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Ocean Zones ■ Adapted Test

Ocean Zones

Multiple Choice

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.

____ 1. Exploring the ocean floor is difficult because of the

a. high temperature.

b. high pressure.

c. bright light.

____ 2. What is the gently sloping, shallow area of the ocean floor that extends out from a continent?

a. continental slope

b. continental plate

c. continental shelf

____ 3. The smooth, nearly flat region of the ocean floor is called the

a. continental shelf.

b. abyssal plain.

c. neritic zone.

____ 4. What process has formed the ocean floor?

a. increasing water pressure

b. aquaculture

c. seafloor spreading

____ 5. The free-swimming animals that move through the water column are called

a. nekton.

b. algae.

c. plankton.

____ 6. Which animal is classified as a benthos organism?

a. sea star

b. whale

c. squid

____ 7. Coastal wetlands include mangrove forests and

a. tide pools.

b. coral reefs.

c. salt marshes.

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Name Date Class

Ocean Zones ■ Adapted Test

____ 8. Coral reefs can form only in

a. the open ocean zone.

b. shallow, tropical ocean waters.

c. kelp forests.

____ 9. In the deep ocean, a food web that includes bacteria, crabs, and worms can be found around a

a. nodule.

b. neritic zone.

c. hydrothermal vent.

____ 10. The farming of saltwater and freshwater organisms is called

a. aquaculture.

b. estuaries.

c. sonar.


Read each word in the box. In each sentence below, fill in one of the words. Not all words will be used.

plankton / atoll / nodule
plates / trench / estuary

11.  The pieces of Earth’s crust are called

12.  The tiny algae and animals that float in the ocean water make up the

13.  A coastal inlet or bay where fresh water from a river mixes with ocean water is a(an)

14.  A ring-shaped coral reef that surrounds a lagoon is a(an)

15. A metal that builds up around a piece of shell to form a black lump
is called a(an)

True or False

If a statement is true, write true. If it is false, write false.

16. Plate movements have shaped many of the features on

the ocean floor.

© Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.


Name Date Class

Ocean Zones ■ Adapted Test

17. Each ocean zone has its own characteristic physical


18. Organisms that live in the intertidal zone do not have

to withstand changes in temperature and salinity.

19. Coral reefs protect coastlines during violent storms.

20. Most ocean pollution is caused by nature.

Using Science Skills

The picture below shows the locations of the ocean zones. It also shows the three zones of the water column in the open ocean. Use the picture to answer questions 21, 22, and 23.

____ 21. Interpreting Diagrams Which ocean zone is labeled b?

a. intertidal zone

b. open-ocean zone

c. neritic zone

____ 22. Interpreting Diagrams Which zone is the transition zone?

a. zone a

b. zone c

c. zone e

____ 23. Drawing Conclusions In which zone would an animal need bioluminescence to be able to see?

a. intertidal zone

b. deep zone

c. transition zone

© Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.


NameDate Class

Ocean Zones ■ Adapted Test

Using Science Skills

The map below shows places in the ocean where there are major mineral deposits. Use the map to answer questions 24 and 25.

Ocean Mineral Deposits

____ 24. Interpreting Maps What minerals are found off the west coast of North America?

a. coal, gold, and diamonds

b. gold, titanium, and tin

c. iron, titanium, and gold

____ 25. Drawing Conclusions What conclusion can you draw

about where the world’s major mineral deposits have been found?

a. The major deposits are near the coasts of continents.

b. The major deposits are on the ocean floor of the open-
ocean zone.

c. The major deposits are near the mid-ocean ridge.

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