Paducah Independent School District
Grade 3 Exit Standards
Gr. 3 Reading Standards
Apply word recognition strategies to determine pronunciation, etc.
Identify digraphs.
Identify vowel combinations.
Read words that follow patterns: VC, CVC, CVVC, CVCe
Read sight words at the appropriate level
Read at least 80% of Dolch Words.
Interpret specialized vocabulary to understand content
Apply knowledge of synonyms, antonyms or compound words
Know that some words have multiple meanings & identify correct
Apply the meanings of common prefixes or suffixes to comprehend
Read and understand contractions
Read and understand regular, irregular plurals
Read and understand abbreviations
Read and understand possessives
Read and understand inflectional endings
Read and understand comparatives/superlatives
Read and understand syllables
Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts
Describe characters, plot, setting, problem /solution
Analyze character traits.
Locate key ideas or information in a passage
Identify the correct sequence
Make inferences or draw conclusions based on what is read
Follow written directions.
Identify context clues.
Explain a character's or speaker's actions
Analyze the relationship between events & a character's actions
Explain how a conflict in a passage is resolved
Identify an author's purpose in a passage
Identify main ideas and details that support them
Identify fact or opinion from a passage
Identify information in a passage that is supported by fact
Identify an author's opinion about a subject
Identify informative or persuasive passages
Identify commonly used persuasive techniques in a passage
Self select text for a specific purpose
Evaluate what is read
Identify literary devices such as similes, onomatopoeia, etc.
Compare books by the same author
Compare books by the same them or topic Use text structure cues
Identify Text Structure: Question/answer
Identify Text Structure: Compare/contrast
Identify Text Structure: Description
Identify Text Structure: Sequence
Identify Text Structure: Cause/Effect
Study Skills
Arrange words in alphabetical order.
Identify the purpose of text features to make meaning
Apply knowledge of expository text features to answer questions
Use reference tools to locate information
Locate and name parts of a book.
Apply study, homework and test-taking skills.
Read grade level texts fluently and with expression.
Gr. 3 Writing Standards
Engage in daily writing to learn strategies.
Produce a Best Pieces Portfolio with the 3 required entries.
Use the five steps in the writing process.
Document Ideas correctly
Maintain a focused purpose for the audience.
Maintain a working writing folder
Write in these forms: thank you note, letters.
Write in on demand writing forms: Letter, article.
Evaluate own and other’s writing effectively.
Support main ideas for the audience’s understanding of purpose.
Write sentences that are complete and correct
Write with subject/predicate/verb agreement.
Write fluently with varied sentences - structure and length.
Apply knowledge of conventions of language to writing sentences
Construct effective sentences for the purpose, audience
Evaluate effectiveness of sentences in own & others’ writing
Focus the purpose of the writing
Use organizational techniques (sub-headings)
Use effective language grammar choices
Use nouns: common, proper
Use nouns: singular, plural
Use verbs: action, linking
Use verbs: present and past
Use common irregular verbs
Use adjectives
Use adverbs
Use articles a, an, the
Use pronouns- object, possessive
Use homophones correctly
Spell 80% of all Dolch words correctly.
Apply correct spelling: Compound words
Apply correct spelling: Consonants
Apply correct spelling: Contractions
Apply correct spelling: Homonyms
Apply correct spelling: Irregular verb tenses
Apply correct spelling: Plurals
Apply correct spelling: R-controlled vowel combinations
Apply correct spelling: Vowels
Apply correct punctuation.
Use commas correctly in letters, dates, addresses
Use periods for abbreviations and initials.
Underline written titles of complete works
Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives.
Apply capitalization in greeting, closing of letters.
Apply capitalization in names, titles, initials.
Punctuate the 3 sentence types correctly.
Write legibly using correct formation for cursive and manuscript.
Gr. 3 Speaking, Listening, Observing and Responding
Oral presentations are appropriate for the purpose.
Use appropriate details to support ideas.
Maintain a consistent focus.
Organize ideas in conclusion that are appropriate to audience/purpose.
Apply both verbal and nonverbal techniques
Avoid distracting delivery behaviors in formal speaking
Use language appropriate to audience
Adhere to standard guidelines for grammar, usage, mechanics
Choose language for its effect on the audience.
Give credit to sources used.
Give spoken instructions to perform specific tasks
Ask and respond to questions as a way to participate in class discussions.
Play a variety of roles in group discussions.
Use different voice level, phrasing and intonation for different situations
Follow spoken instructions to perform specific tasks.
Identify specific information when listening
Respond to information appropriately/respectfully in a variety of ways.
Follow the organization of a presentation.
Interpret the effectiveness of verbal and nonverbal delivery techniques
Build on the ideas of others and contribute appropriate information or idea
Use self-evaluations/feedback from teachers/peers to improve presentation.
Evaluate media messages when observing
Discuss the role of media in focusing attention and in forming opinion
Interpret a variety of techniques used to influence audience.
Identify visual and auditory cues.
Gr. 3 Math Standards
Number Properties and operations
Describe whole numbers (0-10) with multiple representations.
Describe fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) w/multiple representations.
Apply numbers/fractions to represent real-world problems
Explain how base 10 number system relates to place value.
Read, write numbers to thousands
Read, write numbers in word form to 4 digits
Use the number line to count & solve problems
Order random numbers from least to greatest
Read/Write numbers in expanded form to 3 digits.
Order & compare numbers from 0-1,000.
Read, write, rename whole numbers; apply real world math problems
Compare (<, >, =) & order whole numbers to whole numbers.
Compare decimals to decimals (as money only)
Compare fractions to fractions (pictorial representation).
Apply/describe appropriate strategies for estimating quantities
Estimate sums to 10 - 100
Analyze and solve real-world problems
Understand terms: add, plus sign, addend, sum
Add numbers vertically and/or horizontally without regrouping
Add numbers vertically and/or horizontally with grouping
Construct & solve word problems for addition of whole numbers
Decipher key words & operations in word problems
Understand terms: subtract, minus, subtraction sign, difference
Subtract numbers vertically &/or horizontally w/out regrouping
Subtract numbers requiring regrouping up to 3 digit numbers
Write numbers to hundred millions place value.
Use reverse operations to check work
Use terms: times, multiply, product, factor
Multiply vertically, horizontally w/out regrouping 2 digit number
Recall basic facts through 10's
Skip-count forward and backward by 2s, 5s, 10s, & 100s
Know/apply addition properties: zero, identity, commutative, associative
Know & apply properties of subtraction: zero, order
Know/apply multiplication properties: zero, identity, commutative.
Add amounts of money using proper notation
Subtract amounts of money using proper notation
Multiply amounts of money using proper notation
Use the terms numerator, denominator
Identify fractions: whole, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6
Write fractions as part of an object, parts of a set
Identify place value of decimals to tenths
Write fractions equal to one
Solve and construct word problems with fractions
Divide 2 digit numbers by single digit divisors
Understand terms: quotient, remainder, product.
Identify & provide examples of odd number to solve problems
Use even numbers to solve real-world problems
Use multiples of a number to solve real-world problems
Use the commutative properties of addition & multiplication
Use the identity properties of addition & multiplication
Use the zero property of multiplication
Apply standard units to measure length
Determine weight (nearest pound)
Determine time (nearest quarter hour)
Determine money (identify coins and bills by value)
Determine temperature (Fahrenheit)
Identify correct symbols for money
Make combinations of coins & bills to make a given amount
Expand the use of coins & bills to give change
Relate time to daily activities
Tell time to 1 minute intervals
Understand and use AM and PM
Understand minutes to and past
Understand before, after, and between the hour
Convert time units (seconds to minutes, minutes to hour, etc)
Use the calendar to solve problems
Understand concepts of length: longest, shortest
Understand metric & standard units of measure for length
Metric =: centimeter, meter, kilometer
Know standard measures: inches (fractions of inches), feet, yards
Convert units in terms of same, more, less
Determine elapsed time by half hours
Understand mass concepts: larger, smaller, same, heavier, etc.
Understand metric & standard units of measure for mass
Use metric & standard scales to measure hot, cold concepts
Use standard units to measure temp in Fahrenheit & Celsius
Choose/use appropriate tools for specific measurements task
Use nonstandard and standard measurement to measure.
Estimate using appropriate units of measurement.
Use measurement to describe/compare attributes of objects.
Sort objects and compare attributes by shape, size, & color
Estimate weight, length, perimeter, area, angle measures & time
Find perimeter of a given figure using metric/standard measures.
Solve real-world & math problems nonstandard/standard measure
Convert units within same measurement system
Describe/provide examples of basic geometric elements/terms
Identify points/objects inside, outside, on a closed figure
Identify terms &relationships for line segments, point, endpoint
Describe & provide examples of basic 2 dimensional shapes
Understand symmetry
Identify/describe congruent figures in real-world problems.
Understand congruence
Describe/provide examples of line symmetry in real world.
Apply one line of symmetry to construct a geometric design.
Locate points on a grid representing positive coordinate system
Data Analysis and Probability
Analyze/make inferences from data displays
Develop & apply strategies to solve one step, mulit-step problem
Collect data
Organize and display data
Determine the mode and range of a set of data
Pose questions that can be answered by collecting data
Describe & give examples of the probability of an unlikely event
Algebraic Thinking
Extend simple patterns
Describe functions (input/output) through pictures & words
Determine value of output given a function rule & an input variable.
Model real-world & math problems with simple number sentences
Apply simple number sentences to solve math real-world problems.
Gr. 3 Science Standards
Physical Science
Classify, group & describe material objects by properties
Understand that objects have observable properties
Use appropriate tools to measure properties.
Understand Mass, Temperature, etc.
Measure properties using standard and non-standard measures
Describe the properties of water as solid, liquid or gas
Recognize matter can exist in different states, ex. solid, gas
Understand properties to describe & classify states of matter
Recognize that materials can change by heating or cooling
Predict changes in states of matter through effects of temp.
Identify burning and rubbing as production of heat
Determine that some objects conduct heat better than others
Describe & make inferences about interaction of magnets
Recognize magnets have observable properties
Predict & make conclusions about magnetic interactions
Recognize that magnets attract certain kinds of materials
Define magnetic field
Define poles: north and south
Describe the change in position of an object
Recognize an object's motion can be observed, described, etc.
Describe the position & motion of objects and predict changes.
Recognize the position and motion of objects can be changed
Know: Change in position/motion is related to strength of push/pull
Examine cause-effect with forces & predict consequences
Identify the position of an object with directional words
Describe an object's location in relation to surroundings
Identify vibration as a type of motion
Distinguish that pitch of sound varies with vibration rate
Know that thickness slows vibration.
Define sound waves, volume
Understand that position can be relative to another object
Earth and Space Science
Describe earth materials using their properties
Know earth materials include rocks, soils, water & gases
Understand minerals make up rocks & have properties
Understand soils have properties-color, texture, etc.
Understand water on Earth can be solid, liquid or gas
Recognize water cycle: transpiration, evaporation, condensation
Recognize that Earth's materials provide resources humans use
Recognize that some Earth materials are renewable/recyclable
Describe patterns in weather to make predictions
Recognize weather changes over seasons
Recognize weather is observable & measurable
Understand simple predictions can be made by analyzing data
Recognize and describe slow processes-erosion, weathering
Recognize & describe rapid changes & effects-landslides, flood
Recognize weather events (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.)
Describe the properties, locations & movements of sky objects
Describe the movement of the sun in the sky
Recognize changes in movement of objects in the sky
Recognize relationships between movement & phenomena
Understand that moon moves across sky on a daily basis
Biological Science
Explain the basic needs of organisms
Know animals need air, water and food.
Know plants need air, nutrients, water and light
Understand organisms survive when needs are met
Define habitat, endangered species, extinction, hibernation
Understand things are classified as (once living)/living/non-living.
Distinguish living things from nonliving things
Organisms are classified by characteristics
Describe basic structures/functions of plants/animals
Understand humans have distinct body structures
Recognize observable structures used to sort, classify, etc.
Define producer, consumer
Describe a variety of plant/animal life cycles
Recognize plant/animal life cycles have stages
Recognize life cycle details differ for various organisms
Describe fossils as evidence of long ago life
Recognize fossils found in Earth materials provide evidence
Know fossils provide basis for drawing conclusions
Describe basic relationships of plants/animals in food chain
Understand plants make their own food. Animals depend on plants
Understand some animals eat plants; others eat animals
Describe evidence of sun providing heat/light for life on earth
Observe evidence that the sun maintains temp. of earth
Analyze models of electrical circuits; open or closed
Recognize electricity in circuits can produce light