Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Debrecen

Fall semester, academic year 2015/16

Institute: Management and Organization

Program: BA in BAM & Business Informatics (BSc) & Állattenyésztő mérnöki MSc (in English) & Erasmus

Course title and Neptun-code: Human Resource Management (KTE10170-K4, INJFM21-K4, MTMAE010)

Classes per week: 3+0 Course credit value: 4

Prerequisites: –

1.  INSTRUCTORS: András István Kun

Office: Fény-ház 102


Office hours (in the study period only)

Tuesday: 14.00-14.50 and Thursday 13.00-13.50

2.  COURSE GOALS: The course outlines the basic questions and concepts of Human resource management and places emphasis on the functions of it. The instructors would like to show the complexity of human resource management.


Hét, időpont / Lecture
(Monday 10.00, D 40) / Lecture
(Monday 12.00, TVK 110)
Week 2
28/9/2015 / NO CLASS / What human resource management (HRM) is, course overview, HRM functions
Compulsory reading: Chapter 1.
Week 3
5/10/2015 / HRM strategies Compulsory reading: Chapter 8.. / HR Planning: Compulsory reading: Chapter and 25.
Extra class for the postponed lectures from week 1: Monday 16.00, TVK 12
Analysing roles, competencies and skills Compulsory reading: Chapter 13.
Week 4
12/10/2015 / NO CLASS / Motivation at work Compulsory reading: Chapter 18.
Extra class for the postponed lectures from week 1: Monday 16.00, MAG F04-F05
Job design Compulsory reading: Chapter 23
Week 5
19/10/2015 / Workforce Planning & Job analysis exercises / Sourcing, recruitment and selection Compulsory reading: Chapter 27.
Week 6
26/10/2015 / NO CLASS / Mid-term
Week 7
2/11/2015 / Mid-term re-take (optional) / Employee selection methods Compulsory reading: Chapter 28. and 29.
Week 8
9/11/2015 / NO CLASS / Performance Management Compulsory reading: Chapter 32.
Week 9
16/11/2015 / Calculations in performance and reward management / Reward Management Compulsory reading: Chapter 42.
Week 10
23/11/2015 / NO CLASS / Human resource development and learning Compulsory reading: Chapter 38.
Week 11
30/11/2015 / Staffing calculations / Characteristics of people, organizational commintment and culture Compulsory reading: Chapter 17., 19., 21.
Week 12
7/12/2015 / NO CLASS / HRM policies Compulsory reading: Chapter 10.
Week 13
14/12/2015 / Preparation for the exam / Consultation class


Active participation in classes and no more than three absences during the semester are required. The final grade consist of two parts: (mid-term test) + (end-term test in the exam period). The mid-term test consists of 30 multiple choice questions in 45 minutes. Questions are based on the topics discussed in the first 5 weeks. Required readings are textbook chapters 1, 8, 13, 18, 23, and 25. There is another chance to re-take the mid-term on 5/11/2012. The latter result counts (not the better).

The end-term test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 1 problem solving question in 45 minutes. The end-term exam (= final exam) will be based on all of the selected chapters of the handbook (listed in the above table), and on all lectures and seminars. End-term needs Neptun registration (without registering in the Neptun system, the exam cannot be undertaken).


Final grade:

At the first trying of the end-term test:

Mid-term test: 30 percentage points

End-term test: 70 percentage points

If a student retaking the exam (second or third trying), then the result of the end-term test counts as 100 percentage point.

Grade calculation:

0–50 points failed (1)

51–64 points acceptable (2)

65–75 points medium (3)

76–89 points good (4)

90–100 points excellent (5)


Armstrong, M. (2006): Handbook of Human Resource Management. 10th edition. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. Tenth Edition. (newer editions are also good but the structure of the book will differ)


Armstrong, Michael (2008): Strategic Human Resource Management. 4th edition. Kogan Page, London.

Armstrong, M. (2009): Handbook of Human Resource Management. 11th edition London:Kogan Page.

Phillips, Jean M. – Gully, Stanley M. (2012): Strategic Staffing. International edition. 2nd edition. Pearson, London.


Course homepage: http://oktato.econ.unideb.hu/kunandras/BAINMBA/HRM.htm

Debrecen, September 2015

KUN, András istván

associate professor


The Regulation of Studies and Examinations and the Code of Ethics of the University of Debrecen apply to all questions related to the course and requirements.