Veidah Motions

Last updated for Veidah 2014 (5774)


Pre-amblePage 3

RevisionsPage 4

Veidah motions arranged chronologicallyPage 5

Veidah motions arranged by subjectPage 22

AppendicesPage 37


This document came into existence as a result of a decision made at Veidah 2004 (5765) to “create a single document that contains every motion ever passed at Veidah, with the precise wording of each one and the year it was passed” (2004:1, part). Its intention is three-fold:

  1. To provide, as far as is possible, an accurate and authoritative list of every motion passed, from all Veidot, in order to bring together for the first time the sum of motions that the youth movement should be following; and further to clear up any conflicts among members as to what previous years’ Veidot had passed
  1. To provide an easy-to-use reference about that information. Technically, this list already exists in the sense that one can go back to every Minutes from previous Veidot and find the information in this document. However, this is a tedious task to say the least. This list provides all the motions in one place, listed not only chronologically but also by subject
  1. To provide a valuable resource for seeing how the youth movement has evolved over the many years this document covers

The intention of this document is that it is updated after every future Veidah, in order that it can continue to fulfil the above functions.

A number of decisions (some forced, some not) have been made about the content, layout and editing of this document, and they should be stated at the outset.

Firstly, not every year is represented. At present, no year before 1992 (5753) is represented, and neither are the years 1996 (5757) and 1997 (5758). This is due to the simple fact that the Minutes from these Veidot do not still, as far as it is known, exist. If they are discovered then they will be added to this document in future.

Secondly, there are some motions that were passed at Veidot that really only related to that particular year, and which have no bearing on the movement now. Their inclusion – or otherwise – has been carefully considered. My personal opinion has been to lean on the side of inclusion for all but the most irrelevant motions; future editors are welcome to formulate their own policy, and the Minutes will still be in existence if they wish to add in anything left out in this version.

Thirdly, I have corrected the spelling, punctuation and grammar of the motions as printed in the Minutes (which sometimes left something to be desired) in this document.

Fourthly, the name of the movement was changed after a Veidah decision in 2003 (5764). The former name was ULPSNYC-Netzer (indeed, between Veidah 1992 (5753) and Veidah 1993 (5754), the movement joined Netzer Olami; hence the name was updated to take account of this); the current name (see 2003:12) is LJY-Netzer. They, of course, both refer to the same organisation, but it should be noted that I have not changed this particular aspect of any of the motions. If they referred to ULPSNYC-Netzer, this is reflected in their current wording.

Fifthly, the choice of categories under which I have categorised the motions is entirely my own. I have also taken the decision to allow motions to only be in one category. Again, in any future revision of this document, a future editor can do these things differently.

This document has been the culmination of at least 13 years of Veidot. This document is dedicated to all of those who strive for a better movement; past, present and future.

Robin Moss, First Editor, April 2005 (5765)


First revision

During this update, I have not only added the motions passed at Veidah 2005 (5766), but also added the motion 2004:5.

Robin Moss, February 2006

Second revision

During this update, I have added the motions passed at Veidah 2006 (5767).

Robin Moss, December 2007

Third revision

During this update, I have added the motions passed at Veidah 2007 (5768). I also slightly changed the names of the categories under which the motions are sorted.

Robin Moss, March 2008

Fourth revision

During this update, I have added the motions passed at Veidah 2008 (5769). I was greatly assisted in this task by Mikha’el Wade, who will in coming years be taking over this task from me. I am grateful for all his help this year, and wish him the best in the future.

Robin Moss, December 2009

Fifth revision

During this update, I have added the motions passed at Veidah 2009 (5770), as well as tidying up some other bits and pieces of wording. Veidah 2009 was also a historic first for LJY-Netzer, with Galim Gimel (school year 13) rashim, and it is hoped that this initiative can continue for many years.

Robin Moss, December 2010

Sixth revision

During this update, I added motions from 2010 (5771) – 2013 (5773). It should be noted that there was no Veidah in the Gregorian Calendar 2012 as it took place in December 2011 and in January 2013. Also updates various appendices.

Tom Francies, December 2013

Motions Organised Chronologically

Veidah 1992 (5753)



Motion in full

1992:1 / All those who attend ULPSNYC events must attend the services involved
1992:2 / ULPSNYC should dedicate time within a weekend tochnit to the understanding of the prayer and rituals of Judaism and possibly use services as a means to this end
1992:3 / Each ULPSNYC service will include at least the first paragraph of the Shema
1992:4 / Each ULPSNYC service will include at least the first paragraph of the Amidah
1992:5 / ULPSNYC should dedicate time towards education about Zionism, Israel and Israeli culture, with a special emphasis on Reform Zionism and the Progressive Jewish community on Israel
1992:6 / ULPSNYC fully supports the move towards membership of Netzer Olami
1992:7 / ULPSNYC will express its commitment to the State of Israel and Zionism through prayer, and mandates the Va’ad to investigate ways in which those might be achieved
1992:8 / ULPSNYC sees Aliyah as a clear expression of Progressive Judaism and encourages its Olim to pursue ongoing Aliyah, become involved on the Progressive Jewish community and engage actively on a process of Tikkun in Israel
1992:9 / ULPSNYC calls for full equality of Progressive Judaism in Israeli society and will seek to provide practical help to achieve those goals
1992:10 / ULPSNYC will have an Israel Tour every year, which is considered a vital part of ULPSNYC’s educational process. Israel Tours should include contact with the Progressive Jewish movement in Israel
1992:11 / Shnat (a ten month movement programme in Israel) is a major focus of ULPSNYC’s educational process
1992:12 / ULPSNYC commits itself to educate about and deal with Shabbat observance issue
1992:13 / a)ULPSYNC mandates the Va’ad to ensure that at a future general meeting comprehensive recommendations are made concerning Shabbat observance
b)We encourage Shabbat preparation peulot including decorations
c)On Shabbat, ULPSNYC should light candles and make kiddush
d)There should be two challot, of which one should be a small roll
1992:14 / ULPSNYC wishes to create an atmosphere for remembrance and observance of Shabbat. There should be time, at each ULPSNYC event which includes a Shabbat, for personal and communal preparation
1992:15 / At the Shabbat morning services, the Torah portion should be read or a communal activity on the parsha included. References to the Haftarah should be made
Motion in full
1992:16 / ULPSNYC members should wear appropriate clothing for Shabbat, and publicity should inform them of this beforehand
1992:17 / Seuda shlishit should take the form of a peulah using Jewish sources, traditionally Pirke Avot
1992:18 / If an ULPSNYC event takes place over a Shabbat, the Shabbat atmosphere, ideally, should continue throughout the day and conclude with Havdalah. Havdalah is an important part of ULPSNYC Shabbat observance and should be emphasised
1992:19 / Prayers used in all ULPSNYC services should be read as they are written in the text provided
1992:20 / ULPSNYC should acquire a Torah scroll in the next twelve months

Veidah 1993 (5754)



Motion in full

1993:1 / ULPSNYC-Netzer recognises the importance of mitzvot and commits itself to the continued study of mitzvot with an aim to enhance the ideology of ULPSNYC-Netzer and allowing its chanichim to make a decision about and examine mitzvoth in their individual Progressive Jewish lives
1993:2 / ULPSNYC-Netzer recognises the importance of Torah and will endeavour to study its origin and content
1993:3 / Va’ad Tefillah and interested individuals should create an educational peulah about Birkat Hamazon to be done for all ages
1993:4 / All madrichim should be given the opportunity to lead how to lead Birkat Hamazon
1993:5 / In synagogues where the wearing of kippah and tallit is obligatory, ULPSNYC-Netzer will respect the communities’ decision and wear the appropriate items
1993:6 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should acquire kippot and tallit for use and experience on events
1993:7 / ULPSNYC-Netzer encourages individuals to explore the meaning and personal value of kippot and tallit as Jewish rituals
1993:8 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should hold events in order to raise funds and resources for Tikkun Olam, and also endeavour to raise funds and resources at existing events
1993:9 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should educate its members about drugs and alcohol
1993:10 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should increase awareness about prejudices which chanichim may or may not know they have
1993:11 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should educate itself and others about the issues of racism, fascism and Nazism, and find a way of taking action against these
1993:12 / On every weekend, a “power hour” should be held, where people are given the opportunity to write campaigning letters abut various social issues, having been given proper education as a support to other social action activities at the weekend
1993:13 / We propose that there is one day a year (at least) dedicated to visiting AIDS sufferers
1993:14 / We propose that ULPSNYC-Netzer should have various guest speakers on social action issues at events throughout the year
1993:15 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should educate itself about homosexuality, thoroughly examining prejudices that exist



Motion in full

1993:16 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should produce a monthly newsletter concentrating on current affairs in Israel, including an update on the peace process for 5th years and above
1993:17 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should establish links with Tsofei Telem and parallel links schichvot
1993:18 / At Veidah, there should be a Shnat-Netzer peulah which includes a written prospectus
1993:19 / ULPSNYC-Netzer chanichim and madrichim should engage in a dialogue with young Palestinians of a similar age
1993:20 / An aspect of Israel that is relevant to the theme being dealt with should be examined at every weekend
1993:21 / ULPSNYC-Netzer encourages interaction with Jewish youth and other Zionist youth movements on an educational and social level
1993:22 / ULPSNYC-Netzer requests joint meetings with the ULPS Youth Department to discuss and update the current situation of the club network
1993:23 / Shnattim are expected to sit on Mazkirut for at least 2 years upon their return
1993:24 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will develop a framework for hadracha training for all its madrichim
1993:25 / ULPSNYC-Netzer members who have been through the movement and decide not to participate in Shnat-Netzer should be integrated into ULPSNYC-Netzer at the discretion of Mazkirut, at the end of the movement year, providing they have shown practical commitment the year after A-levels (or equivalent)
1993:26 / ULPSNYC-Netzer recognises the need to look at its position in the country it is in. ULPSNYC-Netzer will make time to study British Jewry concentrating on the Liberal/Progressive movement
1993:27 / ULPSNYC-Netzer reaffirms the decision to observe kashrut at all movement events
1993:28 / ULPSNYC-Netzer feels that in order to learn and understand fully about kashrut, meat should be provided at weekends and camps, except at places where there is a milk-only kitchen
1993:29 / Matters brought up at Mazkirut that are considered to directly affect ULPSNYC-Netzer should be distributed to Va’ad members and made accessible to ULPSNYC-Netzer
1993:30 / ULPSNYC-Netzer requests that the ULPS Youth Department consults them on major structural changes through the representative bodies of Va’ad and Mazkirut
1993:31 / ULPSNYC-Netzer encourages passed proposals be given at least a two year trial period before changing them
1993:32 / A member of Mazkirut should always be in attendance at Va’ad meetings
1993:33 / Mazkirut and Va’ad should meet within two months of the Va’ad being elected

Veidah 1994 (5755)



Motion in full

1994:1 / A committee will be set up:
a)Investigate practical ways for ULPSNYC-Netzer to distribute food to the homeless in tandem with an educational process
b)To implement the findings of the committee



Motion in full

1994:2 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will hold a food collection on all residential events and the food will be distributed by a committee. Appropriate details will be included in the last letter to the participants
1994:3 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should endeavour to participate in an already established soup kitchen, around Christmas time
1994:4 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will educate itself about other religious cultures
1994:5 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will develop and introduce a scheme in which time is exclusively devoted to both training and active involvement in social action, with a minimum of two day events per year
1994:6 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should support at least two charities, one being Jewish and the other being non-Jewish, to be decided upon each Veidah
1994:7 / In seeking to make itself more accessible to disabled members, ULPSNYC-Netzer will endeavour to investigate all options available
1994:8 / ULPSNYC-Netzer reaffirms that Aliyah Nimshechet is a central value of our ideology
1994:9 / ULPSNYC-Netzer must continue to educate fully about Aliyah, and information and full support will be offered to those wishing to consider it as an option
1994:10 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will endeavour to meet members of other Progressive Zionist movements, including Tsofei Telem, while on Israel Tour
1994:11 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will educate all its members about Netzer as a world movement, and its ideology. The education will be appropriate to the shichvah it is aimed at
1994:12 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will maintain an informative style when educating about Shnat
1994:13 / The Mekarot shichvah will be informed of discussions occurring at Bogrim Misgeret meetings
1994:14 / A committee will be set up to investigate the viability of providing provision for housing in Britain for members of ULPSNYC-Netzer who wish to explore a communal Jewish lifestyle
1994:15 / The content of the ULPSNYC-Netzer Birkonim and Tefillot should, wherever possible, be written in the exact wording in which it is to be recited
1994:16 / Where possible, the Hebrew should always be included where a transliteration and English translation is to be used in ULPSNYC-Netzer and Tefillot
1994:17 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will investigate and educate about the roles of women in Progressive Judaism and all other streams of Judaism
1994:18 / On ULPSNYC-Netzer weekends, there should be one Tefillah with the host community and one with the ULPSNYC-Netzer members on their own
1994:19 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will keep unwanted texts which contain the Hebrew name of God in a Genizah, and will endeavour to educate itself with a view to deciding what should be done with such texts
1994:20 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will educate about current practice in the movement on Tefillot and Kashrut, with a view to producing guidelines on keeping Kashrut
1994:21 / ULPSNYC-Netzer madrichim should be aware of and state the personal political bias when running peulot, where appropriate
1994:22 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will ensure that at least one member of the Tzevet at every event is trained in First Aid. Facilities for this training will be investigated



Motion in full

1994:23 / A working party will be set up with both representatives from Mazkirut and the Va’ad, with the aim of improving ULPSNYC-Netzer’s profile within the ULPS and the wider Jewish community

Veidah 1995 (5756)



Motion in full

1995:1 / At Kadimah, a Netzer day will be run, with the aim of education about Netzer
1995:2 / There should be a serious exchange of ideas between ULPSNYC-Netzer and RSY-Netzer
1995:3 / Birkonim should be produced that have Birkat Hamazon in Hebrew, transliteration and English
1995:4 / The importance of using the ULPSNYC-Netzer Sefer Torah on events should be emphasised to madrichim. Hebrew should appear in all ULPSNYC-Netzer tefillot material, and it should be based on Jewish education
1995:5 / Termly prayer meetings should be organised for the Mekarot schivah
1995:6 / There should be more Tefillah study sessions on future Mekarot weekends
1995:7 / A group should be set up, consisting of people genuinely interested in setting up an allotment. It should include a hut, painted with a large Israeli flag and an ULPSNYC-Netzer logo, and a mezuzah. Oneg should be held in the hut. In addition, ULPSNYC-Netzer should study texts in order to make an informed Jewish decision about gardening
1995:8 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should hold [events] outside weekends, for example balls and discos
1995:9 / There should be trips on residential weekends, so as to have time to set study aside
1995:10 / There should be more than one Veidah a year
1995:11 / There should be cultural events to keep different age groups together, so as to maintain ULPSNYC-Netzer in people’s lives outside of Summer schemes and weekends. Each age group should elect four of its members to put across their views
1995:12 / There should be an ULPSNYC-Netzer stall at the Glastonbury festival

Veidah 1998 (5759)



Motion in full

1998:1 / ULPSNYC-Netzer recommends that Keshet is extended for the Mekarot age group. The Oved/et Chinuch should take this issue to the Chinch workers forum
1998:2 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should educate about the different streams of Judaism, in an empathetic manner where relevant
1998:3 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should seek better contact and a better relationship with Netzer Olami
1998:4 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should formulate a glossary of commonly used Hebrew words, to be used on all ULPSNYC-Netzer events
1998:5 / ULPSNYC-Netzer should use its ideology to educate Plagim, and teach the theory behind the ideology to Nechalim and Mekarot



Motion in full

1998:6 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will embark on education concerning different concepts of God, and will continue a process of experimentation with ritual
1998:7 / ULPSNYC-Netzer proposes Mekarot will be involved with the responsibilities of publicising, planning and running all events
1998:8 / ULPSNYC-Netzer proposes to have an ongoing process to review and continue to educate on issues embraced by the movement
1998:9 / ULPSNYC-Netzer proposes that on all events there will be a process of social action
1998:10 / ULPSNYC-Netzer proposes that Ulpan will be offered as a Chug on all Mekarot residential events
1998:11 / ULPSNYC-Netzer proposes that Mekarot will write articles for an ULPSNYC-Netzer newsletter if they would like one to exist
1998:12 / ULPSNYC-Netzer will provide an explanatory breakdown of the budget for events, if requested

Veidah 1999 (5760)
