Name: ______
Company: ______
Address: ______
City, State, ZIP Code: ______
Office Phone: ______Cell Phone:______
E-Mail: ______License#: ______
Designation(s) Obtained: ______(CCIM, CRB, CPM, MAI, etc.)
Membership Classification (please mark one):
___ Designees have attained their CCIM designation and are current with their CCIM Institute dues - $125
___ Candidates have a formal application to the CCIM Institute and are current with their CCIM Institute dues - $125
___ Associates are commercial practitioners who are in neither of the above categories - $125
___ Affiliates are not brokers but are in professions that work with commercial real estate - $125
___ Young Professional are students under the age of 25 working towards their degree in Real Estate - $75
Interests/Comments (Please indicate if you would be willing to serve the Chapter):
Specialization(s): ______
Please submit annual dues in check payable to Illinois CCIM Chapter. If you prefer to pay by Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, please complete the information below.
Visa, MasterCard, or American Express Number and Expiration Date
Exact Name on Card
Signature Date
Chapter dues are separate from CCIM Institute dues and/or local board dues. Chapter dues entitle you to
membership and benefits in state and local functions. See the backside of the application for a list of member
Mail or fax your payment to: Illinois CCIM Chapter 630-510-4560 - phone
214 N. Hale St.630-510-4501 - fax
Wheaton, IL 60187
- OVER -
Membership in the Illinois CCIM Chapter gives you access to a talented and diverse group of individuals involved in many of the significant commercial transactions in the state. Whether you are a Designee, Candidate, Allied Professional, Young Professional or Sponsor, you can enjoy all of the following benefits from your membership!
The CCIM Designation Program will prepare CCIMs to identify their clients’ commercial and investment real
estate needs and satisfy them. This program of study covers the real estate development process, marketing
analysis, site selection, leasing, exchanging, syndication and investment counseling. The educational opportunities are endless for Illinois Chapter members. Educational courses are held throughout the year to help you receive your CE credits for your license and to increase your productivity, professionalism and knowledge.
Designation Promotion
Promotion of the CCIM designation inside and outside of the industry is one of our major priorities. We also offer
scholarships for Intro courses and 101 courses.
Marketing Forums
"Have and Wants" sessions are held prior to each luncheon meeting. Participants present their listings and investor needs to the lunch session and discuss them with potential buyers/investors. There is also an area for your handouts and flyers and marketing materials. Speakers at our luncheons provide broad information on trends and forecasts, new ideas, trade warning signals, zoning information, retail lenders and much more. Illinois Chapter members receive special discounts for attending.
Candidate Development
Candidate Development provides assistance to candidates working toward the coveted CCIM designation.
Portfolio Workshops are held during the year at which candidates have the opportunity to work on resumes in a
one-on-one setting. CCIM Institute graders are available to provide guidance and assistance.
Networking Opportunities
Networking activities are planned throughout the year for the very purpose of doing business. These opportunities will
enable you to network with top professionals while making deals at the same time. There are fantastic networking
opportunities that come from the programs put on by the Illinois Chapter. A list of all attendees with contact information from each event will be sent out after each program.
Allied Professionals
Many allied professionals who are members of the chapter are a good source for business and referrals.
Web Site
The Illinois Chapter has its very own web site. You will find our education calendar, membership directory,
and so much more. We are currently working on a property listing database, “click and pay” for dues and events, and much more. Visit us at
Illinois Chapter members communicate via e-mail. All networking events, luncheons, education programs and important notices are disseminated electronically.
The Viewpoint is an excellent resource which highlights state and federal legislative issues, industry news, chapter
events, educational information and more. Business transactions are listed as well.
Mailing Labels
Upon request, Chapter membership mailing labels are an easy way to target your properties and investors.