Chabot CollegeFall 2002
Course Outline for Engineering 31
Catalog Description:
31 - Plane Surveying3 units
Use of surveying instruments: tape EDM, level, transit, theodolite measurement and errors. Computations for traverse, horizontal and vertical curves, earthwork. Topographic surveys, boundary surveys. Prerequisite: Engineering 20 and Mathematics 36 or Mathematics 37. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
Prerequisite Skills:
Before entering the course the student should be able to:
- do geometric constructions using drafting instruments;
- print using proper lettering techniques;
- construct multiview drawing using orthographic projection;
- sketch and construct two and three dimensional drawings;
- do dimension drawing and demonstrate an understanding of tolerances;
- construct sections and auxiliary views;
- identify basics of computer graphics and computer-assisted design
- identify and use the trigonometric ratios in problem solving;
- use radian measure;
- define trigonometric functions in terms of the right triangle and the unit circle;
- write down from memory the values of sine, cosine, and tangent functions of standard angles, both in degree and radian measure;
- write down from memory the Pythagorean identities, reciprocal identities, double angle formulas for sine and cosine, and sum and difference formulas for the sine and cosine;
- prove trigonometric identities;
- use trigonometric formulas;
- solve trigonometric equations with multiple angles over different intervals;
- use the law of sines and the law of cosines to solve oblique triangles;
- graph trigonometric functions;
- graph the inverse sine, inverse cosine, and inverse tangent functions;
- convert between polar coordinate system and rectangular coordinate system;
- graph polar equations;
- define and/or illustrate: segment, ray, angle, midpoint of a segment, bisector of an angle or segment, types of triangles and other polygons, congruence and similarity of triangles, perpendicular and parallel lines;
- use definitions of the items in (8), along with postulates and theorems about them, together with undefined terms, to prove geometric theorems, both synthetically and analytically; and both directly and indirectly;
- compute areas and volumes of geometric figures.
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
- measure distances by taping and by EDM;
- measure elevation differences with the engineer's level;
- use a transit or theodolite for angular measurements;
- make traverse calculations and adjustments;
- make calculations for and lay out horizontal circular curves, and parabolic vertical curves;
- make earthwork calculations including areas and volumes;
- draw a topographic map;
- make statistical analyses of errors in measurement;
- identify legal implications in land surveying.
Chabot College Page 2
Course Outline for Engineering 31
Fall Semester 2002
Course Content:
- Linear measurements
- Angular measurements
- Leveling
- Errors in measurements and their treatment
- Traverse computations
- Horizontal and vertical curves
- Earthwork
- Mapping
- Land surveying
Methods of Presentation:
- Lecture
- Demonstrations
- Laboratory assignments for field and office work
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
- Typical Assignments:
- Read assigned chapters in textbook
- Work problems in textbook
- Complete lab work
- Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
- Homework
- Lab assignments
- Texts
- Final exam
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Elementary Surveying, Wolf and Brinker, Harper and Row, 1994
Special Student Materials:
- Scientific Calculator
- Drafting instruments
- Tracing paper
- Field book
- Engineering paper
Cindy Stubblebine August 2001
hps Effective Fall Semester 2002
ENGR 31 Outline Fall 2002