Request for Proposals

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA)

Public Law 113-128

Adult/Dislocated Worker Training Services

Program Year


(July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016)

Isothermal Planning and Development Commission

PO Box 841

Rutherfordton, NC 28139

Tim Mathis, Director of Workforce Development

(828) 287 0262 ext. 1233

This request for proposal is prepared in a Microsoft Word format. Any alterations to this document made by the proposer may be grounds for rejection of proposal, cancellation of any subsequent award, or any other legal remedies available to the Region C Workforce Development Board.


RFP Timeline...... 4

Resource Materials ...... 5

Section I. Background and General


Introduction ...... 6

Purpose ...... 6

Eligible Organizations...... 7

Proposal Requirements...... 7

Available Funds…………………………………………………………………………………………8

Scope of RFP……………………………………………………………………….…………….…….10

A. Program Design Requirements ...... 10

WIO Dislocated Worker Services Overview ...... ……………………….10

Locally Identified WIOA Service Needs...... 12

Additional program requirements ...... 15

B. Program Administration...... 16

Contractor Responsibilities ...... 16

C. Performance Outcomes ...... 17

D. Fiscal and Administrative Requirements…………………………………………………………..18

Section III. Proposal

A. General Submission and Format Instructions ...... 24


B. Statement or Work Narrative ...... 26

1. Executive Summary ...... 26

2. Work Plan ...... 25

3. Employment Development ...... 26

5. Agency Information...... 27

6. Performance Outcome...... 27

7. Budget and Program Planning Instructions ...... 28

Section IV. Terms and Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………………..….29


Appendix A-Equal Opportunity

Appendix B-Budget Form

Appendix C- Job Descriptions

Appendix D-Assurances and Certifications

Appendix E-Evaluation Criteria


Attachment A-Registration for WIA Services (information only)

Attachment B-Checklist of required documents

Attachment C-WIA Policies (modifications pending regulations)

Attachment D-Integrated Service Delivery Policy

RFP Timeline

Action Item Time/Date Location

WDB RFP Committee Established / 12/31/2014 / IPDC
RFP Completed and posted and advertised along with letter of intent to bid notice. / 1/6/2015 / Region
Letters of Intent to Bid due / 1/30/2015 at 5:00p.m. / IPDC
PO Box 841,
111 West Court St. Rutherfordton NC 28139
Mandatory Bidders Conference / 2/10/2015 10:00a.m. / IPDC
PO Box 841,
111 West Court St. Rutherfordton NC 28139
Proposals Due / 3/13/2015 5:00 p.m. / IPDC
PO Box 841,
111 West Court St. Rutherfordton NC 28139
Staff Review / 3/31/2015 / IPDC
Presentations of and recommendations to WDB Committee / 4/30/2015 / IPDC
Committee presentation of recommendations to full WDB
with action/selection / 5/7/2015 / IPDC
Contract negotiation with elected provider / 5/22/2015
Contract Award / 5/29/2015 / IPDC
Project Start Date / 7/1/2015

Note: All dates after the final proposal submission deadline are approximate and may be adjusted as conditions dictate, without addendum to this RFP.

Resource Materials

Resource materials relating to Workforce Investment Act Title I-B programs which may aid in

preparing Request for Proposals are available on the internet at the following sites:

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is available at:

  • Workforce Investment Act is available at:
  • Workforce Investment Act Regulations available at:

A copy of the Wagner Peyser Act and regulations are available at:

North Carolina Division of Policy Statements and Related Bulletins available at:




The Workforce Development Department of Isothermal Planning and Development Commission (IPDC), under the policy oversight and guidance of the Region C Workforce Development Board (WDB) and within the rules, regulations, concepts and funding prescribed by the current Workforce Investment Act of 1998, administers adult and dislocated worker workforce development programs in Rutherford, Cleveland, McDowell, and Polk Counties in North Carolina. All activities will transition to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 WIOA which was signed into law on July 22, 2014 with implementation scheduled for July 1, 2015. The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to select an entity to provide adult and dislocated worker workforce development services through the Region C Career Center system from July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016. The contracted services must be consistent with the intentions of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act contractual requirements as defined by the WDB.

This RFP has been designed largely around the Workforce Investment Act requirements but responders must understand that final awards, contracts, and funded activities will be consistent with the requirements of the new legislations (WIOA).

Successful organizations must agree to the delivery of services within the Integrated Service Delivery model adopted by the State and must use the recently implemented information technology system ( to track program activities and follow state and local policies and operational procedures.

Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs have been delivered as an in-house activity with responsible staff employed by the administrative entity—Isothermal Planning and Development Commission (IPDC) in combination with contractual arrangement. Successful bidders awarded contracts for program operations will be required to hire existing program employees that are currently employed as WIA case management and program delivery staff. Awardees will be required to maintain those staff members for a minimum of 90 days unless there is cause for dismissal or mutually agreed upon separation.


The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to fund proposals that provide workforce development services to WIOA eligible adults and dislocated workers in the four counties previously mentioned. Proposals should address strategies that enhance a customer’s ability to move into self-sustaining employment, resulting in an upwardly mobile career path and higher earnings potential. Programs should include strategies that reflect effective integration of services with other partners of the Career Center system in the region and proactive strategies to involve business services in the design of strategies and implementation of the program. Bidders may propose services in all four counties, a combination of counties, or a single county.

Eligible Organizations

Organizations eligible to submit proposals for this RFP include:

·  private for-profit businesses;

·  private not-for-profit organizations (including faith and community-based organizations

·  labor groups

·  governmental entities (including the public school system, community colleges, local government and other public sector organizations);

Any not-for-profit entity MUST have been incorporated for at least two (2) years (as evidenced by a letter from the governing body certifying proof of incorporation) and be designated as a 501 c-3 tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service.

Any for-profit entity must have been incorporated at least two (2) years.

All entities must have the authority to conduct business in North Carolina

Applicants must provide an Original Certificate of Insurance.

The Certificate of Insurance must include:

Commercial General Liability -Combined single limit not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, with an annual aggregate on not less than $2,000,000.

Worker’s Compensation -Employers' liability, $1,000,000. Automobile Liability coverage -Combined single limit of $1,000,000.

Proposal Requirements

All proposers must submit a letter to intent to bid form and certify that they have read the published Request for Proposal and understand the guidelines and the services that are being procured. Letters must be received by 5:00 on January 30, 2015 to be eligible to be considered for funding. Letters must be sent to:

Tim Mathis, Director of Workforce Development

Isothermal Planning and Development Commission

PO Box 841

Rutherfordton, NC 28139

All proposers must demonstrate the ability to serve Cleveland, McDowell, Polk, and Rutherford County adults and dislocated workers through coordinated services that may be delivered through partnerships, sub- contractors, or collaborative agreements. Any sub-contract must be approved by the WDB prior to execution.

Although certain duties may be subcontracted or achieved through collaboration with one or more qualified agency-(ies), the lead agency retains all responsibility for contract performance and monitoring of subcontractors and collaborators.

Funds awarded must be utilized to serve WIOA eligible adults and dislocated workers. Proposals that are submitted that target specific populations of Adult Workers and Dislocated Workers will not be considered for funding.

Respondents must propose a cost reimbursement contract. A Cost Reimbursement Contract is one that establishes an estimate of total costs for the purpose of obligating funds and a ceiling that the contractor may not exceed (except at contractor’s risk) unless the awarding party agrees to amend the contract to provide additional funds.

Available Funds

Exact funds available in this RFP will not be known until the N.C. Department of Commerce, Division of Workforce Solutions releases the Final Program Year 2015 allocations. Bidders may base their proposal budgets on the figures on their estimated cost for staffing and associated expenses for individuals who are involved in delivering WIOA Training Services—the issuance of ITAs (vouchers), development of workplace learning opportunities, and associated services.

*It should be noted that all funds for the payment of training, participant supportive services, and rent associated with the Career Center Systems, will be retained by, and administered through the IPDC Workforce Development Department. Funds awarded through this RFP will be for staffing only.



Program Funds for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Services

Estimated amount available for contract award for staffing and the cost of doing business is:

Adult $165750

Dislocated Worker $159250

Total $325,000.

County / Adults / Dislocated Workers
Cleveland / $74,970 / $72,030
McDowell / $35,700 / $34,300
Polk / $16,065 / $15,435
Rutherford / $51,767 / $49,735

Amounts available for the provision of training and associated services to participants which includes ITAs, supportive services, training supplies and other training expenses:

Adult $442,500

Dislocated Worker 307,500

Total $750,000

County / Adults / Dislocated Workers
Cleveland / $185,850 / $129,150
McDowell / $88,500 / $61,500
Polk / $39,825 / $27,675
Rutherford / $128,325 / $61,500

Funds for training and associated costs will be retained and administered through the Local Area.

Region C Career Center System

The WIOA sets forth an Integrated Service Delivery system under which entities responsible for administering workforce investment, educational, and other human resource funding collaborate to create an Integrated Service Delivery system. The Region C WDB puts a priority on non-duplication of services, universal access of programs, integration with the community at large, and targeted assistance for employers and jobseekers. In addition, WIOA provides additional levels of accountability and flexibility in meeting local market demands.

Selected contractors will provide staffing in an Integrated One Stop Delivery Center working directly with staff from the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Workforce Solutions. Bidders desiring to serve as a contracting organization should note that the following are the fundamental principles of the Western Piedmont WDB Integrated One-Stop Delivery System.

Integrated Service Delivery: The Region C WDB Integrated One-Stop Delivery System will provide services through Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Wagner-Peyser, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), and Veterans Services programs at local Career Centers and satellite facilities. The purpose of this RFP is to identify contractors that can provide operation and services through WIA funding in the context of this integrated environment.

Center Manager: In the Region C Integrated One-Stop Delivery System, functional supervision will play a key role in the operations. To implement this supervisory approach, the One-Stop Career Center will include a Center Manager who is directly responsible for day-to-day operational activities. The Center Manager will make operational decisions concerning customer flow, deploy staff as necessary to manage the customer flow, and be responsible for the overall quality and effectiveness of the Region C WDB Integrated One-Stop Delivery System. The functional supervision recognizes that the contracting organization is considered the employer of record and has internal human resource functions that must be managed within the organization. Please note that the Region C WDB will work with each center to identify the Center Manager, and that this may, or may not be a member of the approved WIA contractor staff.

Team-Based Staff Deployment: In the Region C One-Stop Delivery System, staff will be deployed in functional teams that work together to meet the needs of job seekers and employer customers. The specific functional teams that will operate in each Career Center will include a Welcome Team, a Skill Development Team, an Employment Team, and an Employer Services Team. Through this RFP, the Region C WDB is seeking contractors that can staff three of the teams: Welcome, Skill and Employment functional teams with high energy, experience and qualified professional individuals. The contractor staff must deliver high quality services to customers and also have the ability to determine the need for supportive services for employment and training, assessing availability and suitability and identifying resources to meet the customer’s needs.

Partners/Coordination/Linkages: The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and the Region C WDB require partnering and collaboration to deliver the most effective services in order to have the greatest possible community impact for customers and employers. Having as many partners as possible only strengthens the delivery of services. The approved WIA contractor must sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which will be developed by the Region C WDB. The MOU must document at a minimum the following information: a description of what customer services and employer services will be provided by each partner; how cost of services and operating costs of the partnership will be funded; method of referral between partners; duration of memorandum and procedures for amending the memorandum; other provisions as agreed upon by the parties of the MOU; and partnerships and collaborations with other organizations is required.

Partners, coordination and linkages ensure customers receive information on the full array of services available to them and referrals to appropriate training and educational programs.


A. Program Design Requirements

WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Services Overview

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) reauthorizes and reforms the federal workforce system providing several modifications and improvements that will enable job seekers to connect to good jobs and acquire skills needed to obtain them. Specific to the services being procured through this request are the activities that provide access to high quality training by helping job seekers acquire industry-recognized credentials for in-demand jobs. That includes: