PARISH OFFICE is open Mon–Fri from 10am–5pm (excluding 1pm–2pm).
Canon Declan O’Connor P.P. Phone: 068 21188 / Parish Mobile: 087 0908949 (strictly for emergencies only)
Email: Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays.
Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and Sundays and Holy Days at 11.00am.
Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office. Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass. Check out our web page and all Diocesan news on:

RECENT DEATHS Funeral Mass took place on Saturday (1st September) of Dennis Kelly, Stoker Place & Suffolk England.

ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Mary O’Sullivan, Dromin, Eddie & Veronica Lawlor, Bridge Road, Eileen McGrath, Convent Street.


1st Sept. / Mikey Quinn, Dirha Cottages /
Patsy & Frank Doyle & Deceased Family, Church St. / Vigil
2nd / Catherine Barry nee Pelican, Dirha Cottages / 9.00am
Michael & Mary O’Keeffe, Moyessa /
Joan Dore, Charles St. / 11.00am
Monday 3rd / John Harnett, Smearla Bridge & Abbeyfeale / 10.30am
Tuesday 4th / Dan Foley, Meen 1st Anniversary / 10.30am
Wed 5th / David Walsh & Deceased Family Members, England / 10.30am
Thursday 6th / Moss McElligott / 10.30am
Friday 7th / 10.30am
8th / Private Intention / 10.30am
John Ryan, Skehenerin, 1st Anniversary /
Bridie Hassett, Bridge Road /
Tony O’Callaghan, Cahirdown /
Michael Whelan, Market Street / Vigil
9th / People of the Parish / 9.00am
Edward (Ned) Stack, Cahirdown, 1st Anniversary / 11.00am

Priest on duty for Listowel Deanery Sunday, 2nd September, Fr. Brick – 0879473317.

OFFERTORY COLLECTION FOR YOUR PARISH last weekend - Parish Collection was €2,895.00. (including all envelopes). May God reward you.

ANNUAL DIOCESAN NEEDS COLLECTION will be taken up at all Masses this weekend 1st & 2nd September. It will take place immediately after Holy Communion. This collection helps fund many of the Diocesan organisations including CURA, ACCORD, as well as the promotion of catechetical initiatives.

22nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2nd September 2012


FIRST FRIDAY 7th September is the First Friday of the Month. Masses: 10.30am. and 7pm. Confession’s: Thursday straight after 10.30am. Mass. & Saturday after 10.30am.

COMMUNION CALLS TO THE SICK & THE HOUSEBOUND As Friday next the First Friday of the Month, Canon Declan will be doing his usual calls to the Sick & Housebound on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. The Parish Office will make contact as to the time of his arrival. Should anybody new wish a visit from the priest, contact the Parish Office.

STATIONS Should anybody wish to host a Station Mass in their home. Please contact Parish Office. We will try and facilit as best as we can. Thanks.

Autumn Dues (Yellow Envelope)

The Autumn Dues Collection for the support of the Clergy is now due. This can be done through the Direct Debit System or give your Donation in the usual way using the ‘canary yellow envelope’ that is at the beginning of September in your envelopes box. Should you not be using the envelope system, you may use the spare yellow envelopes that are at the back of the church, or use any envelope of your own and over the new few weeks place it on the Offertory Baskets, hand into the Parish Office or should there be a Station Mass bring along. Use whatever system suits you best. Whatever offering you give it is most appreciated. Thanking you for your support and generosity.


LISTOWEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE are offering both professional and hobby courses in the evenings, starting 24th of September. Enrolment evening Mon. 10th and Tues. 11th of Sept. from 7.30-9.30 pm. call Iseult Glynn on 087 3688624.

FARMERS! Peter Young, “Money Mentor” with the Irish Farmers Journal will discussing a number of issues in the Carlton Hotel, Tralee on Thursday 6th September 8.30pm. sharp. For more information contact Hilary on 68-23429.

ADULT SET DANCING CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS commencing at the Clounmacon Community Centre Tuesday 4th September at 8.15pm. all welcome.

IMPROVE YOUR READING, WRITING, MATHS & SPELLING FOR FREE A ten week course is starting shortly in the Listowel Community College for free. Also get to know how to use a computer. For more information phone Mary on 068-23866 or text 086-7969627.

IRISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE will be holding a Blood Donor Clinic in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th September from 6pm. to 9pm. each evening. Only 3% of our population give blood. 3.84 million people are dependent on 3% of population’s generosity. This is not enough please share this responsibility.

FOUND Rosary beads in the Church last week please contact parish office.

RACE AROUND IRELAND 9th SEPTEMBER 2012 Eoin Ryan (Dromid) will set out on 9th September in around Ireland Cycle race. It is a charity event, all monies raised are going to Mental Health Services in South Kerry. Money will be shared with five organisations: South Kerry Women’s Association, Iveragh Mental Health, South West Kerry Family Resource Centre, ( Jigsaw, UNMASK, Iveragh Responds to Suicide), Meithal Amaergin (I.R.D), Fertha View Day Centre (H.S.E). Great Prizes €5 per line or donate on line or contact Denise Parish Office. All donations gratefully received.