Community Consultation of
The former Glentrool Primary School Facility, Glentrool
Tuesday 12th October 2010
Consultation –
The consultation document was written by the Glentrool Regeneration / Residents Group committee and carried out by Laura Martin, Katherine McWilliam and Jamie Henderson - CLD.
Number of addresses / residencies on the electoral role: 115
Unoccupied premises / for sale / holiday accommodation / garages etc: 40
Number of potential occupancies for consultation: 75
Number of occupancies actually consulted: 40 (53%)
Number of occupancies declined to participate: 9 (12%)
Number of occupancies unable to be contacted: 26 (35%)
Total number of addresses engaged with during consultation – 49 (65%)
Total number of addresses unable to be contacted (35%)
Do you support the idea of developing parts of the former school building for community use?Yes - 29 No - 2 Unsure – 3 Left Blank – 6
- Yes & No – preferred Bargrennan Hall for dance
- School not an ideal replacement
- Depends on the costs charged
- Maybe – depends on the support the committee will get with funding
What resources would you like to see there and be most likely to use?
Resource / Would like to see / Likely to use
A shop for basic supplies * / 34 / 25
An internet outlet or café / 23 / 7
Carpet Bowling / 23 / 8
Tambourelli / 18 / 4
Special interest clubs (ie. Chess or board games) / 23 / 6
Cookery classes / 21 / 6
Gardening / 21 / 7
Library or book share / 30 / 18
An interactive health hub / 18 / 8
Floor Curling / 19 / 10
Music workshops / 23 / 13
Knitting/ crocheting bees / 15 / 8
Any other suggestions
- Craft groups
- Computer classes
- Yoga
- Tai chi
- Internet / self teach facility
- Forestry / Tea room
- * Cant see it working in reality but would like to see
Would you support / attend a weekly opening time with free tea / coffee?
Yes: 22 No:13 Unsure: 5
- would occasionally attend
- girlfriend might attend with child
- unlikely
- depends on the times
- can see benefit
- should make a donation
- good way of people meeting up
- for villagers
How would you feel about the creation of a business development that would help to subsidise the community activities?
Yes: 32 No: 1 Unsure: 7
- Not many young people
- Laundrette?
- Good idea
- Combat stress – therapy type centre for armed forces returning from war
- Capitalise on Dark Sky and 7Stanes x2
- Split property into sections – shop, post office, bike hire, café, community facility
- Add in hostel – generate more footfall, create employment
- Astronomical Centre
- Uni / educational trips
- Bikes tying in with 7stanes, walking etc, make more of outdoors
- Anything that brings funding in
- Visitor Centre – open all year round
- Office / workspace for local businesses, charged low rates if local
- WASPS – create affordable spaces for artists to work from
- Writing workshops
- Bike hire would be fantastic
- Don’t duplicate what is already there
- As long as generated income
Do you feel that road safety between the village and Bragrennan is an issue?
Yes: 22 No: 12 Unsure: 6
- Sometimes a death trap
- Don’t know – just be careful
- Speed limit should be reduced for walkers
- Bad corners
- Yes 100%
- Wood Lorries go too fast
- Couldn’t comment – but lots of forestry lorries
- Lighting is an issue
- Yes – definitely
- Only with wood Lorries
- Perhaps
- A wee bit
- Lorries go too fast
- Not at all
Do you feel that we need a dedicated footpath / cycle path from the village to Bargrennan?
Yes: 24 No: 10 Unsure: 6
- No room, maybe a cycle path
- No money though
- Nearly everybody has cars
- Waste of time
- Lighting is also an issue
- Introduce speed limit of 30mph
- Would help
- More street lights between villages
- Put signs up, not necessarily a footpath
- Speed restrictions and signs
- Waste of money
- Have either footpath or signs, make people wear high visibility clothing
- Would be good as long as didn’t destroy trees, would help the campsite
- Certainly need something off the road – ride horses, cannot go along road. Currently path at StroanBridge, but unsure as to whether allowed to take horse
- Great idea, but costly
- Plenty of room
How would you feel about the possibility of removing the street lights along the road outside the village, except for the ones opposite the two entrances?
Yes: 28 No: 3 Unsure: 9
- Not bothered
- Not bothered, just leave them
- Lights should not have been installed in first place
- Needed because too dark
- Include the ones opposite the entrance – lights from cars exiting village shine into woods opposite. Makes oncoming cars more aware of vehicles exiting village.
- Will increase Dark Sky visitors to area
- Not bothered either way
- Not an issue
- Brilliant – get rid of the lights
- Definitely not – too dark
- Not sure – couldn’t comment
- Need light
- No objections
- Fine as long as the entrances are visible
- Fine as long as would save money
- The more lights the better
- Put up reflective bollards
Are there any other ideas that you would like to put forward?
- Possibly switch off street lights between 11pm – 6am to save money from changing street lights to LEDs
- Make more use of Dark Sky
- Bunk house with facilities / café / bike storage / shop
- Conference Centre / café / drop in / gallery – exhibition centre / bunk house / writing workshops
- Exercise classes and aerobics
- Based headquarters for rally
- Use alternative energy to power, creates local incentive (possibly whole village)
- City school exchange – week in the country learning outdoor skills
- Take over all present roles of Bargrennan Hall
- Trek
- Child minding and crèche facilities, book group, evening classes – French and yoga
- Community event, film night once a month 60s and 70s movies – D&G film festival
- Open studio event – space for artists, spring fling
- Promote facility to D&G Art’s festival as venue
- Something good for residents and visitors alike
- Bothy / Bunk house is good idea
- Work exchange, electricians / gardening etc
- Visitor attraction
- Better Parking
- Costs are a concern
- Like the idea of the shop / tearoom combined