Holy Communion Episcopal Church, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Holy Communion Episcopal Church
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Holy Communion is an Episcopal parish within the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee. Because of its history and beauty, the church is a popular place for weddings.
We welcome persons who wish to be married in our church but only under the following circumstances:
1. Either the bride or groom is a member in good standing of the Church of the Holy Communion, or, is a baptized Christian, willing and able to respect the sacramental nature of Holy Matrimony as an occasion for worship as well as celebration.
2. The date and time of the service is scheduled and the priest and Wedding Representative are duly notified at least 5 months prior to the ceremony (exceptions can be made so please ask).
3. The Wedding Representative of the Parish, must be present for the rehearsal and ceremony, in regard to the use of the worship space and other rooms of the facility.
4. The couple must have counseling, either by the priest or a certified counselor approved by the priest.
5. The couple must be guided by other policies and responsibilities outlined in this customary.
Policies for Weddings at Holy Communion
Episcopal Church
In order to maintain the integrity of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, Holy Communion Episcopal Church joyfully performs wedding ceremonies with the following provisions:
1. Again, at least the bride or groom must be a baptized Christian.
2. The bride and groom are expected to received counseling from the Parish Priest or seek counseling from the minister doing their ceremony or a mutually accepted counselor.
3. Marriage is a sacrament of the church, not a spectacle; please inform photographers and video camera operators to abide by the guidelines set by the Parish Priest or Officiant and the parish Wedding Representative.
4. In extreme hot or cold weather, church doors must not be propped open to insure the comfort of the guests once the ceremony begins.
5. All arrangements for weddings must be made by the bride and groom, not parents, relatives or friends.
6. If an Episcopal ceremony is performed, the Parish Priest serves as the primary authority in the conduct of the sacrament.
Please initial here if you agree with these provisions: ______
Responsibilities of the Wedding Representative
1. The Wedding Representative is a lay member of Holy Communion Episcopal Church charged with the care of the building and property as well as the accessibility of the facility for all weddings. Please check with her regarding any of these concerns:
a. Dressing areas for the bride and the groom.
b. Use of the Parish Hall for reception or related wedding needs.
c. Deliveries at times when the church is closed (usually any time other than Sunday morning and Wednesdays from 10 AM to 2 PM)
d. Floral arrangements (generally discouraged in front of the altar)
e. Safe use of candles and care for other equipment and furniture.
f. Celebration customs (for obvious reasons the church discourages, rice, bird seed,
confetti, and sparklers).
Other Considerations
1. If you are not using our Parish Organist (Eleanor Coolidge, 262-728-1845), you must get her permission to use any of the parish musical instruments: harpsichord, piano, and pipe organ.
2. Saturday weddings will find the church arranged for the Sunday morning service. You are responsible for removing wedding decorations and leaving the furniture, etc. as you found it.
3. You are responsible for removing carpet stains caused by florists, flower arrangements, candles, or other persons or devices.
4. Lake Geneva is a resort community and parking is at a premium. Please remind guests to be prepared to pay the parking meters.
5. Smoking, drinking alcohol, or drug is not permitted on the church property.
Please initial here if you agree with these provisions: ______
Bride’s Information
Please print legibly.
Full Given Name:______
Nickname (if any) ______
Telephones: (Home)______(Work)______(Cell)______
Employed by:______
Church Affiliation:______Date of Baptism______Active [ ] Yes [ ] No
Marital Status: [ ] Single, [ ] Widow, [ ] Divorced
If divorced: Date of divorce:______Court:______
Name of person you divorced from: ______
Mother’s Name:______
Father’s Name:______
Groom’s Information
Please print legibly.
Full Given Name:______
Nickname (if any) ______
Telephones: (Home)______(Work)______(Cell)______
Employed by:______
Church Affiliation:______Date of Baptism______Active [ ] Yes [ ] No
Marital Status: [ ] Single, [ ] Widow, [ ] Divorced
If divorced: Date of divorce:______Court:______
Name of person you divorced from: ______
Mother’s Name:______
Father’s Name:______
Ceremony Information
Wedding Date and Time: ______Time:______
Will there be a rehearsal? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Date ______Time: ______
Name of Officiant:______
Second Officant? [ ] Yes [ ] No. If so, name:______
Parish Wedding Consultant:______
Who will present the bride?______
[ ] Maid, [ ] Matron of Honor. Name:______
Bridesmaids: ______
[ ] Flower Girl? Name:______
Best Man: ______
Groomsmen: ______
[ ] Ring Bearer? Name: ______
Scripture Selections (Prayer Book p. 426):______
Wedding Fees
Note: For the purpose of determining fees, a MEMBER is defined as an individual or a family who are regular attenders at worship (at least 50% during the year); as well as those who make and pay a pledge of at least $240 or more per year.
$ 750For the rental of the Church (Non-members)
$ 250For the rental of the Church (Members)
$ 150For the Parish Wedding Representative (who opens and closes the church
and assists as needed, and oversees the use of the facilities on behalf of
the Wardens, Vestry, and congregation (same fee for both members and
non-members). This is payable directly to the Wedding Representative.
$ 350For the Parish Priest to include counseling, rehearsal, homily preparation,
mileage, and presiding at the ceremony. This is payable directly to the
Parish priest. If using other clergy, these arrangements should be made
separately with him or her.
$______The organist’s fee is to be determined between the wedding party and
the parish organist and is payable directly to her.
$100Non-refundable deposit to be paid at the time the wedding is scheduled
to hold the date, which will be deducted from the rental fee. This applies
to members and non-members.
Note: The rental fee and all other fees must be paid at least 6 weeks prior to the wedding by check or cash.
We have read and agree to the fees and policies of Holy Communion Episcopal Church, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, as outlined in this document.
Signature of the Bride______Date______
Signature of the Groom______Date______