As with previous newsletters, I am happy to report that the Rail Transportation Division is continuing to do very well. We recently completed the 2012 RTD Fall Technical Conference and are currently preparing for the 2013 Joint Rail Conference.
On October 16-18, the RTD hosted the Fall Technical Conference and Data Management Symposium in OmahaNE. This conference had a number of "firsts" for the RTD. The tour was organized by Union Pacific and included three stops. First we toured a showcase of vehicles that included a PTC equipped locomotive, a remote monitored reefer, and a top-of-rail lubrication coal car. Next we toured the UP data center which included wall-to-wall servers and network cables in the basement of the UP headquarters. Lastly, we toured the ESI laboratory which serves as the R&D lab for Union Pacific. Our dinner speaker was Lynden Tennison, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of the Union Pacific Railroad. He gave a talk on the state and future of UP's technology including wayside and track monitoring equipment. Lastly, the conference included the first ever "Data Management Symposium" day, which included presentations from Mechanical, Engineering, and Operating disciplines about data management needs. The day was kicked off by a plenary presentation by Todd Snyder from Union Pacific that gave a great overview of the industry's data needs. The day was capped off with anAAR sponsored town hall meeting to discuss Comprehensive Equipment Performance Monitoring (CEPM). The meeting included conference attendees and industry stakeholders, in particular wheelset and casting suppliers. An overview of the CEPM program was discussed by Kim Bowling of CSX and Todd Snyder of UP. In the end, the 2012 RTD Fall Technical conference had the highest attendance to-date for our fall conferences. Again, I want to thank everyone involved on the great work and successful conference.
Currently the RTD is also heavily working on the 2013 Joint Rail conference with the other participating groups. The 2013 JRC is scheduled for April 15-18 in Knoxville, TN and is planning participation from ASCE, IEEE, APTA, AREMA, INFORMS-RAS, TRB, and NURAIL. We're looking forward to another Joint Rail Conference that brings together the many facets of the industry and continue to push technology development and discussion.
As you can see, the RTD has a lot of exciting activities ahead of us. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming conferences.
Matthew Dick, PE
ASME-RTD Chairman, 2012-2013
Tuesday, April 16
8:00 am – 9:45 am Session #1 Plenary Session
10:00 am – 11:45 am – Session # 2 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 2 - Rail Equipment Engineering
Track 4 – Service Quality and Operations Research
Track 6 – Safety and Security
12:00 pm – 1:1:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:15 pm – Session # 3 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 2 - Rail Equipment Engineering
Track 6 – Safety and Security
Track 8 – Urban Passenger Rail Transport
3:30 pm – 5:15 pm – Session #4 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 4 – Service Quality and Operations Research
Track 9 – Electrification
6:30 pm Conference Reception
Wednesday, April 17
8:00 am – 9:45 am Session # 5 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 2 - Rail Equipment Engineering
Track 3 – Signal and Train Control Engineering
Track 5 – Planning and Development
10:00 am – 11:45 am – Session # 6 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 2 - Rail Equipment Engineering
Track 5 – Planning and Development
Track 7 – Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
12:00 pm – 1:1:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:15 pm – Session # 7 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 2 - Rail Equipment Engineering
Track 3 – Signal and Train Control Engineering
Track 6 – Safety and Security
3:30 pm – 5:15 pm – Session #8 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 3 – Signal and Train Control Engineering
Track 5 – Planning and Development
Track 8 – Urban Passenger Rail Transport
6:30 pm Conference Banquet
Thursday, April 18
8 am – 9:15 pm Session # 9 Plenary Sessions
10:00 am – 11:45 am – Session # 10 Concurrent Sessions
Track 1 – Railroad Infrastructure Engineering
Track 2 - Rail Equipment Engineering
Track 3 – Signal and Train Control Engineering
Track 4 – Service Quality and Operations Research
12 pm – 4 pm Box Lunch and Technical Tour
Fall Technical Conference - 2013
Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
October 14 - 17, 2013
You are invited to submit technical papers for presentation and discussion at the 2013 ASME Rail Transportation Division Fall Technical Conference. Papers are solicited from members of the railway supply industry, rail transportation companies, transit agencies, governmental agencies, consulting/engineering firms, academia, technical organizations and others. Papers should cover a topic of current industry interest. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Positive Train Control / Communications-Based Train Control
High Speed Rail
Track and Equipment Health Monitoring
ECP Brakes
Passenger Equipment Crashworthiness
Innovations in Tank Cars
Heavy Axle Load Performance Issues
Materials and Failure Analysis of Track and Equipment Components
Locomotive and Freight Car Improvements
New or Improved Mechanical Components
Vehicle / Track Interaction
System Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Infrastructure and Capacity Enhancements
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Rail Transportation Division (RTD) continues to be a strong supporter of collegiate researchers, both professors and students, who play a vital role in the advancement of the rail industry. To this end, the ASME RTD offers the ASME RTD Graduate and Undergraduate Student Conference Scholarships, which give students the opportunity to network with rail professionals, present rail research publications, and exchange ideas on rail technological innovations and solutions at the world’s premier rail industry conferences including the ASME Joint Rail Conference (JRC) and the ASME RTD Fall Technical Conference. Most importantly, the scholarships will increase the awareness of the rail engineering discipline from both an academic and professional perspective.
In preparation of the April 15-18, 2013 ASME Joint Rail Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee, the ASME RTD has informed collegiate professors from across the nation and authors of accepted abstracts about the ASME RTD Graduate and Undergraduate Student Conference Scholarships, and encouraged eligible candidates to apply.
The details of each scholarship are provided below.
ASME RTD Graduate Student Conference Scholarship
Purpose: Fund travel, lodging, and conference registration expenses for scholarship awardees selected to attend and present their research publication at the ASME Joint Rail Conference or ASME Rail Transportation Division Fall Technical Conference.
Award Amount: $1,100.00 USD
- The student must submit an abstract and written paper for an ASME conference and have those both accepted through the papers submission and review process.
- The paper topic must be relevant to the rail industry.
- The student must be lead author of the accepted paper.
- The student must receive a written letter from ASME RTD indicating award of the scholarship.
- The student must deliver an oral presentation of the paper in person at the conference.
- The student must be enrolled and attending a U.S. college or university
Application Deadline: February 22, 2013
ASME RTD Undergraduate Student Conference Scholarship
Purpose: Fund travel, lodging, and conference registration expenses for scholarship awardees selected to attend the ASME Joint Rail Conference or ASME Rail Transportation Division Fall Technical Conference.
Award Amount: $850.00 USD
- The scholarship is available to an individual student, or student group. All students must be of Junior or Senior status.
- The student(s) must be enrolled in an undergraduate engineering program at their university, college, or technical college.
- The student(s) must complete the application by the deadline indicated. If a student group is applying, only one application per group is required.
- Each student must submit a maximum 750-word essay outlining why they should be selected to attend the conference and what they hope to gain through attendance (or what the student could contribute to the rail industry). Or, alternatively, a 750-word essay can be submitted that suggests a solution to a real-world rail industry problem. If a student group is applying, each student in the group must submit an essay.
- The student must be enrolled and attending a U.S. college or university.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2013
If you, or anyone you may know, has an interest in the ASME RTD Graduate and/or Undergraduate Student Conference Scholarship or has questions regarding the V. Terrey Hawthorne Memorial Scholarship Fund, please contact Ms. Monique F. Stewart, ASME RTD Scholarship Program Chair, at .
The University of Tennessee Center for Transportation Research (CTR) is pleased to host JRC 2013 in Knoxville, Tennessee, April 15-17. The conference theme is Next Generation Railroads, Next Generation Railroaders: Innovations and People for the Future. Conference topics include Railroad Infrastructure Engineering, Service Quality & Operations Research, Rail Equipment Engineering, Planning & Development, Signal & Train Control, Engineering, and Safety & Security. See for further information and call for papers.
Uniquely Beautiful Surroundings
Knoxville is ideally situated near the nation’s most-visited National Park, the Great Smoky Mountains. The park is a renowned location for camping, hiking, picnicking, and viewing wildlife, among many other diversions. The City of Knoxville has been the regional hub since its founding in 1791 and rail has played an important part in the city’s development since before the Civil War. Knoxville is home to Southern Appalachia Railway Museum, which sponsors the Secret City Scenic excursion train in Oak Ridge, and Amtrak’s Three Rivers Rambler, which carries visitors from the downtown riverfront, past UT’s Neyland Stadium, and on to the Three Rivers Trestle where the French Broad and Holston rivers come together to form the Tennessee River. The conference hotel, Hilton Knoxville, is within a short walk of the UT campus and the Knoxville Museum of Art. Unique eateries located nearby offer delicious foods for every taste. Live music happens almost nightly on Market Square where residents of the thriving city center stroll and enjoy pubs, theaters, and art.
Celebrating 40 Years of Transportation Expertise
CTR was created in 1970 to foster and facilitate interdisciplinary research, public service, and outreach in the field of transportation at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Today CTR has over $10 million in research funding under contract. CTR programs concentrate on comprehensive transportation safety. Among our research partners are USDOT, FHWA, US Army Corps of Engineers, TDOT, and Governor’s Highway Safety Office. CTR develops and delivers programs for education, workforce development, continuing training, and community service. Its long-running summer program, TransportationAcademy, introduces middle school girls to the multifaceted world of transportation and the many career possibilities open to them. CTR, in conjunction with the Tennessee Department of Transportation, runs the federally funded Safe Routes to School program to promote the benefits of children walking and biking to school. The Tennessee Vans program offers affordable transit options for underserved populations while CTR’s Rail & Track Program, Tennessee Transportation Assistance Program, and TrafficSignalAcademy provide critical continuing education to working professionals and field staff.
UT College of Engineering
Established in 1838, the College of Engineering has a long tradition of commitment to excellence in scientific research and training of engineering professionals. The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering is concerned with designing the infrastructure of a society. This encompasses construction, transportation, energy needs, and the design and development of urban areas. Environmental engineering solves problems with pollution and waste disposal and managing and minimizing damage to communities from water and other natural sources.
The University of Tennessee
Ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the Top 50 public research institutions in the nation, the University of Tennessee offers students a high-quality education. UT students have access to a top-notch library, professors who are leaders in their fields, and a wide range of study abroad programs and internships. Be sure to visit the newly dedicated Min Kao Engineering building that houses world class laboratories and teaching facilities.
ContactCenter for Transportation Research: 865.974.5255/ctr.utk.edu
Program Ads
Association of American RailroadsUnion Pacific Railroad
Engineering Systems, Inc.
Amsted Rail Group
KLD Labs, Inc.
L.B. Foster Company - Salient Systems
LTK Engineering Systems
National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association
Progress Rail Services
Standard Steel, LLC
Strato, Inc.
STV Incorporated
TUV Rheinland Rail Sciences Inc
Association of American Railroads
Reception / Dinner Sponsors
Union Pacific Railroad
Engineering Systems, Inc.
Amsted Rail Group
KLD Labs, Inc.
L.B. Foster Company - Salient Systems
LTK Engineering Systems
National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association
Progress Rail Services
Standard Steel, LLC
Strato, Inc.
STV Incorporated
The Timken Company
TUV Rheinland Rail Sciences Inc
Matthew Dick
Staff Technical Manager
325 Winding River Lane, Suite 204
Charlottesville, VA22911
Phone: (703) 321-4515
Steven L. Dedmon
Director – Technology and R & D
Standard Steel, LLC
500 North Walnut Street
Burnham, PA17009
Phone: (717) 242-4972
Michelle Muhlanger
Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 1
Federal Railroad Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
55 Broadway, Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA02142-1093
Phone: (617) 494-2630
Jeffrey Gordon
US Department of Transportation
Research and Innovative Technology Admin.
John A. Volpe National Transportation Sys. Ctr.
Structures & Dynamics Division, RTV-3G
55 Broadway
Cambridge, MA02142
Phone: (617) 494-2303
Robert Irving
491 N Silverleaf Blvd.
Carol Stream, IL60183
Phone: (630) 668-3543
Samuel R. Williams
5759 Scotia Court
Dublin, OH43016-3256
Phone: (614) 766-6970
Nicholas J. Darien
8462 Sandalwood Ct.
Darien, IL60561-1768
Phone: (630) 910-8552
- Stephen Crane
Program Manager
3 Park Avenue, M/S-14S2
New York, NY10016-5990
Phone: (212) 591-8258
- LaShion Pettiford
3 Park Avenue, M/S-14S1
New York, NY10016-5990
Phone: (212) 591-7387