5thNetwork Steering Committee

Radisson Bloomsbury Hotel, London

Thursday 19th May 2010,10am – 3.30pm

Chair: Professor Marja Jylhä


Claudine Attias-Donfut / CNAV
Howard Bergman / Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec
Uldis Berkis / Latvian Council of Science
Christina Bonora / Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Biomedical Ageing Research
Kerstin Carsjö / Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research
Mihail Coculescu / Ministry of Health
Juliet Craig / FUTURAGE Coordination Team
Aurelia Curaj / UEFISCDI
Norman Fisch / FNR
Claudia Gandin / Istituto Superiore di Sanita, ISS
Antti Hautaniemi / Academy of Finland
Antoaneta Hristova / Institute of Population and Human Studies
Irit Allon / CSO-MOH
Anouska Kettle / ERA-AGE 2 Coordination Team
Benny Leshem / CSO-MOH
Anne Martin-Matthews / Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Aging
Sarmite Mikulioniene / Mykolas Romeris University
Melissa Nance / ERA-AGE 2 Coordination Team
Penka Naydenova / Institute of Population & Human Studies, BAS
Iveta Ozolanta / Latvian Council of Science
Vicente Rodriguez / Spanish National Research Council
Alain Rozenkier / CNAV
Emanuele Scafato / ISS
Michel Tuchman / CNAV
Alan Walker / University of Sheffield
Antoni Zwiefka / Lower Silesia Voivodeship Marshal Office
Anouska Kettle / University of Sheffield
The meeting was opened by MJ where she firstly congratulated AW for winning the award at the recent IAGG European Congress in Bologna, AW was given one of the Association's first three Awards for Advances in Gerontology and Geriatrics.Introductions around the table were appropriate due to new attendees.
2 / Review of previous minutes
The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate recording of the 4th NSC that took place on 8th December 2010. BL also thanked the CT for circulating the minutes within the agreed timeframe.
3 / Introduction from Marshal Office of Lower Silesia Voivodeship – Antoni Zwiefka
Dr Antoni Zwiefka gave a brief and a detailed presentation to meeting members, which was very informative and gave an overview of the institute in Poland. Prof Zwiefka was welcomed as a new associate partner to ERA-AGE 2.
BL asked whether there is a connection between Marshal Office of Lower Silesia Voivodeshipand the National Polish Research for Ageing. AZ said that there is no direct link at present, but work is being progressed through the University. The organisation has links with the Polish Government and is able to source some funding. UB asked whether there is collaboration with the AAL. AZ said that this is somewhat problematic, but new projects are being progressed in order to bridge this gap.
4 / FUTURAGE Update
AW updated meeting members with the current progress of the FUTURAGE project. The project is a 2 years commitment, which is nearing the end. An extension into the autumn has been submitted, so that the road map can be launch in European Parliament on 18th October 2011. The FUTURAGE Stakeholders Forum meeting took place on 18.05.2011 in London, which was chaired by Prof Marja Jylhä, where presentations to stakeholders were given. The meeting was very successful and generated very positive comments and ideas.It was mentioned that the FUTURAGE format/modelcould be used to make links nationally with other projects. Comments from the stakeholders’ forum and the working groups have been invaluable and very constructive. The next stepsare to revise the basic structure of the road map and condense the main themes, which was one of the main comments.
The other drafting aspects of the road map such as the introduction, implementation/vision and the science chapters will be reviewed at the next Council of Scientist meeting in June 2011.
Furthermore, we have received a lot of confidential advice from the Commission with regard to how we present the road map, targets to meet and meeting with commissioners, which will form part of our implementation strategy. The compiling of the draft road map will take place during the summer and once assembled will be circulated to all ERA-AGE 2 partners for review.
AW urges all ERA-AGE 2 partners to raise awareness nationally and create momentum for the launch of the road map in the autumn. There is a concern that the Innovation Partnership, will over shadow the implementation of the road map and it not be used. A tactical enough to work with the Innovation Partnership has been applied and links with their priorities has been reflected in the road map, but there are still some concerns and political barriers. It is important for the ERA-AGE 2 partners raise awareness for the road map nationally, so that key priorities of the FUTURAGE project can continue into framework programme eight. There is mention of two future calls for ageing research from the European Parliament, which would promote the FUTURAGE road map and warrant future funding.
MJ asked in what capacity can partners, assist the promotion of the road map and to which areas of research should they direct their efforts. AW mentioned that there are 3 directorates DGRTD, DGINFSO and DGSANCO, who partners could contact. KC asked whether a formal announcement could be drafted, so this can be circulated nationally and translated. JC to action and circulate. / Action JC
5 / JCRA update
Meeting members were supplied with a copy of ‘Procedures for the Joint Call for Research Applications 2011, (JCRA) and the Evaluation Process’ document for reference. BL mentioned that after many months of hard work from IA and himself we are now is a position to publish the first ERA-AGE 1 & 2 multi-national research proposal, (JCRA), which is a day of celebration. BL said that IA and himself have compiled and designed the documents for the JCRA,which details how the process of the joint call. Positive comments and support from meeting members here today have assisted in this process, which is greatly appreciated.
KC commented that it is unclear, with regard to the eligibility of the partners and applicants between the JCRA application and the procedural documents, the wording is conflicting. BL said that the ERA-AGE 2 members are one organisation, who are part of an initiative to publish a multi-national JCRA. Not all members here today representing their organisation are participating or funders. The organisations that are participating are able to fund researchersand will form part of the JCRA Steering Committee, with an exception of Sheffield who will be administrators of the JCRA.
The eligibility aspect refers to the researcher, who wants to participate and apply for a research project and form links with researcher in other countries, related to their field. The applicant has to check the funding limits of the countries they want to collaborate with,as their expensesmay not be covered, or provide proof of funding to support i.e. travel expenses.
HB mentioned that any non-funding organisations should not take part in detailed discussions, as this could pose a conflict of interest to the process. AW said that HB has a very valid point and measures are in place to manage this. Firstly the JCRA documents will in the future be marked ‘Confidential’ and only circulated to JCRA sub-group members. Secondly, anyone involved in the discussions and not participating are obliged to sign a confidentiality agreement. Finally, as we are in the initial discussion stages of the JCRA, AW is comfortable with whathas been discussed and any further discussions will be moved to the JCRA Steering Committee. AH made a comment relating to a document that lists the JCRA commitments.At present there are 8 countries that are participating and he asked if there were any pending countries. It was mentioned, that until we have a definitive list the call cannot be published, which was confirmed by BL.
At this stage of the meeting BL refer to page 4 of the ‘JCRA Procedures’ document and briefly outlined the process. The evaluation process still needs to be ratified, as we do not know how many applications we will receive. From previous JCRA meetings it was agreed that it would be 2-stage process, submission of a pre-proposal then full proposal if eligible. To make the evaluation process more simple it was agreed that a minimum number of pre-proposals be set and then invite all applicants to submit a full proposal. This process would alleviate pressure from the PRP (Scientists) and gain time within the whole process. On the other-hand we would lose feedback from the scientists who would give comment on the pre-proposals, which might be of value. HB mentioned that setting the minimum level would be a good idea, but with one stipulation, is that the applicant must pass the eligibility criteria from their funding organisation/country. AW said that the call is a multi-disciplinarity cross-national project and is very flexible to applicants internationally. There may be some limitations within originations due to research remits, but the call purpose is to be multi-disciplinary. It wassuggested to take a vote from funding organisations to decide the cut off for the amount of pre-proposal applications. The majority opted for 10 and under applicants would be invited to submit a full application, 11 or more applications would revert to the 2-stage process. The whole JCRA process will be made clear to applicants through documentation, once the call is published on 1st June 2011. Until we receive the final submission of applications, this will determine how the process will proceed, which is flexible. BL asked that the document entitled ‘JCRA Commitments’ be completed and circulated to all funding organisations, including, eligibility and the title of the main themes research areas.
The schedule relating to the JCRA process on page 11, was discussed which is now not feasible due to holidays in Sweden and France. It was said that the deadline to sign the MOU is today (19.05.2011), but an e-mail to JC in the interim detailing their commitment is suffice at this stage. Copies of the signed MOU agreement will be collated in due course. The deadline for publishing the call is 1st June 2011, which will allow more applicants to apply. With regard to the deadline for submission of pre-proposals needs to be changed due to holidays in July /August. It was agreed that BL would revise the current timescale and suggestion a more feasible deadline for pre-proposals. 1st of October 2011 was suggested, which would be a more feasible target. / Action BL
6 / FLARE 2 update from review panel meeting
JC gave an update of the FLARE 2 PRP, which took place on 6th April 2011 in London. 25 applications were received and 21 will be funded. We are pleased to announce that we can make recommendations for funding for all of the fellowships, that were proposed by the countries.
An update from all funding countries was given;
Finland: will fund 3 applicants.
AH mentioned,that 5 other applicants have applied for other research programmes with the same FLARE application and gained funding from other sources. AH asked, if these applicants could take part in future FLARE 2 activities. AW said that this would be acceptable and very beneficial to all candidates.
Sweden: Subject to the result of aboard meeting today they are hoping to fund 2 applicants.
Romania: Will be funding one application.
France: Will be funding one application.
Israel: Will be funding one application.
Austria: Will be funding one application.
Luxembourg: Will be funding one application.
JC will send an e-mail request to all organisations who are funding applicants to send names of applicants and when they, can be published on the website.
7 / FLARE fellows Summer School – 2011, Spain -2012
VR gave a detailed presentation of the plans and location of the FLARE Summer School, which is schedule to take place 5th-8th September 2011 and will be located in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain. The logistics of the event i.e. transfer to San Lorenzo are still being discussed and will be circulated in due course. The venue and hotel accommodation, is very reasonably priced and situated in beautiful surroundings.
JC asked partners to provide her with nominations of 1 or 2 post-doctoral / doctoral researchers of who could attend the summer school. Also, to recommend speakers with specific topics.There attendance at this stage cannot be guaranteed due to not knowing how many people will attend, but will be advantageous when preparing the programme.
8 / FORUM Meeting
The next ‘New Members State’ (NMS) Forum is scheduled, to take place in the autumn 2011, date to be confirmed and will be held in Bucharest, Romania. JC will be asking partners to assist within invitee list as we have not had a good response in previous times and the forum is geared to target NMS. We need proactive help in attracting new members of state from varying countries in order to build the network. UB asked if a form of words, could be drafted detailing the event, so this can be circulated to potential attendees of the forum.
The final forum will take place in September/October 2012 in Paris. The date cannot be confirmed, as we are awaiting the extension of the project from the European Commission to be finalised. / Action JC
9 / Website and ERA AGE database update
JC updated meeting members that we are having a new ERA-AGE 2 website developed, which will be live by June / July 2011. Any suggests with regards to changes and content would be welcomed and can be factored into the new design. The database within the website is also being revised and will be fully searchable by country, discipline, type of activity and whether funding is open or closed. JC said that there is still time (6 weeks) to collect data for the new databaseand if you have any concerns, i.e. the format to contact her directly. The old ERA-AGE database from ERA-AGE 1, contains information relating to research centres, funders and projects and programmes which is being investigated and will hopefully be integrated and information retained.
10 / Standing item: Future of ERA-AGE & development of Statement of intent
AW said that it was agreed that the ERA-NET group would continually review and evaluated the future of the project and promote suggestions of the next steps. October 2012, is the end of the ERA-AGE 2 project, which needs to be a collectively assessment. At present, there are no calls for new ERA-NETS from the commission, which does pose some concerns.
The FUTURAGE project ,was derived from ERA-AGE1, which now linked with the Innovation Partnership. There is suggestion that there will be a call for a European platform for Ageing Research, which will allow the products from FUTURAGE to continue, but through the ERA-AGE network. The Innovation Partnership has a very strong presence at a European level and it is important that any future projects,bealigned. The FUTURAGE project is very well know within the European Commission and is highly recognised, as an excellent model for ageing research. During the next 6 months information surrounding the future of the project will be collated and discussion in a separate forum.
11 / Standing item: New Members
AW said that we have been approached by the ‘Science for Life Extension Foundation’, in Russia, who is a funding organisation and a potential new member. A formal approach to new members, will be circulated in due course.
12 / Parallel Projects: The JPI ‘ More years, Better Lives’ and Active & Healthy Ageing Innovation Partnership (AHAIP)
JM said that during the life of both ERA-AGE projects we have continually driven the voice for ageing research in order for us to be heard.Now that the projects are being recognised nationally, our efforts can be commended. An update from JC, with regard to the JPI and the submission of our MOU, which was in September 2010. They have still not reviewed our application, but this is on the agenda for next Steering Group Committee meeting in June 2011. There has been positive comment for the European Commission on our approach, but yet to be decided.
13 / Location of next NSC meeting
Meeting members were invited to give suggestions for the location of the next NSC meeting. JC suggested that this could be coincided with the FUTURAGE meeting on 18/19th October 2011, in Brussels to reduce cost of travel and accommodation. The availability for dates will be checked and circulated in due course.
14 / Any Other business
AMM announced that this will be her last NSC meeting she will attend, she has completed 8 years as Scientific Director and will be returning as a full time researcher. She thankedeveryone for this opportunity and good luck with the future of the project. Canada will still be participating, but with a new representative.

List of actions arising

1 / BL to revise the current JCRA submission timescale and suggestion a more feasible deadline for pre-proposals. (1st of October 2011 was suggested, which would be a more feasible target.) / BL
2 / JC to draft a formal announcement, with regards to the launch of the FUTURAGE road map for partners to circulate. / JC
3 / JC to draft a form of words detailing the event, so this could be circulated to potential attendees with regard to the next NMS forum. / JC