January 2018
Dear Ayrshire Enthusiast,
The PA Ayrshire Breeders Association would like to invite you to our Open Spring Calf & Heifer Show! Mark your calendars for the weekend of April 27 & 28 in Shippensburg, PA. The Courtyard Marriott in Shippensburg is the headquarters for the meeting and youth activities on Friday evening. Then on Saturday the festivities move to the Shippensburg Fairgrounds, just off of Route 81. Beginning at 11 is the annual Calf & Heifer Sale. Jason Mowry is the Sale Chair, so contact him at 814-977-3935 call or text with your consignments. Following the Sale is our Open Spring Calf & Heifer Show. Details are laid out below:
ENTRIES. Those wishing to enter calves & heifers in the show should complete the entry form and copy of the animals registration paper and send it to Janel Zinn (115 Shady Road, Newburg, PA 17240, (717) 423-6014) before April 1, 2018. The entry fee per animal is $5. Ribbons, banners and cash premiums will be awarded. AND if you purchase an animal at the sale and there is a corresponding age class you are also invited to show that animal in the show, your entry fee is waived.
CLASSES: Seven classes are slated for the 2018 Open Spring Calf & Heifer Show. Winter Calf, Fall Calf, Summer Yearling, Spring Yearling, Winter Yearling, Fall Yearling and Best Junior Three Bred & Owned classes will award the first five placings with ribbons and cash premiums ($40 $30 $20 $15 $10). Banners will be given to the Junior Champion, Reserve Junior Champion and Best Bred and Owned animals.
HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: All animals presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease; be accompanied by a health chart issued no more than 30 days prior to the date of the show; and be identified with official (USDA 840 eartags) individual identification. Rabies vaccine is requested.
FEED & BEDDING. All feed and bedding for Show animals is totally the exhibitor/owner’s responsibility.
All show animals must be bedded with straw.
DRESS CODE: Pants – show white with white or appropriate color-coordinated shirts. No t-shirts.
ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE of animals at the Shippensburg Fairgrounds: Friday, April 27from Noon until 10am on Saturday morning. At check-in be prepared to present your vet-issued Health Chart and registration papers entries. Friday and Saturday see Janel Zinn. ALL ANIMALS AND EXHIBITORS MUST VACATE THE FAIRGROUNDS BY 6PM SATURDAY.
We look forward to seeing you with your animals in Shippensburg, April 27th!
Warm regards,
PA Ayrshire Breeders’ Association Spring Show Committee
Jason HeeterDwight HunterGay RodgersMarilyn & Janel Zinn