Media Studies 120 CONTENT activity

C. Ball

Outline the important CONTENT ideas indicated for the following video examples:

Anti-bullying ad

·  What kinds of behaviour and consequences are being depicted?

·  What type of person is the reader being asked to identify with?

·  What are the values being communicated to us?

·  What ideas are being left out?

Break the Habit

·  What is the text and subtext of this piece? How well do they work together?

·  What is the overall worldview of the message? That is, how does this piece reflect the ‘bigger picture’?

·  What type of person is the reader being asked to identify with?

·  What are the values being communicated to us?

·  What ideas are being left out?

Australia ‘Stay in School’

·  What is the text and subtext of this piece? How well do they work together?

·  What type of person is the reader being asked to identify with?

·  What are the values being communicated to us?

·  What ideas are being completely ignored?

The next series of videos approaches value systems as they pertain to self-image. Use the following questions to write a short answer / response to each piece:

·  What is main message behind the video? How is this communicated through text and subtext?

·  Does the worldview of this ad have value or merit? Does it have large-scale message or is it confined to the specific creators of the medium?

·  What judgments or statements are made about how we value one another?

·  What ideas are left out? Are they obvious in their absence? That is, if these ideas were included, would the message change?

·  Does the message communicated have personal value to you? How about to the school community?

In a group of no more than three, brainstorm at least two potential positive messages that you feel could be addressed at Leo Hayes High School. Consider framing it in the line

Real Beauty is ______