Roslyn High School Library – Global History & Fresh. Humanities Spring 2017 Middle Ages Research Project

The best strategy for any research is to examine every possible resource that fits your topic until you are confident you have adequate information to answer the question posed.

1. Reserved History Books

a. A special collection of books (cannot be borrowed) are on separate bookshelves, arranged by various topics/geographical areas. Identify the essential information for your Works Cited page when you are using each book. Visit the library when you have time to examine the materials and take notes. We will make photocopies of critical pages; you can also photograph pages yourself.

b. Remember to use book indexes (back) and or table of contents to find information in books.

c. NEVER fold pages or write in the books. We can offer scrap paper for your use.


Begin at RHS Library Home Page and select eBooks from left side menu

a. Select (a.k.a. FollettShelf)

b. Log in with user name and password – bulldogs & bulldogs

We have several titles in our eBook library that cover some of the questions posed by this project.

These eBooks are opened and read (not downloaded) on any device that connects to the Internet.

Open directly from website using iPad, or download free Destiny Discover app from iTunes store

Look for these titles in the eBook catalog. Click on title to open text on your screen.

The 100 most influential inventors of all time. / The 100 most influential philosophers of all time.
The ascent of the West: from prehistory through the
Renaissance. / Hinduism.
Exploring the life, myth, and art of India. / History of China.
Exploring the life, myth and art of the Vikings. / History of Russia.
A History of Medicine: the Middle Ages 500-1450
Chaucer celebrated poet and author


Subscription databases are comprised of electronic versions of already published books, magazines and newspapers.

These authoritative resources are searched via different entrance portals.

a.  Roslyn HS Library Subscription

Begin at RHS Library Home Page ► select Subscription Databases from left side menu ► SELECT ABC-CLIO ► Select World History: Ancient and Medieval

·  Use the text box to search your subject; select and read results. The database cites all articles. Copy and paste citations into NoodleTools or your works cited/bibliography page.

·  Log on is automatic from school. Remote log on user name: rhslibraryPassword: bulldogs

b.  Bryant Library Subscription

Begin at RHS Library Home Page ► select Subscription Databases ► SELECT Bryant Library #1 Main Database page ► SELECT from center alphabetic database list:

·  Biography in Context (if you are researching a person)

·  World History in Context (will cover historical topics.)

·  Feel free to try other databases under “History” on left hand side for additional sources

·  Use the text box to search your subject; select and read results. The database cites all articles. Copy and paste citations into NoodleTools or your works cited page.

·  Log always requires a Bryant Bar code number. You may use your own card number or a guest number: 21490000000001, 21490000000002, 21490000000003, 21490000000004,


·  Research papers end with a Works Cited page. Citations must be done according to MLA format, and presented correctly. Use our subscription to Noodle Tools to correctly prepare citations and your final Works Cited page.

·  Create your account on Noodle Tools, start a project for this research paper, and add citations for each of your resources: books, database articles, web sites, etc.

·  Library staff will be happy to assist.


·  Find link to HS Library Catalog on HS library home page.

·  Find link to public library system catalog ALISCAT on HS Library home page.

·  Identify material you may wish view in the library or borrow if available.

·  Identify correct bibliographic information for your works cited list.

6. DISPOSITION (how you approach the task and carry it out)

·  Begin doing research immediately and work consistently until you are finished.

·  We set up book displays and give you information about good databases and eBooks to use, look at each item of relevance to research your topic.

·  We can point you in the right direction and demonstrate a particular skill. Searching in books and databases is part of your task and a learning experience for this and future projects.

Prepared 3/2017 by Mrs. Leon