Section 508 Federal Day


SPEAKER: Good morning.We'reasking that anyone that is onlinevirtually, please mute your phones.Weshould be starting in about 10 minutes.

SPEAKER: Good morning everybody.This is a good microphone.My name isHelen Chamberlain, for those who don'tknow who I am, I am the section 508director for about 25 more days.

Then I'm retiring.But who'scounting?

Anyway, we're happy to have youhere today.All of our Microsoft usersand I know we already have a lot ofpeople on the phone and fill what's ourcouldn't on the phone?About 95 peopleon the phone and we've got about 40plus people in the room.

In the I'm just going to go oversome administrative stuff.

Basically -- okay, the firstthing with the presentations I know Ipromised that I was going to send youthe presentations, but we've hadtechnical difficulties.Microsoftalways likes to have huge presentations,so they were too big to send by e-mailso those who came to our October eventyou know we have a Web site and we’re going to post our presentations on theWeb site.So I think we will have themout there by the end of the week.

Cell phones, excuse me, if youhave a cell phone, please turn it offor put it on vibrate as we don't wantto disturb anyone in the room.

Assisted listening devices isthere anyone in the room that needs anassisted listening device?We do havethem available.As people come inwe'll check and make sure if they needthem.

Since we do have a virtualaudience, we will ask that you pleasewait for the microphone come to youbefore you ask your question.So raiseyour hand, wait for the person to cometo you with the microphone and that wayif the person has an assisted listeningdevice they can hear you plus thepeople on Adobe connect will be able tohear you.

Virtual attendees, we have youon mute but you're able to askquestions.We have a chat box.You are welcome to send questions in anymoreduring the presentations and then whenwe have a break, answer questions,we'll will fill to ask your question so they can answer it for you.

For the people in the room,there's electric in all the tables soif you did bring a device with you can plug it in there.

We do have WIFI on the 2 boardsto my left side of the room.A WIFIpassword is there if you have trouble,or they disappear, Eric and John areour wonderful AV guys.They'll behanging around and helping peoplelogging in if they're going to do that.

There will be a transcriptavailable.Our cart provider sittingup front will have a transcriptavailable probably tomorrow for us tosend out.If you want to sign up toget a transcript, right now the sign-insheet is in the back of the room -- ohit's not?She moved it.Correction,it's out in the front at theregistration desk.Please sign up andas soon as we get the transcript wewill e-mail it to you.Just make surethat you write legibly because if wecan't read your e-mail address, wedon't have any way to get in touch withyou.

Bathrooms are located in wings 1and 2.You can go either way out the door.The closest rest room is outthis door.Out to the atrium is to theleft and then to the left again andthey're right there in the hallway ifyou go out into the right and into thatwing you have to go off the way downthe hall almost to the guard's desk.

Food, you should have gotten alist of restaurants with your packetthat they handed out.There arerestaurants nearby.There are 3 close.They all do lunch.Green Berries foryour convenience I believe you have anorder sheet from them.If you want toorder from them, they have excellentsandwiches and salads and all they askis that you have your sheet to them by1030.

There will be a CLP certificategiven out after lunch and for thevirtual people, you can e-mailSheila dot Turner at GSA dot gov andthe same for the transcript.

We will have a survey that willgo out after the meeting and we askthat you please fill that out becausewe use those to make these trainingsbetter and better.

Your badges, we do recycle sothere will some return boxes out on thetables.And return your badge there orleave it on the table because we willcome around and collect it whichever iseasier for you.

So having said that I'm going toturn the meeting over to my good friendDean Halstead and we're going to getstarted.

SPEAKER: My name is deanHalstead I'm the director for Microsoftfederal and today we brought a slew ofpeople, and Anita is going to talkabout that and we took all yourfeedback so as we go through this in afew minutes we'll do the introductionsof who's here today but what we didwant to do is start off and give youan overview of what the agenda is goingto look like.

You can see here for those thatare in the spotlight.You can see it'sa wide variety.We want to highlighton share point.We also want to guideyou in anything that you're interested.We have the people in the room to talkabout anything.This is your session.Feel free to ask questions, concerns,voice any issues that you're finding. We'll either hopefully answer thosehere or actually take those down.

So with that -- and if there'sno questions on the agenda we're goingto dive into it do a quick summary andthen we'll dive into some of thetechnical side and the reason why wewanted to start with a little bit of asummary and an overview, last year Igot a bunch of questions aroundmodernization of IT and how do you talkinternally to your organization?Nowif I were to ask the room how manypeople have office 365?Some have itsome don't.Some use an older officeand it can go all the way back tooffice 2010 so there's a wide varietyand so when you're talking to yourorganization they may have amodernization of what's going on andthe idea behind this is how you feedaccessibility into the overallconversation because when we've talkedto 508 coordinators in general, what wesee here is IT is tracking mobility andsecurity and compliance and all thesethings that are their top level sort ofbuckets that they want to solve andmodernize and then there's this thingon the side accessibility and they think it's separate from IT efforts andwe wanted to give you an idea of howto talk to your IT folks to bring theminto the conversation because once theyunderstand that accessibility is partof their modernization of IT effort itmakes your job easier it helps get thetools to all the end users that theyneed in a very rapid fashion whenyou're looking at accessibility andcreating content you know they'refocused around field work.Well fieldwork being mobile, okay, being mobileor being out in the field let me giveyou an example of that.Many peoplewith disabilities, especially let's sayveterans, if they can work from home,they are much more apt to be employedand be better workers because theydon't have to deal with commuting.Howmany people dealt with the metro today?Not fun.To field work is looking athaving a more inclusive workplace.Onthe other aspect all of you you knowwell you have to say is this documentaccessible?So all of these issuesthat they're driving across theirentire platform and looking at, thereis a correlation inside accessibilitythat allows you to talk to it whether it's increasing the workforce orextending the workforce, many peopleare getting ready to retire.You havean aging federal workforce and thatknowledge information is going out thedoor and I'm going to have Anita do ademonstration of how you can knowledgecapture okay so when you're looking atthese things we just want to give youan idea of accessibility is not outsidewhat they're doing now.It is includedin what they are doing, and it may takesome education because there'ssometimes a perception that it'soutside of that window.Inside ofMicrosoft we look at it as 1 holisticapproach.We look at it as everyonebeing an end user so it's an inclusiveapproach.So when they're looking attheir modernization approach it has tobe inclusive as well.

So when you're looking at -- youknow I just want to give some examples.So what you're seeing right now is Ihave to use a headset because I'm goingautomatic translation you'll see at thebottom of the screen I'm doingautomatic translation using an add-into PowerPoint so it is doing theautomatic translation of speech to text.You can compare to theprofessional cart services off to theright which you know we're going to geta few things wrong over here you knowit is an artificial intelligence sothere's going to be a differentsometimes so it's pretty accurate.

This is a perfect way to addthose capabilities very quick, so youcan now have meetings much more quicklyand much -- have much more agileenterprise and this goes around to themodernization of IT.Now as far ascapturing an aging employee base.Howmany people have a lot of newemployees -- you know I'm getting closeto 50.

So when you look at that, thatexperience is going to start going outthe door.But also when you're lookingat age population they're starting tohave -- all these types of things thatmakes it stay in the workforce muchmore difficult.So I'm going to turnit over to Anita and she's going todemo how do you get people to stay andmaintain creativity and contributetheir knowledge into the organization.

SPEAKER: Okay does this headset work okay?Okay good.Hi everyone.My name is Anita.We will do introsright after the demo.We're not goingto stand up here the entire day.We will let folks sit down for awhile.So I'm going to do anintroduction for myself really quickly.I draw accessibility at Microsoft.That includes the productivity of wordSharePoint, Outlook and about 50other products that fall within theoffice 365 suit and, so I get thepleasure of working on the TMs acrossour 6 platforms to driver accessibilityand create products that are usable andincrease the productivity for everyone.So building on what dean andHelen said.We want your feedback.Wewant to know what's working, what's notworking, what we should add.Let usknow and if you don't get a chance totalk to us today, send us mail and wecan continue the conversation aftertoday.So with that I want to --hopefully make it so the demo works.There's always that question when youstart doing live demos.So I havecopied a document on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.If you are familiarwith Seattle, very large bridge inTacoma.Lots of great information.I want to highlight the learningtools.It's an add-in for free.Typein 1 note learning tools within yourbrowser.It will come up and you candownload it and it will come into 1note for you.When you click on the learningtools tab, you can select the immersivereader icon and you'll immediatelynotice that this text went from thisvery dense document and it's good forincreasing comprehension for thisdocument.So few of the features of thelearning tools is that you can increasethe font size.This is great for theend of the day after you've beeninserting it in the computer for 7 anda half hours and everything starts toget a little fuzzier.This makes iteasier to finish that last half hour ofthe day.You can increase the spacing.And that also makes it easier tocomprehends and helps people withvisual problems.You can selectdifferent fonts. I'm going to make the spacing alittle smaller.And you can alsochange the space.Right now we'rewhite on black.Some people prefer adifferent color.So I'm going to do the invertedcolor that's black background withwhite text.The item that I really like --and this is great I have a 6 years oldson and we're into math and stuff andthis does it for me it's kind of likemy own personal tutor and I can clickon the book and select nouns and itimmediately highlights all the nouns.I'm going to unselect nouns and selectverbs and those are in red and thenselecting adjectives there's on 1 onthe page.This was notinterpretational.

SPEAKER: And this really talksto different types of cognitivedisabilities, so it helps -- and readingcomprehension.This talks to different types ofcognitive disabilities.So we havefound that when people read and it'seither read to them or you havedifferent types of highlighting, peoplecan comprehend the information better so this goes across the spectrum withdifferent types of users whether it'saging, new whether there's cognitivedisabilities.So the idea behind thisis to give a much broader tool set fordifferent types of users.

SPEAKER: Thank you.I believepeople on the phone should be ableto --

SPEAKER: We got kicked outthere.

SPEAKER: So for the record, 1note is still working.Let's try thisagain.Okay perfect.So the other feature that I wantto highlight here is the read aloudfeature.And -- so you can select theperson with the talking voice at thetop.This feature is great.I usethis when I'm writing a document or ane-mail to a lot of really importantpeople and I've it rated on it like10 times and I'm ready to send it andI use this feature because by thatpoint my brain can't proofread itanymore my brain knows exactly what'son that page.Ironically that's neverwhat's on that page and I use a read back feature it reads it to me and Iupdate a whole bunch of differentmistakes and send it.So I'm going topush the play button on the bottom.Reading on the screen).So I'm going to pause it there.1 of the things you'll notice is thatthe individual words were beinghighlighted as they were being readout.I don't use this as it's readingto me but when my son is reading he'sable to see the words and startunderstanding those big words becausewe're beyond dog and cat but when youget to words like comprehension,breaking that into something a 6 or7-year-old can --

SPEAKER: And I'll bring this alittle closer to home.I'm sure manyof you in the room have dealt withRFPs, they can sometimes be 10,20 pages long.It's 1 of those things that it'slike you either have to find adifferent tool or different method.Myfather used to tell me to readsentences backwards.Well this is adifferent way of proofreading so it'shighlighted and read to you, so everyuser can have much better proposals or documents generated by using this as anend user before they send it out.

SPEAKER: I think now that we areconnected we should do -- so Dean andmyself have introduced so we're goingto go down the line and hand it off toPeter.

SPEAKER: Good morning folks.Many of you probably recognize fromhaving been to this event for a while.My main area of focus these days ismaking sure that people inside and/orcan easily create content that isaccessible to anybody.I have demos that I can sharewith you in just a moment and show youwhat we're all about.

SPEAKER: Good morning everyonemy name is Jiaxin Zheng.And I am hererepresenting the windows group.I'llbe sharing some of the updates withinour screen reading narrators as well asour other assistive technologies withinwindows as well.I'm more than happyto answer questions.If I can't answerthem I'm more than happy to take themback to my team and I'm looking forwardto sharing some of the demos withinwindows and just getting your feedback.

SPEAKER: Good morning everyonemy name is Hani Loza I'm a principlemanager on the engineering site and I'mjoined with Anita and she just steppedout and will be back.

SPEAKER: I'm will Louis I'm onthe translator Microsoft team.So I'mon the captioning side so I'll betalking to you this afternoon aboutthat.

SPEAKER: And I think that we'retrying to do our desktop sharing againso bear with us.I think it's thenetwork and the way we connect justkeeps on disconnecting.So I don'tknow if there's anything that we can dobut let's switch to it because I thinkwe can just go to the next slide andkeep this moving.So really what we want to dothroughout this day is, if you have aquestion, you know, ask it.We'rehappy to voice it.If you want to havea side bar conversation, we're going tobe here and in the hallway duringbreaks.Is there anything aboutmodernization of IT, having yourconversation with your internal ITdepartment and how we can help you havethat conversation that you want to ask any questions about before we move to the next piece which is accessibleauthoring, okay?All right.

SPEAKER: We're going to takeabout 2 minutes hopefully, to do aquick swap.There's a lot of thingsput in here.

SPEAKER: All right good morningagain everybody.So, we're going tospend the next hour talking about someof the accessible authoring.This iswhat I've been working on for the past18 months.I'm going to show yousomething that we always cover in thisevent we're going to show you some ofthe new capabilities that we havecoming and then I'm going to talk toyou about some of the new journeys wehave coming out.There's going to be a lot ofexcitement in the room for these newcapabilities that we have.Who was here last year at thisevent?About half of the folks here I'massuming about the same on the phone aswell.I'm going to talk about theagenda that we covered last year and basically recap some of thoseimprovements.I'm also going to bebringing in some of the data.We'vegot some really exciting pieces offunctionality.And where we're goingto be going next.We've been able to contributeback some information about thecapabilities of the more modernizationof office.We're going to also end withabout 15 minutes of a discussion basedon the content we presented.I wouldreally love to hear about thechallenges that you're having.So I'mgoing