Language / Words that take you somewhere. Allows you to move within a web page or between the page quickly
Uses <TAGS> to mark the page so the browser knows how to display the web page
Recognized by the Web. The .HTML extension indicates that this file is in a format that can be displayed on the Web.
NEEDED TO BEGIN / Word processor that will save in ASCII or text format such as Microsoft Word or Works, WordPad, NotePad, etc.
A browser loaded on your computer to view the page as it is being created such as Netscape or Internet Explorer.
NOTE: The computer does not have to access the Internet.
You will open a file in the browser.
/ Create a folder on your hard drive or network to save all the files related to the web page.
You may also save your web page to a disk but should designate one disk to hold all files.
NOTE: Using a disk limits the size of the file, especially if you are using enhancements such as graphics, rulers, backgrounds, etc.
1.  Most tags must have an open <TAG> and a close </TAG>.
2.  Both <TAGS> are enclosed in < >.
3.  Between the < > is a command word.
4.  The close </TAG> ends the command by adding a slash preceding the command.

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/ Must appear on every page.
HTML Tags / <HTML> </HTML> / Announces to the World Wide Web that this is an HTML document
Header Tags / <HEAD> </HEAD> / Lets you enter special information about your Web page. Will not show on the page.
Title Tags / <TITLE> </TITLE> / Places a short title or description in a browser’s title bar.
Body Tags / <BODY> </BODY> / Encloses the part of your web page document that will actually be displayed on a web browser. Anything not placed between the <BODY> tags will not be displayed properly.
/ <TAGS> that add interest to your page. Use of these tags makes a document appear organized.
Headings / <H1> </H1>
<H2> </H2>
<H3> </H3>
<H4> </H4>
<H5> </H5>
<H6> </H6> / Heading tags make text appear larger or smaller depending on the number of the tag. <H1> allows the largest letters while <H2> displays letters that are slightly smaller. The tag <H6> is the smallest letter.
Paragraph Break (double space) / <P> / This tag separates paragraphs by adding a blank line.
Line Break
(single space) / <BR> / The <BR> tag creates a line break without adding an extra space between paragraphs.
Unordered List / <UL>
</UL> / This sequence of tags creates bulleted lists, for example:
·  Item 1
·  Item 2
·  Item 3
Ordered List / <OL>
</OL> / This sequence of tags creates numbered lists, for example:
1.  Item 1
2.  Item 2
3.  Item 3
Center / <CENTER>
</CENTER> / Centers the text in the browser window.
Horizontal Rule / <HR> / Creates horizontal lines
Bold / <B> </B> / Bolds text
Italics / <I> </I> / Italicizes text
Underline / <U> </U> / Underlines text

Integrating Technology and Internet Use—189

Computer Applications II—BE 6412

Summer 2000

Integrating Technology and Internet Use—189

Computer Applications II—BE 6412

Summer 2000

Integrating Technology and Internet Use—189

Computer Applications II—BE 6412

Summer 2000