Lafayette County C-1 School District

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan



January 21, 2010


The Lafayette County C-1 School District will ensure the highest level of achievement for every member of the school community. This will be accomplished by a highly qualified staff using the best instructional practices. The District will provide a positive, safe environment including an ongoing system of assessment, support and character development.

Lafayette County C-I School District

Mission Statement

The Lafayette County C-I School District will ensure the highest level of achievement for every member of the school community. This will be accomplished by a highly qualified staff using the best instructional practices. The District will provide a positive, safe environment including an ongoing system of assessment, support and character development.

Vision Statement

The community and parents of Lafayette County C-I School District are proud of their schools and are involved in their children's education and activities. The facilities are modern, well cared for and provide an ideal setting for the teaching and learning process. There is a focus, District wide on character education. There is a system of support in each school that insures that students are academically successful, that their personal needs are taken care of, and that students are recognized and rewarded for their academic successes and for their good citizenship.

The District has invested heavily in the recruitment and retention of highly qualified staff. As you visit classrooms, you see that student learning is the number one priority and that students are challenged to think deeply, apply the learning to real life situations and work cooperatively to solve complex problems. This academic rigor is reflected in high student performance on local assessments that are aligned to state standards. Technology is used as a teaching aid, a research tool, along with distance learning to meet the need for advanced courses and as an aid for students with specific disabilities.

Higginsville has a model school district that is constantly striving for excellence in all areas. The District is consistently recognized by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for “Distinction in Performance.”

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Status Report

January 21, 2010

OBJECTIVE 1: Teaching and Learning

Maximize the achievement of every student through an effective teaching and learning program utilizing the professional learning community process.

Strategy A: The District will maintain a minimum of sixty percent of juniors and seniors enrolled in advanced courses or career education courses annually.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 6.4.4 / Investigate a distance learning program to provide additional advanced courses. / Supt.
HS Princ. / Completed August 2008
2 / 6.4.4 / Investigate Missouri Virtual Instructional Program to provide additional advanced courses. / Supt.
HS Princ. / Completed August 2008
3 / 6.4.4 / Increase student awareness of advanced and career education courses by having students present to other students about their experiences. / HS counselor / In Progress
Current and past vocational education students speak to prospective students about career education programs. Grades 8-12 Career Day.
4 / 6.4.4 / Increase parent and patron awareness of advanced and career education courses through counselor’s newsletter and website. / HS Counselor and staff / In Progress
High School counselor distributes newsletter that highlights a variety of student programs including career education and advanced courses. Grades 8-12 Career Day.

Strategy B: The District will increase student MAP Index scores to rank in upper 25% of state MAP performance within five years.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 6.1.2 / Develop and implement K-12 district common assessments in all core subjects. / Staff/Adm. / In Progress
Power Standard quarterly assessments have been developed in CA, MA, SS in all grade levels. More frequent common assessments have not been developed yet. District is utilizing Acutiy software for common assessments in CA,MA, & Sci for grades 5-9.
2 / 6.3.1 / Review enrichment opportunities for high achieving students. / Staff/Adm. / In Progress
GV- Tier 1 Reading group provides enrichment opportunities for high achieving students.
MS & HS encourage staff differentiate instruction to meet the needs of high achieving students.
HS dual credit courses from four colleges and Honors Program.
3 / 6.2.2 / Staff will utilize formative assessments to drive instruction. / Staff/Adm. / In Progress
GV-K-3 Dibels,Gates McGin., Oral Fluency(4-5) assessment, Sat-10, Power Standard assessments, and STAR reading assessments. Math pre/post assessments are being utilized (3-4). Acuity assessments for grade 5 in MA, Sci & CA.
MS/HS- STAR, Power Standard assessments, math pre-/post tests, Acuity CA, Sci & MA tests(MS only) and Sat-10.
4 / 6.5.2 / Staff will design classroom curriculum to utilize time on task at a high level. / Staff/Adm. / Completed09
GV utilizes an uninterrupted balanced literacy block of instruction and walkthrough observations document this.
5 / 6.7.6 / Staff will collaborate horizontally and vertically on student work. / Staff/Adm. / Completed09
Horizontal collaboration is taking place on PLC Wednesdays as well as during common planning time. Vertical collaboration is taking place on Professional Development Days.
6 / 6.1.1 / Staff will correlate written curriculum, taught curriculum and assessments to GLEs. / Staff/Adm / In Progress
All core subjects have revised their curriculums to align to GLEs. Non-core subjects continue to work on this task.
7 / 4.2 / District will investigate the feasibility of hiring a full-time curriculum director. / Supt./BOE / No Action Taken
C-1 budget will determine the feasibility of this.

Strategy C: The District will recruit and retain highly qualified staff by raising salaries within the upper 15% of comparable districts with similar demographics within the next 5 years.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 8.4.2 / Screen and select certified staff by utilizing effective screening and selection instruments. / Supt./Bldg. Adm. / In Progress
Principals have been distributed screening interview questions and scoring guides.
2 / 8.4.2 / Participate in university teacher placement days. / Supt./Bldg. Adm. / Completed Apr08
Northwest and UCM placement days provide recruiting opportunities to hire quality staff. On-line recruiting also utilized.
3 / N/A / Provide a competitive insurance benefit package. / BOE / Completed Apr08
The insurance benefit package is considered “above average” to comparable school districts. BOE continues to pay 100% of costs. This will be addressed annually with costs and experience serving as main focus of adding or reducing benefits.
4 / N/A / Cooperate with universities and colleges to place student teachers within our school district. / Bldg. Adm. / Completedapr08
C-1 continues to place 100% of all student-teachers that request this training in our school district.

Strategy D: The District will continue annual opportunities for high quality professional development for all staff.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 6.5.2 / Train building teams to implement professional learning communities’ processes. / CRPDC / In Progress
Year 2 monthly training (all day) for PLC Coaches continue. Coaches return to facilitate their training with their buildings on PLC Wednesdays.
2 / 6.3.1 / 100% of certified staff will implement research-based instructional strategies. / Staff/Adm. / In Progress
Staff continue to receive professional development on research-based instructional strategies and are asked to implement these strategies.
3 / 6.7.6 / District will investigate the feasibility of incorporating collaboration time into the school day. / Staff/Adm./
BOE/CAC / CompletedAug08
School is dismissed one hour early every Wednesday to allow for collaboration time. GV & MS also incorporate collaboration time, in addition to planning time, within the regular school day.
4 / 6.7.2 / District will investigate, identify, and provide training for all staff on a district-wide writing process. / CRPDC / In Progress
All buildings are receiving 6 Trait writing process training during PD days.
5 / 6.7.2 / Provide high quality professional development opportunities in instructional strategies and DOK for staff. / CRPDC/PDC/Adm. / In Progress
GV- Reading & Writing instruction has been the focus of PD this year.
MS- PLC days utilized for training on instructional strategies and best practices.
HS-PD days focus on instructional strategies.
6 / 6.7.2 / Investigate opportunities to cooperate with other Districts to provide high quality professional development and collaboration. / PDC/Adm. / Completed 09
Lexington and C-1 participated in PD together one half day Sept. 23, 2009.

Strategy E: The District will increase opportunities for meaningful parent/community involvement and awareness of school programs and activities by 10% annually.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 7.5.3,8.9.2 / Improve communication to parent and patrons through newsletters, website and newspaper articles. / Supt. / In Progress
GV- One newsletter per month is sent home. The webpage is updated frequently.
MS-Staff have compiled an e-mail distribution list to send newsletters and correspondence to parents weekly.
HS-Parent letters, postcards, mid-term progress reports, and 8th grade summer orientation.
District website and Husker Highlight news articles are utilized to improve communication.
2 / 8.8,9.7 / Implement a spring parent teacher conference. / Staff/Adm / In Progress
GV will implement this action with DESE grant funds in 2010.
3 / 7.5.3 / Course objectives will be communicated to parents annually in a uniform format. / Staff / In Progress
HS has some participation, other buildings to follow.
4 / 7.5.3 / Investigate additional communication tools and avenues to promote parent/community involvement, such as Practical Parenting Partnership. / Supt. / In Progress
Mass e-mail account has been established to better inform, as well as to survey, parents and patrons. GV monthly reading nights/parent workshops, Literature distributed at HS/MS concerts/programs. GV parent/child breakfast week and Thanksgiving dinner in Nov.09.
5 / 7.5.3 / Provide parent training nights in literacy and mathematics. / Staff/Adm. / In Progress
GV monthly Family Reading Nights 09-10.
6 / 7.5.3 / Implement Home Plus web-based grade book program to increase academic feedback of students to parents. / Comp. Technician / Completed Aug08

Strategy F. The District will promote a safe and orderly environment for students and staff at all times.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 6.6.1, 6.7.2 / Staff will be trained on BIST and CALM strategies. / PDC/Adm. / In Progress
All new staff receives this training their first year of employment. Calm training has not been needed to date.
2 / 6.6.3 / Staff and administration will implement BIST and CALM strategies. / Staff/Adm. / In Progress
Staff receive frequent “refresher” sessions.
3 / 6.6.2 / Security measures will be reviewed and recommendations made to the BOE. / Supt./Safety Director / In Progress
HS/MS security cameras have been installed due to passage of 09 Bond issue.
4 / 6.3.1 / Continue to implement Character Plus program. / Staff/Adm. / Completed Aug08
All three buildings focus on one character trait per month and provide activities that bring attention to this character trait.
5 / 6.6 / Staff will be trained in emergency procedures. / Staff/adm / In Progress
CPR/First Aid is offered to all staff.

OBJECTIVE 2: Technology

Optimize the use of established technology and integrate emerging technology to support student learning and staff productivity.

Strategy A: Increase the acquisition of emerging technology to support student learning and staff productivity by 85% over the next 5 years.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 8.6.5 / Implement on-line accounting and purchase order capabilities for all district buildings. / Supt./Comp. Tech. / Completed Aug08
2 / 6.4.1 / Develop a comprehensive approach for replacement of technology equipment. / Supt./Tech. Committee / In Progress
09 bond issue provides $100,000 for additional technology. ARRA funds used for new computers in SPED and Title 1.
3 / 6.4.1 / Increase technology infrastructure to implement teaching and learning strategies and tasks. / Supt./Tech. Committee / CompletedAug09
Bandwidth has been increased 100%. New switches have been installed summer 09.
4 / 6.4.1 / Investigate the need for additional technology support. / Supt/BOE / In Progress
Thus far, the number of work orders do not warrant an additional technician.
5 / 6.4.1 / Establish a schedule to reduce the number of servers within the District. / Comp Tech/Supt / Completed 09
New server and back-up system purchased and a number of small servers removed from the network.
6 / 6.4.1 / Revise and update District Technology Plan to meet MSIP requirements with a schedule for replacing existing computers and equipment / Tech. Committee / In Progress
District Technology Committee has revised Technology Plan and budget revenues will dictate schedule of replacement of computers/equipment.

Strategy B. Provide students with technology that promotes academic rigor, depth of knowledge and opportunities for real life learning by increasing 25% for the next school year.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Status
1 / 6.4 / Acquire two smart boards and equipment per building each year. / Supt/Tech Committee / In Progress
HS-Two SMART boards and projectors were acquired through a Vocational Business grant for 08-09. GV computer lab and library received two in 09, and MS has installed many projectors.
2 / 6.7 / Provide on-going training for all staff members on the use of technology. / PDC/Tech Committee / In Progress
In-service days in August provide a variety of training for staff in the use of technology (Bill & Cole).
3 / 6.4 / Acquire one mobile computer lab per building per year. / Supt/Tech Committee / No Action Taken
4 / 6.4 / Actively pursue grants for technology and training. / Tech Committee and Coordinator / In Progress
Vocational Business, Agriculture, and FACS Enhancement matching grants have been written.

OBJECTIVE 3: Financial Stability

The District will continue to maintain financial stability while providing funds for program improvement and facility additions to address student programs.

Strategy A: The District will maintain end-of-year balance of 19-21%.

Task / Standard/
Indicator / Action Steps / Person
Responsible / Status
1 / 8.5.1, 8.6.2 / The District will seek additional sources of revenue. / BOE/Supt. / No Action Taken
2 / 2.1 / The District will study current and future enrollment patterns, staffing needs, and facility needs. / Supt./BOE / In Progress
Staffing has been reduced by 6½ positions through attrition and staff reduction. Staffing levels will continue to be analyzed in relation to student enrollment levels and revenues.

Strategy B: Maintain quality facilities and staff to support student opportunities.