July 14, 2015
Moore, Oklahoma
10:00 a.m.
1. President Roger Jolliff called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Members present: Roger Jolliff, Steve Loftis, David Ball, Debra Wagner, Paula Cain, Rob Hill, Glynadee Edwards, Tim Craighton, Keith Shadden, Tracey Smithwick, Kevin Rhoads, Michelann Ooten, Keli Cain
2. Minutes of June 16, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes with one change was made by Tim Craighton & seconded by Keith Shadden. Motion passed.
3. President’s minute: It continues to be a busy summer for emergency managers. Conference planning is on track. It should be a great conference. Heath Underwood has made big improvements to the vendor area.
4. Subcommittee Reports
a. Financial Report: A Financial Report was provided by Glynadee Edwards. There have been a number of expenditures, including membership and vendor payments totaling $5115.00, conference income of $450.00 and $5000.00 for a sponsorship. Expenses of $1375.oo were noted. Account balance is $65,216.05. She reminded members that the coins had not been paid for, and that the banquet meal was being paid for by sponsors. A motion to approve the Financial Report was made by Tim Craighton & seconded by Tracey Smithwick. Motion passed. A motion to purchase a plaque for the NW Area for EM of the Year was made by Keith Shadden & seconded by Deb Wagner. Motion passed
b. Committee reports:
Legislative: Frosty Peak was unable to attend the meeting but said things were slow at the Capitol.
Training: Keith Shadden reported that everything is ready for Training Day. A new survey has been developed. Need to find a way to list who has signed up for what class.
Communication: The committee has not had a meeting. They have a breakout session on the conference agenda.
Certification: Gayland Kitch provided a table comparing current OCEM requirements to the proposed new requirements, and explained the changes. There were some questions from the Board. Only changes to the Basic OCEM will be presented at the OEMA Business meeting. A copy of the proposed changes will be sent out to all members next week and again the week before conference. In addition, paper copies will be distributed at the conference. A motion to present recommended changes of the Basic OCEM to the membership 30 days before the meeting was made by Tim Craighton and seconded by Tracy Smithwick. Motion passed.
Membership: membership payments are coming in. Have received about 175, including some new members.
Social Media: The new website is up and running. A Facebook page has also been developed, and Jeff Smith has posted items on it. Board members need to contact Jeff Smith with any changes that need to be made, or if you have documents to add to the website.
c. Area Vice Presidents reports:
Southwest: Still flooding!
Southeast: Date for the workshop has been changed to September 22-24.
Northeast: Workshop starts tomorrow, July 15 in Miami. EMs are busy with FEMA & flooding.
Central: Frank Barnes talked about major storm events in OKC at last meeting on June 13th.
Northwest: Thirty one attended the workshop. Program included a presentation of the One Minute Manager.
5. Old Business:
--Keith Shadden said the OEMA Memorial poster will be on display again during conference. He needs help gathering names of EMs that should be listed. Please submit these to Keith, including name, jurisdiction and time of service.
--Keith also mentioned that he had attended the Corporation Commission exercise and it was very interesting.
6. New Business:
--There was some discussion on having a September meeting. The meeting is to be held in Guymon. It will be decided during the August meeting.
7. Miscellaneous Discussion
There was no miscellaneous discussion. The Board will reconvene after lunch to discuss conference.
8. The next OEMA meeting will be held on August 16th in Norman.
9. A motion to adjourn was made by Tim Craighton & seconded by Rob Hill at 11:26 am. Motion passed.
The Board reconvened at 1 pm to discuss conference plans.
--Rob Hill again reminded the Area VPs that they each need to identify 10 people to assist with speakers during the conference. They will be required to provide the speaker introduction including the speaker biography. They will also distribute the evaluation forms during the presentation and present the speaker gift. He also mentioned that alternate Area VPs will be selected at conference and encouraged the areas to be prepared for that.
--There was a question about printing the manuals for Training Day. The manuals have not been printed yet, and it is a big expense.
--OEM is having problems booking flights for the two out of state speakers. They are required to use the lowest priced flights available which end up having multiple stops and other problems. Keli Cain suggested that we let the speakers book their own flights, to be reimbursed by OEMA, and that OEM in exchange will pay the printing costs. This seemed to be a good solution.
--Glynadee reported that at this time there are 27 vendors with their paperwork completed, and more are expected.
--OEMA will purchase a TV for the drawing gift, and members wondered if the TV could be used to show announcements during conference. After some discussion, it was decided that this would be fine and a sign should be attached to the TV.
--Heath Underwood confirmed that the Little Cowboy Announcer will be making all the announcements at the desk during the conference.
--Keli Cain said she had found some nice sign holders to use for the break-out sessions & Training Day.
--A helpdesk will be set up for the guidebook.
--Concerning the business meeting: voting cards and a copy of the certification changes will be distributed as members enter. Prize drawings will be held while votes are being tallied. Volunteers will be needed for these duties. These things will help the meeting go faster.
--Seating during the luncheons has been a problem in the past with seats being saved for people that don’t show up and others being unable to find seating. Saving seats will be strongly discouraged. OEMA is going in a different direction for food. Chicken will not be served.
--A drone demonstration will be held in the east parking lot from 8-9 am on Tuesday. Cones will need to be set out for this, and make sure we are approved to do the demonstration.
--A pre-conference meeting will be held at the hotel with Embassy staff on Aug 6 at 1 pm.
--Next OEMA meeting will be held at the hotel on August 16 at 2 pm.