St Julie: Woman of Trust in Divine Providence

Listening: All is Well text: Julian of Norwich

taken from Woman’s Song of God by Briege O’Hare, OSC


Preserve your peace of heart in entire abandonment to Divine Providence. There lies the secret of the interior life, which very few people know, because we always want to see which way we will go and what we ought to do.

St. Julie

Psalm 16: Recite together alternating sides

Unnamable God, I feel you

with me at every moment.

You are my food and my drink,

my sunlight, and the air I breathe.

You are the ground I have built on

and the beauty that rejoices my heart.

I give thanks to you at all times

for lifting me from my confusion,

for teaching me in the dark

and showing me the path of life.

I have come to the center of the universe;

I rest in your perfect love.

In your presence there is fullness of joy

And blessedness forever and ever.

Silent Reflection(one minute or longer)

Reading: from St. Julie

However harsh his dealings may sometimes seem to you, they are always the dealings of an infinitely wise, just and good God, who awaits us all at the end, but after leading us by different roads ... We must simply act like children, who on a very dark night, keep tight on their father's or mother's hand and allow themselves to be led. (L4:2 8)

Poem: Side1 recite, then Side 2

Side 1: At

Some point

Your relationship

With God


Become like this:

Next time you meet God in the forest

Or on a crowded city street

Side 2:There won’t be anymore


That is,

God will climb into

Your pocket.

You will simply just take



“No More Leaving” by Hafiz, (Sufi Master)

Silent Reflection / Centering Meditation

Reflect and Share

“Let us love, love, love God, my daughters, and repose in the care of God’s immutable Providence… All will go well if we allow the good God to act.” St. Julie

“Time is a great master. I prefer to let it pass; it will teach us a good many things. I go quietly on day by day. I wait for the good God. I focus my attention on God and I follow God” St Julie

Since, “The quality of our life is determined by the focus of our attention,”

What do I focus my attention on most of the time?

What are some ways that I can stay focused on God in my daily life?

Can I remember times that I have “Let go and let God?”

Do I really know that “All is well” because All is in the hands of God?


Let us pray in the words of St. Julie:

Dear God, St Julie tells us that she “would like to give us the liberty of the children of God” ... She says that we “cannot believe how useful Your holy presence is in everything” ... She tells us that by “familiarizing ourselves with Your presence is not to be preoccupied about knowing what to do or say on some occasion or other that we foresee, perhaps in the distant future.” Help us then “from the moment that we notice this untimely working of our spirits, to drop it all by leaving it quietly in Your hands.” Amen

Listen again: All is Well