment and Policy (counts as 2 modules) / 30 / Option
7 / GGPH033H7 / Sustainable Business Practice / 15 / Option
7 / SSGE014H7 / Energy and Climate Change / 15 / Option
Optional module, One x 15 credit options from all approved modules in the Department of Management
7 / Option Module / 15 / Optional
Current Scheme for Assessment / Proposed new Scheme for Assessment
13 / Programme and Award Regulations (See Guidance Note 13)
Current Regulations / Proposed new Regulations
14 / Other Amendment (SeeGuidance Note 14)
15 / Resources(See Guidance Note 15)
Are additional resources required to effect the changes requested? NO(Delete as appropriate)
If YES, please give details of additional resources required. Confirm that consultation has taken place in all caseswith relevant colleagues supporting these services (detailed below) to indicate agreement. This consultation should be evidenced by covering emails.
Accommodation – additional resources required:
Consultation with Room Bookings: NO
Library – additional resources required:
Consultation with Subject Librarian: NO
Information Technology Services (ITS) – additional resources required:
Consultation with User Support Manager (ITS): NO
Media Services – additional resources required:
Consultation with Media Services Manager: NO
16 / Agreement(See Guidance Note 16)
Name / Date
Programme Director
(or lead academic if different) / Sue Konzelmann / 14 March 2016
Head of Department
(or Executive Dean for School held modules) / Professor Kevin Ibeh / 12 April 2016
Chair of STQEC
(or date of Chair’s Action) / Anita Walsh / 22 April, 2016


The College’s ‘Programme Approval Guidance Notes’ should be consulted when completing this form, particularly for MAJOR amendments.

In developing the programme, account should be taken of the College’s Common Awards Scheme (), national Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (), Higher Education Credit Framework for England (), relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Statements () and, where appropriate, the requirements of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies.

Section / Note
1 / Current SITS programme code and programme title
7 / A student who successfully completes part of their programme of study but is not eligible, or able, to complete the full programme may be eligible for an exit award. For example a student who only partially completes an MA programme may be eligible for a PG Dip or PG Cert.
8 / Mode of study may be: full time; part time; distance learning; network learning.
10 / The current aims and learning outcomes should be those taken from the programme proposal/specification.
12 / This section should detailCURRENT programme details ANDchanges - including changes to the balance of modules at different levels or alterations to core/compulsory modules, or changes to the overall scheme for the assessment.
Proposals for any new core/ compulsory modules should be submitted at the same time as the programme amendment.
STATUS: Core – must take, must pass; Compulsory – must take, sub-exam board can give a compensated fail within CAS rules; Optional – modules students can choose from
13 / This section may include changes made to the programme and award regulations in terms of the scheme for the award e.g. the requirement for particular modules to be passed or taken.
14 / Any other amendment not specified in a previous section, e.g.Department/School responsible for delivery, duration etc.
15 / Provide details of any ADDITIONAL resources required. Consultation with Room Bookings, the relevant Subject Librarian, User Support Manager (ITS) and Media Services Manager are required in all cases and this consultation should be evidenced by covering emails.
All teaching and learning must be sufficiently flexible to enable all reasonable adjustments to be made in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
16 / In signing this form the Programme Director (or lead academic, if different) confirms that all contributing Schools/departments, including relevant Module convenors; have been consulted regarding the amendment and that all parties are in agreement with the proposed change.
Administration teams should be advised/updated as part of this process.
Approval of the Head of Department (or Executive Dean for School held modules) and the Chair of the STQECis also required.

Relevant External Examiners should be consulted and notified of any changes made to existing programmes within their remit.




YOU MUST ALSO ENSUREALL OF THE ABOVE CONSULTATION/APPROVAL HAS TAKEN PLACE AND IS EVIDENCED BY COVERING EMAILS BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THE FORM. Please return the form to the Secretary of the STQEC in line with the above deadline. If this is not the case the amendment may not be submitted to CPC, since this does not allow sufficient time for full consideration to take place and for any possible further work/areas of clarification to be dealt with.

Following approval (where appropriate) of minor amendments by STQEC notification of the amended programme should be made to the College Programmes Committee via the Head of ASQ (Registry Services). At this time the Head of ASQ will notify Planning and Business Systems, Student Administration (Registry Services), Examinations and Assessment (Registry Services)and External Relations, as appropriate,and the required changes will be made to the Birkbeck Student Information System (BSIS) and to the relevant prospectus (if required).

Following approval in principle by the College Programmes Committee of the MAJOR amendment the same procedure for approving a new programme will be invoked.